The new hero on the block Part 1: Orgins
Try taking some more time with your guides... All the sentences are running into each other. There should be a space inbetween the period and the first word of the next sentence...
Ok i spaced the sentences a bit so they r readable. I'll put spaces in the next Part. Part 2:Archtypes Coming Soon!
Ok you can go now
Did I see you under Atlas today in Protector? There was some guy asking about tacos all the time there...
Any way, nice guide, to help I'll tell my origins:
Grava Teen, so his dad was a black hole, mom a mutant, which makes him a natural, right? Well that's how I put him anyway.
Shade circuit, Classic science hero here, zapped so he's smarter, bathed in nanobots to have robots, and attacked by dark energy later on, he's not too lucky at all.
No-Glow, while Shade was robbing a lab he stole a circuit board,a nd later threw it away cause he needed the space. This circuit board used the tech in the bin to become smart, and became No-Glow the Tech hero!
Anyone else?
No, I havent logged on sence suday. Anyway, here is part 2! Yah!!!111!!!
Now that you picked an orgin, lets move on to AT(archtypes 4 n00bz):
Blaster:how to describe a blaster.........these are the people that don't like getting there hands dirty so they do it from afar. These were the kids in Middle/Elementry School that hit the Bully with a sling-shot and/or spitball. then got the crap beat outta them for hitting the bully.
Blaster Battle Crys (BBC):
Guy: hmm.....head or body.....
Girl: i'd love to take you out.....from 20 feet
Controller: These guys love to be a control freak. They could orcistrait a bake sale if they felt like it in a matter of 10 minutes. These people where the kids in middle/Elemntry school who won all the student fund-raisers
Controller battle crys (CBC)
Guy/Girl: Sit,Boo-Boo, sit!
defender: A defender in a word: healer/buffer. These kids wanted to go to medical school when they were little and didn't get in because they wanted to be some1 USEFUL!!!!
just Kidding. These kids would be outraged when they saw a bully giving a wedgie and try to stop him. Sadly, like a defender, they have LITTLE OR NO COMBAT ABILITY WHATSOEVER!!!!, so they came home with a wedgie
Defender Battle Crys (DBC):
Guys: I'll need you to take off your shirt so I can see how deep the wound is
Girl: I can heal any wound *wink*wink*
Scrappers: I cannot put in words what a scrapper is, so i'll use childhood icons 4 refrence : teenage mutant Ninja Turtles,Power Rangers, Jackie Chan,etc. These kids were the ones doing the said wedgieing in the defender section of this guide
Scrapper Battle Crys (SBC):
Guy: Urge to kill.....rising.....
Girl: I love the arts...martial arts that is....
Tanker: A tank in a word is a sheild or a scrappers aunt/uncle. All it dose beside fighting and taking damage is eating, sleeping, breathing......thats it.... These were the kids in school who would pick fights and just stand there as the nerd punched (or slaped) there chest, then punched said nerd.
Tanker Battle Crys (TBC):
Guy/Girl: Go ahead punch me, you'll only break your wrist
PeaceBringer: How to describe an alien.......well it has only 1 power set...get it at lvl 50.......white......has 3 forms (Flying octopus, rhino fused with a bull , and SHINEY light). These were the kids who wanted to solve everything with a mediator or called a teacher when a Bully was gonna mock/attack them.
peace bringer battle Crys (PBBC):
Guy/Girl: ekjdfjfhasjdhijsdkj, or in human language, DIE!!
Warshade: Same as a peacebringer, only purple and energy is -energy(or negetive energy). These were the kids who solved problems with their fists and started gang wars.
WarShade Battle Crys (WSBC)
Guy/Girl: See peacebringer battle crys
Next we'll cover Costume and Body build. Here is sneak-peak!
Size: I think this was covered in gym. if you dont know let me say it. HIGH IS THE BEST!!!! JK pick whatever size *cough* hugh *cough* you want.
This is a guide for people who hate boring,official guides. this is funny, so keep reading.............good, you listen.....
So, you just discovered you have super powers eh? Well good for you! Let us Delve into how you became a hero:
Magic:So, you are a magic hero? Most people enherit there powers from some magic doohickey or a rift to some weirdo dimension where everything smells like salamy. Good orgin plots: Used alchemy, trained in the art of (make-up big long word here), ate a magic taco, (insert character name) hailes from the salamy dimension
Technology:So your a tech hero? Most tech heros are nerds who fused a playstation to there spine, making a hero whos only weakness is an XBox. Most tech heros are robots of some kind or have robotic limbs. Possible Orgin Plots: A robot who broke the chains of slavery, limbs blown off by some guy with a bazooka ,ate a magic taco, fused a game system/Computer to spine.
Natural: I dont think your a hero at all. your the guy who is nothing special and is just a normal dude with an office job and specilizes in using the train while people snicker at you because your a hero who uses a train. Plots: REVENGE!!!, karate master with a 'tude ,ate a magic taco ,some loser who waves around a plastic sword.
Mutant: Before you were born, you parents lived on a radioactive farm and/or ate too much Microwaved food. Your a natural who has super powers due to a genetic weirdness or a leap foward in time. Story Plots: Mom/Dad spilled radioactive stuff on (CENSORED), ate a magic taco, You woke up with powers one day, you parents lived off of microwaved food.
Science:This is usually the work of buying a kid scientist kit and drinking all the powder and liquid. That or you fell in the toxic stream while on fire/frozen solid/covered in rocks/combonation of the 3/other/none. These people munch atoms to gain powers. Orgin Plots:Fell in vat of chochlate wereing a radiation suit ,ate a magic taco, Ate a plutonium rod on a dare , ate the flesh of a mutant(NOTE!!!: that is more for villains then go away if u want that plot)
Next we'll cover Archtypes and Powers....