The Asgarthr Gryphon
That's fantastic! Good job!
That's is just wonderful work Alex!
It's just great! The sword, the armor, the griffin.......I've run out of words to describe how great it all is.
<goes to get a sponge to wipe up drool>
Great big congrats to WP! Lucky boy!
Thanks all, oh Mistresss Vine for your birthday sketch, which toon did you want. I have some free time now, since I was able to finish that commission.
I've been neglecting Frost, so if you could do one of Aurora Frost, in my sig., I'd love it! She was also my very first hero, so she deserves some lovin. I think I like middle outfit the most, but I like them all, so feel free to pick whichever inspires you more.
Come on birthday! Hurry up and get here! 20 days and counting!
Alex, I hate to say it but... I liked the sketch better. It was so full of life and energy... I suffer the same problem taking sketches to finished product so it's an easy thing to recognize. I adored the way that the gryphon's feet were sketched in the initial piece... it was great. The colors in the finished piece are nice too, I just feel like its missing some element of vivaciousness from the sketch.
Guess I'll have to start again! Let's see what I can do....
Very nice ! But ..... have to agree you should have stuck with the concept rough for the griffen part . The rough is very dynamic , drawing the eye through the hero to the background , and back to the hero . The finished one is 2 great pictures that distract from each other . The griffen's head needs to be back where you had it faceing the camara . All in all a great job though , keep up the good work .
Coming soon to a team near you !
thank you all so much for your critiques, you guys are right and I am currently tweaking and fixing. There are other issues that others didn't bring up, but those shall be addressed too.
WP, you're gonna have to wait a little longer, but it should be worth it!
I love your positive comments, who doesn't enjoy the ego boost, but its your critques that help me get better!!!!
I'm dead serious when I say your sketches are absolutely gorgeous. It's always a battle to take the life you breathe into a sketch and push it into a finished piece I had to repaint Rowr's commission for that reason and I was already 75% done at the time I realized it wasn't working.
here we go! Finale Redux
I couldn't help the lens flare, it's cheezy but I think it works with this piece!
[color=#cc99cc]Wow, I really like the gryphon in this re-done version. Definitely an awesome piece here.
drop that border around it and I'm happy Alex.
this is a better piece over all...definately like how you changed Jarngeror back to being more inline with the original sketch. plus the color is better this time around. in regards to the lens for me..I like it, I like it a lot.
...biased? you bet yer bippy.
...the sword is truth...
Sketchy Lines are great!!!
Good stuff Alex!!
Thanks All, I'm pretty happy with how this one came out! Better with the redo!
For all your commission needs, PM me! (shamelss plug!)
Gah!!! Now I'm really wishing I had the money for that commission we talked about. It will come soon though....just you wait!
What... border...
Time and Patience will bring Great Rewards, or something like that!
Derek_Fayte, there's a version with their names on the bottom, that has a border around it, he meant that.
I was confused for a minute too! hehehhe
But he said DROP the border... Like get rid of it... But there is no border in that picture... O.o
"drop the border on to it"...can also be a reference to including the stated item. effectively...think of them as two seperate things. now place the picture down, then "drop" the border on top of it....
I know there is a better way to explain this...but at work and pressed for time. hope that helps a lil Derek..~
...the sword is truth...
Much better, much better sense of space. Nice job
"drop the border on to it"...can also be a reference to including the stated item. effectively...think of them as two seperate things. now place the picture down, then "drop" the border on top of it....
I know there is a better way to explain this...but at work and pressed for time. hope that helps a lil Derek..~
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh. Thought you meant drop as in get rid of it. I know whatcha mean.
I couldn't help it I hope I spelled everything right