What differences between light/med/heavy RP?
If somebody is a heavy roleplayer, they act as though the character on the moniter is them. Their perceptions are just from the game and they act as though it is real. (So no saying things like 'Just 20 more xp till I level and get my travel power!' Or direct references to game mechanics.) They tend to be that way pretty well the duration of their time ingame.
Light RPers are like the above, but more willing to run things Out of Character or with more leniency toward technicalities.
When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.
I think I understand the basics, but how many RPer's are heavy? I haven't met a single RPer online in the year or so I have been playing. In any form of RPing. I play in Infinity and play odd hours, but even on Sat. it is hard to find a RP group.
Yeah, biggest RP populations seem to be on Virtue, though my own on Pinnacle has several dozen SGs and VGs of varied sizes. I also know there are some on Protector.
You could go on the server board for Infinity and either look for a RP souper group or post a thread asking about on.
When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.
I checked the Infinity server link and found a couple of SG's that RP, but can never find a member online the same as me. I play odd hours and very few people are on at 4am. But the search continues...
I know this may make me sound like a newb, but what exactly are the differences between the types of RP? Aren't we RP'ing just by being in the game? I would like to find a heavy RP SG, but want to find out the differences between the types before actually deciding. All help is appreciated.