



Earlier this morning, I was browsing around on DA to find some tutorials, mainly for figure drawing. Since I'm at work, I don't have my collection of books from home available, so I had to make do with what I could find online.

I think I've seen a tutorials thread in the past, but it was awhile ago.

I found one a couple weeks ago on drawing the head. There's a link from that one to another tutorial on understanding 3D forms.

Does anyone know of any other good, online figure drawing tutorials out there?




I think I found it before, but I found it again as I was browsing around. It's not a tutorial, per se, but it does have some information on proportions.

My weak point right now is anatomy and figuring out how everything fits together and lines up, but I like this one on human proportions.




I keep on forgetting, here's a Link to free images of books by Andrew Loomis. These books are all out of print and super expensive, you can find old copies, but anyhow, one of the best instructors over at my art school use to hand out these, they are really really good! For proportion, or what have you!



Thanks, Alex. I think I downloaded those before, but they're sitting somewhere on my computer at home. I'm going to have to see about printing them out. I completely forgot I had them.




I may take a look at these.



The site looks the same. What I had to do when I got the pdfs of the books was set up an account, and then the siteowner activated the account. Overall, it was pretty easy.
