Flash series: Peeping Tom




Hey, guys. Just wanted to clue you guys in on a new flash animation series a friend and I are working on: Peeping Tom.

You can check out the rough work for the intro here: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/51554447/

It follows a superhero, Peeping Tom, who has the amazing ability to see through glass, air, water, and some species of bird. He's also a birdwatcher. His favorite birds are unfortunately the ones he can see through. His sidekick is I C Things, who usually does most of the work for him. He's the small guy in the French get-up.

This series features a somewhat wide cast of random character that'll be revealed over time. There's also bickering and random conversations between myself and the other people involved in producing the episodes. This can usually be seen throughout episodes or works in very small details you have to look for to see. Try finding some in the preview; you may have to stop the movie to find one.

In case you're wondering, the song was produced by my friend and I. He came up with the main bass and guitar riffs. I just did the little squeadly meadlie solo part.

I hope you enjoy. I'm on spring break now, so we hope to finish Episode 1 before we head back to school. Stay tuned.



Making stuff with Flash is a lot of work, ain't it? It's cool that you're spending your break making something when you could just as easily play CoH >_>.

One thing: I noticed your movie is some 2.5 MB, which seems really high for a preview. I have a feeling it's due to the background music, but there's really no way for me to be sure. If you're planning on submitting this to Newground or something similar, though, you should definitely look into ways to compress it a little more.



Yeah, I figured out why it was so big a long time ago: There was a part where I had copy and pasted the same frame with a drawing while only changing one part (that ending thing). That'll definitely be fixed in the final version.



Just uploaded the new file because I felt like fixing the problem. Wow: huge difference. Went from 2.5 MB to ~300 kb.


Finished version coming...eventually!



No problem. Hope you can finish before break's over