I7 Character Planner?




Are there any Issue 7 character builders floating around out there? I searched all through the Guides Guide sticky and found nothing. I'd like to have some numbers on Electric/Electric for Brutes at my fingertips, as well as accurate defense/endurance/etc. information for various powers. Incidentally, how do people even get these numbers?



That's not updated for I7...



Update it with the auto-updater. You may need to go into the options and uncheck the "Use proxy server" option to get it to work.



It has all of the I7 powers, and the Patron power stats look roughly correct, but some of the other power updates are missing (e.g., the new, shorter activation time for Confuse). Also note that a lot of values are only approximations drawn from player testing, and some numbers are misleading (i.e., the database lists the per-tick endurance costs for toggle powers, but it doesn't tell you the tick frequency).



That's not updated for I7...

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You're mistaken. As was said, use the auto-updater, or if you prefer you can reinstall it or download the zip file and manually copy the updated files into the appropriate folders. But in any case, it has had the Issue 7 stuff in it since before it went live.



It had placeholders for the I7 stuff before it went live. It only got the actual stats updated recently, and as I said, it's still missing some stuff.



It had placeholders for the I7 stuff before it went live. It only got the actual stats updated recently, and as I said, it's still missing some stuff.

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It has always been missing some stuff and had some inaccurate numbers, which is to be expected from a free player-made tool.

But to the OP, if you want numbers for Elec/Elec brutes and such then download the Issue 7 Prima Guide update. It has details and numbers for all the villain powers, patron powers, and power pools. And they are mostly complete and accurate, since they were written by the Cryptic team. There are a few errors though.



. . . if you prefer you can reinstall it or download the zip file and manually copy the updated files into the appropriate folders.

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I downloaded it fresh and checked it out when I read your post. No Electric Melee or Armor for Brutes until I read that reply and used the updater. It never occured to me that the distribution would be outdated.