The guide to being New but not totally inept





2) IF you are pulling: Make sure everyone knows what pulling is, and how to do it.

Pulling correctly: where everyone hides around the corner * except the person who shoots or taunts one [or a few] enemies, and then runs around the corner. *

Then you wait. *

Then the pulled enemy comes around the corner and everyone piles on.

* this is where 1/3 of all screwups happen.

NOTE: Many people THINK they understand how to pull, and they're wrong. Don't take their word for it, explain anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, let me explain it to you. While the advice given is good it is imcomplete and a little knowledge is in fact a dangerous thing. When you pull, follow the above advice, BUT target selection is a huge portion of it, which some people never learn.

You want to pull a minion, preferably closest to you and on an outside edge of any grouping.
If you attempt to pull a boss, the whole mob will come.
If you pull a LT, most likey the whole mob will come.
If you pull a minion who has to run through his pals, they will notice and join him.
If you pull with an AOE I will personally hunt you down and smash your PC into tiny pieces.

Blasters/Defenders are not always the best people to pull. Now with everyone getting a ranged origin based power at creation even Scrappers and Tanks can pull. Since they have the best defences, its sometimes better to let them pull, just incase things go wrong they will be the target of the aggro. Old school players automatically assumed primarily range fighters will pull for the group since it was the common practice before the origin powers were available.

[u]Other Advice I Would Like To Impart[u]

* Your Team DOES NOT NEED A TANK. While a competant tank can contribute immensely to team they are by no means a prerequisite for anything in this game, short of a Hammidon Raid.

* Your team DOES NOT NEED A HEALER. This isn't WOW or Ultima or even DDO there are no frakkin healers in this game. There are players who can heal, but if that is ALL they do then they are not contributing to their fullest. incidently if by healer you meant DEFENDER, remember that some Defenders, some Controllers, some Masterminds, and anyone with the medicine power pool can heal. Like tanks they can contribute immensely, but seriously if you are in desperate need of constant healing your tactics are sub-optimal at best.

*If you are on a team that immediately and repeatedly worries about having a tank and a healer, before even getting to the mission, QUIT THAT TEAM. If they are so inflexible in their playstyle that they only know how to play with a tank to hold aggro for them and someone to heal them constantly then they aren't very good and you would profit from more skilled team mates.

* There is nothing wrong with doing missions on heroic at any level. You will progress farther/faster on heroic than team wiping on Invincible repeatedly.

*Avoid PLing your toons at all if you are a new player. If you are inexperienced having your charecter Power Leveled will just leave you at a greater handicap. This game is NOT about being level 50, it's about the adventures and fun you have getting there. There are volumes of theings to learn about this game that come over time spent playing. You charecter having 10 times more powers to choose from is pointelss if you don't understand how to use them effectively and alot of that ceoms from trial and error.
