Calculator for HP Regen.
Is there some sort of free download I could use to get your Regen Calculator to work?
yes there is, OpenOffice. it's compeletely free.
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Thanks! Your Regen Calculator is now up and running. This helps a lot. Thanks Fanboy.
Love the calculator, now i just need to find the numbers for rest so i can convert it and see whats worth putting extra slots in and whats worth taking out :-)
Very nice, 5 stars.
I am Airman America... Super Hero... and I approve this message!
Alright, people PM'd me to tell me that the old link broke, so I had to search around for the actual file. I finally found it and reuploaded the file.
It's on a free storage site, so I imagine this is going to happen periodically. When it does, PM me and I will rehost and give a new link.
Also, there are two new sheets. One sheet includes the original version of my regen calculator. It's messy and there is a new version for each issue since Regen changed in every damn issue for a year and a half.
(and sometimes more than once per issue)
So here's the new link
Fanboy's HP Regen Calculator
the password to unlock is still fanboy.
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Glad ya found it, man.
Be well, people of CoH.

Good job. I've never been able to get my head around updating my calculator to work with ED.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
The ED updating took some help from Arcana. I was usually a really bulky method of calculating it. She gave me a much cleaner formula to use.
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how about drain psyche?
sorry, i'm not familiar with that power name. what set is that in?
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psionic assault, check it out, maybe its like siphon life, dunno
I just tried to download it and it says "too many downloads". Is there another link or could I get it emailed to me? PM me and I'll give you my email addy.
damn, you guys blew through that one. When I get home, I'll grab a copy and report a new link.
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I just tried to download it and it says "too many downloads". Is there another link or could I get it emailed to me? PM me and I'll give you my email addy.
[/ QUOTE ]
I just got the same thing too.
Okay, I've now updated the link again. Feel free to download it to your heart's content.
Fanboy's HP Regen Calculator
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
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Sorry, but it's still reporting "404 not found". I even took the .html off the end of the .xls and it still won't work.
the entire file sharing site is gone!
I'm looking for a new one.
alright found a new site and this one claims that the file link won't die every couple weeks. We shall see.
Fanboy's Regen Calculator
have fun!
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
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died again. NEW LINK!!!
Regen Calculator
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
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Alright NEW LINKS!!!
now with Open Office and Excel versions!
The Open Office version
The Excel version
*edited with new excel version*
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What Excel version is that format, it won't open in 2003.
If its 2007, I am reckoning that most people wont have that for a while.
Just a thought.
Hmmm, I'll put it in an older version.
okay, i put a new version of the excel file in that last post.
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so the link broke again.
here's the sitch. I'm working on an I9 version that will let you enter your IO set bonuses and even slot common IOs into the powers. I'm not sure if I can get it to work for IO sets in the powers. I'm busy right now and more importantly, I'm lazy. So don't hold your breath on that feature.
the current link is broken though. PM your email addy to me if you want a copy.
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Hi there. I've made a simple calculator ** for people who want to see how their health regen looks based on what regen powers they have taken. It's all presented graphically and requires very little knowledge of how the game works. This is an excel spreadsheet so you do need a program capable of reading it.

While this is primarily intended for those with access to Regen as a secondary, other people can also get some use of it as it contains the numbers for Health from the fitness pool and Aid Self from the medicine pool. Also, if you would like to see how Empathy's Regen Aura would affect you, just 3 slot Instant Healing and include it. Numerically, IH with 3 heals equals Regen Aura with 3 heals.
the helpful data tab contains a table with the values of each ATs HP at every level.
It is a simple calculator, so there are some limitations. While you can specify what level enhancements you are using, you can not do it on an indivual power or slot basis. I felt that with the way ED works and how little benefit there is to actually combining SOs, this wasn't a feature that was necessary. Plus, and most importantly, it would have been a pain in the butt to do and I didn't want to take the time.
So, here you go, I hope it's easy to use and helps you place slots and pick powers.
My Regen Calculator
**I have password protected it so you don't accidentally delete anything. If you would like to make alterations to the calculator, the password is fanboy. Feel free to PM me or post here if you would like to discuss adding specific powers to your own personal copy.
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