Far's sketch-traviganza
Well crap hah.
I just looked at my account status and I guess today is my last day before my time card runs out and I definatly don't have the money at the moment to renew. SO I guess I'll be alittle silent for about a week or so.
Have fun, continue creating wonderfully beautiful art, Taking out dastardly villains, defeating ignorant heroes and I'll be back to join everyone as soon as I can.
Also here is A picture of Lord Recluse I did one day after finishing my work at school ahead of everyone.
I did it completely from memory, he didn't turn out quite as menacing as I'd have liked and I had to use those paint pucks to paint him. Also it was the first time I had actually tried abit at a painiting.
Lord Recluse
Same deal only it's the Cap'n.
They are all jacked up cause they've been on my wall for awhile.
I'm back after an unschedualed break.
While I was gone I did a little drawing so I'll post those up in abit.
Glad to be back everyone.
welcome back !
Alright here's the stuff I did while I was gone.
Here's a Radey Ayte I did for Star for posting somethings while I was gone. I still need to put the colours on it though.
Radey Ayte
Here's my Main Farwielder with flat colours done besides on his flame beam deal.
Farwielder WIP
This wasn't drawn by me but by Nakiesha Kindred. I just added th colours and the background to it.
And he's something I did for art class. It doesn't really have anything to do with CoX but I'm pretty proud of it so heres
You have some very nice drawings!!!
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
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Here is my collection of CoX or just super hero related sketches and art. Figured I might as well get one of my own now.
I believe these two were unofficially given the title "Staredown". I had a much bigger scene to follow this but got bogged down over the summer.
Piece I'm working on as a gift to Striking Speedster.
This is Cannon. His power is he shoots things, as well as himself, out of his cannon. Simple as that.
This is a screenshot I'm trying to recreate using photoshop. I've stopped progress on it but plan to start again soon. The original screenshot is there as refrence.
Portal Corps
Original Screeny
Alittle something I did for Static's son to colour.I plan to redo the colours in photoshop one day.
Abit blurry as it was taken with a webcam but this is Final Twilight, my Main villain.
Final Twilight
And this is one of my alt's The Electric Insect. It needs some work.
Electric Insect
In all likely hood there is much more to come in the future.