Yay! More Study Hall bordom
Nice! You have a very interesting style, there. I like it! (Get a real sketchbook, or use printer paper!) Do ya take requests?
If ya do, Zapros is in my sig.
As a teacher who has to monitor a study hall...GET BACK TO WORK!
Also, nice drawings.
well, you are about the opposite of me. You seem to have trouble with the face and muscles (especially the legs) but you are good at the torso and drawing clothes.
The main face problem is the nose on that first one. also on the first one, the legs are curved the same way on both sides. you should have them more like this...
that's not very good but still. and with the arms, the muscles and elbows need to be more defined, like this in the first frame...
that is an extreme version, with a lot of foreshortening or whatever it is called. soyeah, that's my $.02
also, dont mind the shading on the first one, IM fixing it later.
These are pretty good I especially like the second one
Capusa, not every style defines muscles so clearly.
It really depends on what you're going for. Your style, Capusa, seems more of a superhero comic-y look, while his seems a bit more cartoony in a sense, and less... How you say.. Muscular, and buff. Just my speculation.
Capusa, not every style defines muscles so clearly.
It really depends on what you're going for. Your style, Capusa, seems more of a superhero comic-y look, while his seems a bit more cartoony in a sense, and less... How you say.. Muscular, and buff. Just my speculation.
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I say Ominous Blaze is fine as is, wearing a coat...not much to define muscle there. Siphon Surge, on the other hand, is indeed not muscular for a reason, the elbows aren't defined well though...Concept reasons for not being muscular.
Oh, one thing I will say, is they need to have some sort of shoulders. The arms do not just sprout from the neck, they come out sideways, then curve down into arms, to the elbow which sticks out, then finally down to the hand. They just need to have shoulders, for they ARE human, aren't they?
Another thing is the face on the second pic. I suggest drawing the face on the head first in pencil, without the mask, then put the mask on over that, and erase the part that the mask covers. That way, you don't accidentally scrunch the face up above the mask. To make the face better, when you're drawing without the mask at first, space out the eyes a bit, and put the nose a bit further down. Just my humble opinion.
Again, great job on those drawings.
Wow, this is like the longest post I've ever done.
Capusa, not every style defines muscles so clearly.
It really depends on what you're going for. Your style, Capusa, seems more of a superhero comic-y look, while his seems a bit more cartoony in a sense, and less... How you say.. Muscular, and buff. Just my speculation.
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I say Ominous Blaze is fine as is, wearing a coat...not much to define muscle there. Siphon Surge, on the other hand, is indeed not muscular for a reason, the elbows aren't defined well though...Concept reasons for not being muscular.
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well, I knew ominous blaze wasn't, he is wearing clothes, you can't see his muscles. and when I said muscles for Siphon surge, I meant not exactly to make him buff, but to show his fore-arm attack to his bicep, and to have his elbow stick out, instead of having it curve up there. I didnt mean muscle definition-bowflex style, just showing that his arm or leg segments are separated. one thing that helps is to draw stick skeletons of your character before adding the rest. that really helps in poses, atleast it does for me.
i think its a pretty good drawing, although i emphasize alot on the face shape, otherwise, they all look the same, i dont mean the beard and mustache type thing, i mean more like, the shape of their cheek bone, their nose, the eyes, the defining points, wich is lacking in the first pic... not saying thats bad depending on your style, but it could be an improvement, i used to have that same style your using right now, beleive me, when i say, there's room for improvement, i learned from some gal over at some art class (not the teacher) and she taught me almost all she knows... EXCEPT, on how to draw good muscles.... -.o wich she says learn myself... im have this 'my cat just died' look on my face, ill scan up my version of your character in a moment if i have time, since im doing a butt load of requests
So...if you remember me, I made my first drawing of my character Sinister Stone about 2 weeks ago...then i drew Thors Assassin...horriblely.

Now I bring you 2 more characters from the 1 hour of boring Study Hall!
Sorry about the ruled paper...I'm working on getting a real sketchbook
Siphon Surge, My Kin/Sonic Defender
Ominous Blaze, My Fire/Kin Controller...mmm fire wings...
Comments please!
Cheers, Sin