Image Compression




Im quite the noob regarding things such as this. I have two images which I would like to put on my herocorps profile. One is a spectacular drawing of my character done by LJ, and another is just a random screenie. Anyways, the main pic is 701x800 but it needs to be 400x400 to fit. The other pic is 1024x768 but needs to be 800x600. How can i compress these to fit into the profile? Also, is there a way to keep the original picture? I want to keep the original for quality. Thanks!



Go download yourself IrFanView, open the picture in it, then resize to 350x400 (to keep the aspect ratio the same, it'll be something like that), and the other one will resize nice to 800x600. Then go to file-save as, call it a different name (like filename-smaller.jpg). And there ya have it!!