Starting out...again




Every so often, I get bitten by a creative bug and want to do something creative. I'm feeling it again, and I want to start drawing.

In the past, my problem is always keeping myself motivated and working to get better and to where I can actually see improvement. This actually applies to more than just drawing, but I mainly want to focus on my drawing skills right now.

Several months ago, I got energized to start drawing and get good at it. I had really high hopes, but fell down in the follow through and nothing came of it.

But, I want to end the cycle of getting myself all charged up, trying my hand at improving my artwork, and failing to see any change...or at least change that isn't significant enough. Dr. Perfectionism and Impatience-man are my dual nemeses.

So, how do I keep myself motivated even when I don't see the improvement I want to see?

I work an 8:30 to 4:30 job with an hour travel time on either side of that. While at times I can do some sketching in the office, it's probably better if I focus on my work.

So, I will have to figure out how to juggle my MMO game playing with drawing time. As much as I want to be the artist I want to be right now, I will have to get used to the fact that it will take time.

When starting out is it better to begin drawing one thing versus another? Such as, drawing something interesting on my desk or a person, etc.

Is it a good idea to set aside time each day for drawing? I'm sure more time is better, but is a half hour to an hour every day enough while in the formative stages?

Would taking a figure drawing class help? Or if I am diligent in my own efforts with enough critical eyes observing and critiquing my work, can I get through this formative stage without taking classes?

Thanks in advance for any advice, encouragement and help you can give.


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