Boredom: greatest motivator of all
The funny thing about this pic is, it started out literally as a scribble. I just happened to notice that part of the scribble looked like a pirate hook. So, several seconds of cropping later, I had the hook moved to a new canvas, and I started in on the pirate .
Do you see how blobby the hook is? That's me, messing with my new pressure-sensitive Wacom
Heh, grats on da Wacom!
I was sitting in the Hollows on my lowbie scrapper, waiting for my team to get started. It took them maybe 30 minutes, but everyone finally got to the door (it was in the middle of the Gulch). But, as I was waiting for them to get started. I scribbled up this. It took me maybe 5 minutes, but itwas sure as hell better then sitting in front of the mission, waiting.