Er, chibi somethingorother?




Short Post: Hi! I drew a thing! It's chibish and sux but w/e, I drew it with a mouse! (Scroll down to link!)

Long, Rambling Post: I've been wanting to get in on the Hot Art Action down here in this coolest subsection of the forums, but so far I've been mostly lurking. Not for lack of interest or anything, but lack of scanning equipment makes it kinda hard to participate. And the inability to be an attention [censored] and show off my stuff kinda nullifies my motivation...

So I thought to myself, I said "self, if you're going to be scanning things in and tracing over in photoshop to make the lines clean, why not just draw your thing in photoshop to begin with?" I know. What was I smoking.

What I managed to churn out was this rediculously terrible thing:

Chibi City?

(see, look at the flying dude in the background, it's Paragon! it's CoH relevant >.> <.< )
I am aware the one side of her face is wonky.

Unfortunately I'm not too much better with a pencil and paper: Picture Via Cameraphone

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