I think this is all of them I just wanted a nice place to see them all
fullscreen- Sets video mode to fullscreen.
maximize- Maximizes the window.
disable2D- Disables 2D sprite drawing.
screen Sets X and Y screen dimensions. Should be constrained to 640x480,1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, etc
quit- Quits game.
cmdlist- Prints out all commands available.
bind- Binds a key to a command - 'bind k ++forward' will set k to toggle running forward.
unbind Unbinds a bound key (sets it to default). If the default action is not desired, use: /bind <keyname> "nop"
bind_load_file- Reads a list of keybinds from a file.
bind_load- Reads a list of keybinds from <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
bind_save- Saves all keybinds to <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
bind_save_file- Saves all keybinds to specified file.
netgraph- Displays network connection information.
maxfps - Limits max frames per second.
maxInactiveFps- Limits max frames per second while the game is not in the foreground.
showfps- Show current framerate (1 = on, 0 = off).
camdist- Sets the distance in feet that the third person camera pulls back behind the player.
camreset- Camreset is bound to the PageDown key (default) to reset the camera behind the player.
demostop- Stop demo record/play
texAniso- Sets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures
fsaa- Sets the amount of full screen antialiasing
vis_scale- Controls world detail 1.0=default
shaderDetail- Changes the shader detail level
useHDR- Use HDR lighting effects (Bloom/tonemapping) if available
useDOF- Use Depth of Field effects if available
useFP- Use a floating point render target for HDR lighting effects if available
useWater- Use fancy water effects if available
noSunFlare- Disables sun flare for performance debugging
renderScaleX- Changes the horizontal scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
renderScaleY- Changes the vertical scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
renderScale- Changes the scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
renderSize- Changes the size at which the 3D world is rendered
useRenderScale- Enables/disables render scaling feature
renderScaleFilter- Changes method of filtering used in renderscaling
bloomWeight- Sets bloom scale, valid values 0.0 - 2.0
bloomScale- Sets bloom blur size, valid values of 2 or 4
dofWeight- Sets DOF scale, valid values 0.0 - 2.0
compatibleCursors- Enables useage of basic Windows mouse cursors instead of graphical cursors (command line option)
shadowvol- Controls whether or not shadow volumes are drawn.
ss- Controls whether or not simple shadows are drawn.
follow- set follow mode, 1 = follow selected target, 0 = stop following
stopinactivedisplay- Stops rendering when the game is not the foreground application.
mouse_look- Command key for mouselook
info- Opens the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
info_tab- Opens the specified tab of the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
info_self- Opens the info window for yourself.
info_self_tab- Opens the specified tab of the info window for yourself.
toggle_enemy- Cycles through targetable enemies.
toggle_enemy_prev- Cycles through targetable enemies (in reverse).
target_enemy_near- Targets the nearest enemy.
target_enemy_far- Targets the farthest enemy.
target_enemy_next- Cycles through visible targetable enemies in near to far order.
target_enemy_prev- Cycles through visible targetable enemies in far to near order.
target_friend_near- Targets the nearest friend.
target_friend_far- Targets the farthest friend.
target_friend_next - Cycles through visible targetable friends in near to far order.
target_friend_prev- Cycles through visible targetable friends in far to near order.
target_custom_near- Targets the nearest match.
enemy - Hostile enemies
friend - Friendlies (including pets)
defeated - 0 HP targets
alive - Living targets
mypet - Inlcude only your pets
notmypet - Exclude your pets
base - Include only passive base items
notbase - Exlude passive base items
teammate - Include only teammates
notteammate - Exclude teammates
target_custom_far- Targets the farthest match.
enemy - Hostile enemies
friend - Friendlies (including pets)
defeated - 0 HP targets
alive - Living targets
mypet - Inlcude only your pets
notmypet - Exclude your pets
base - Include only passive base items
notbase - Exlude passive base items
teammate - Include only teammates
notteammate - Exclude teammates
target_custom_next- Cycles through matching targets in near to far order.
enemy - Hostile enemies
friend - Friendlies (including pets)
defeated - 0 HP targets
alive - Living targets
mypet - Inlcude only your pets
notmypet - Exclude your pets
base - Include only passive base items
notbase - Exlude passive base items
teammate - Include only teammates
notteammate - Exclude teammates
target_custom_prev- Cycles through matching targets in far to near order.
enemy - Hostile enemies
friend - Friendlies (including pets)
defeated - 0 HP targets
alive - Living targets
mypet - Inlcude only your pets
notmypet - Exclude your pets
base - Include only passive base items
notbase - Exlude passive base items
teammate - Include only teammates
notteammate - Exclude teammates
unselect- unselects currently selected thing
profiler_record- Record client profiler information to specified file.
profiler_stop- Stop recording profiler information.
reloadgfx- unloads all textures (causing them to be reloaded dynamically)
texwordeditor- edit the text layout for translatable textures
whereami - Tells the name of the shard/map you are on.
loc- Get current position.
getpos- Get current position.
autoreply - Start a reply for client.
cursorcache- enable cursor cache for smoother cursor changes
ctm_toggle- click-to-move toggle
clicktomove- enables click-to-move
ctm- enables click-to-move
beginchat - Starts chat-entry mode with given string.
startchat- Starts chat-entry mode.
slashchat - Starts chat-entry mode with slash.
say- Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
s - Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
chat_set- Sets the channel to the given string.
chat_cycle- Cycles through the default chat channels.
hideprimarychat- Hide/unhide primary chat window text messages.
tabtoggle- Make the previously active chat tab the new active tab. Used to flip between two tabs.
tabnext- Cycle forward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
tabprev- Cycle backward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
tabglobalnext- Cycle forward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
tabglobalprev - Cycle backward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
tabselect- Select the given chat tab. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
change_handle- Change your global user name, if allowed
Syntax: change_handle <HANDLE>
chan_create - Create a new chat channel
Syntax: chan_create <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_join- Join an existing chat channel
Syntax: chan_join <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_leave- Leave a chat channel
Syntax: chan_leave <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_invite_team- Invite your entire team or taskforce to a chat channel
Syntax: chan_invite_team <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_invite_gf - Invite your entire global friends list to a chat channel
Syntax: chan_invite_gf <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_user_mode - Sets user permissions for specified user on channel.
You must have operator status to set permissions.
Syntax: chan_user_mode <CHANNEL NAME> <PLAYER_NAME> <OPTIONS...>
Valid Options:
-join kicks user from channel
+send / -send gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel
+operator / -operator gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel
chan_mode- Changes default access rights for new user who joins the channel. If you set -join, no one can join.
Syntax: chan_mode <CHANNEL NAME> <OPTIONS...>Valid Options:
-join kicks user from channel
+send / -send gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel
+operator / -operator gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel
chan_members- List all members of channel
Syntax: chan_members <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_motd - Set the channel's Message Of The Day, which is sent to everyone that joins the channel
Syntax: chan_motd <CHANNEL NAME> <MESSAGE>
chan_desc- Set the channel's description
Syntax: chan_desc <CHANNEL NAME> <DESCRIPTION>
watching- List all channels that you belong to.
gfriends- Display all members of your global friends list.
ghide- Make yourself invisible to your global friends.
gunhide- Make yourself visible to your global friends.
gignoring- Lists the players on your global chat ignore list
myhandle - Display your chat handle.
quickchat - Pops up the quickchat menu.
window_resetall - Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults.
window_toggle- Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: toggle)
toggle- Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: window_toggle)
window_show- Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: show)
show - Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: window_show)
window_hide- Forces the given window to be hidden. (Synonym: hide)
window_color- Changes the window colors.
windowcolor - Changes the window colors.
chat - Toggles the chat window.
tray - Toggles the tray window
target - Toggles the target window.
nav - Toggles the navigation window.
map - Toggles the map window.
menu - Toggles the menu.
chatoptions - Toggles chat options for specified window (0-4)
petoptions - Displays pet option context menu.
powers - Toggles the power inventory.
alttray- Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
alt2tray - Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
alttraysticky- Toggle the secondary tray.
tray_sticky - Set the sticky-state of the specified tray.
Syntax: tray_sticky <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <0 for non sticky, sticky otherwise>
tray_sticky_alt2 - Toggle the sticky-state of the alt2 tray.
next_tray- Go to next tray.
prev_tray - Go to previous tray.
next_tray_alt - Go to next secondary tray.
prev_tray_alt - Go to previous secondary tray.
next_tray_alt2 - Go to next tertiary tray.
prev_tray_alt2 - Go to previous tertiary tray.
next_trays_tray - Go to next trays tray slot.
prev_trays_tray - Go to previous trays tray slot.
goto_tray - Go to specified tray number.
goto_tray_alt- Go to specified tray number.
goto_tray_alt2- Go to specified tray number.
goto_trays_tray- Go to specified tray number in the specified tray-.
Syntax: goto_trays_tray <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <TRAY NUM between 1 and 10>
team_select- Select Team member.
pet_select- Select Pet.
pet_select_name - Select Pet.
powexec_name - Executes a power with the given name.
powexec_slot- Executes the given power slot from the current tray.
powexec_toggleon- Toggles a given power on. If its already on, does nothing.
powexec_toggleoff - Toggles a given power off. If its already off, does nothing.
powexec_altslot - Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray.
powexec_alt2slot - Executes the given power slot from the second alternate tray.
powexec_tray - Executes a power in the given tray and slot.
powexec_abort- Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power.
powexec_unqueue - Cancels the queued power.
powexec_auto - Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already).
inspirationSlot - Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
inspexec_slot - Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
inspexec_tray - Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column.
inspexec_name - Activate an inspiration by name.
macro - Add a macro to first empty slot.
macro <name> <command
macroslot- Add a macro to provided slot.
macro <slot> <name> <command>
manage - Go to the enhancement management screen
screenshot- Save a .jpg format screenshot.
screenshottitle- Save a .jpg format screenshot with the given title.
screenshottga - Save a .tga format screenshot.
screenshotui - Enables or disables the ui for screenshots (1=ui on, 0=ui off)
copychat - Copy the entire chat history from specified chat Tab into the clipboard.
bug - Report a bug. Enter a short description of any length.
release - Activate medicom unit fot emergency medical transport.
petition - add user petition (stuck, cheated, etc) to the database
cc - Change costume.
costume_change - Change costume.
window_scale - Change a single window scale.
logchat - Toggle chat logging
assist - Change your current target to selected allies target
dialog_yes - Answer OK, Yes, or Accept to current dialog
dialog_no - Answer OK, No, or Cancel to current dialog
dialog_answer- Answer dialog with button matching provided text
e3screenshot - Enables special e3 2004 screenshot mode
localtime - Prints local time (on your computer)
autoperf - Automatically change world detail for performance.
petcom - Set the stance or action of current pet.
Syntax: petcom_name "<pet name>" <stance, action, or both>
petcom_name - Set the stance or action of a specific pet.
Syntax: petcom_name "<pet name>" <stance, action, or both>
petcom_pow - Set the stance or action of a all pets cast by power.
Syntax: petcom_name "<power name>" <stance, action, or both>
petcom_all - Set the stance or action of a specific pet.
Syntax: petcom_name <stance, action, or both>
petsay - Make your current pet say something or emote.
petsay_name - Make the named pet say something or emote.
petsay_pow - Make all pets created by given power say something or emote.
petsay_all - Make the named pet say something or emote.
petrename - Rename your current pet.
petrename_name - Rename the named pet.
lightmapLODscale - Set lightmap LOD scale
camturn - Turn camera to match player
playerturn - Turn player to match camera
face - Turn player to face target
windowcloseextra - Leave fullscreen, close dialogs, and close non-essential windows
gamereturn - Leave fullscreen, close dialogs, and close non-essential windows
clearchat - Clear all chat buffers
keybind_reset - Reset keybinds.
unbind_all - Reset keybinds.
canlook - Whether the player can use the mouse to look around.
camrotate - Camrotate is bound to the PageUp key to allow controlled camera rotation around the player.
This command should not be invoked through the console.
forward_mouse - Move forward. Enable autorun after 2 seconds.
forward - Move forward.
backward- Move backwards.
left - Strafe left.
right - Strafe right.
up - Jump or fly up.
down - Move down (if flying).
speed_turn - Set the number of degrees for rotateleft/right
turnleft - Rotate left a fixed number of degrees.
turnright- Rotate right a fixed number of degrees.
zoomin - Zoom camera in.
zoomout - Zoom camera out.
lookup - Pitch camera up.
lookdown - Pitch camera down.
third - Toggles between first and third person camera.
first - Toggles between first and third person camera.
mouse_speed- Scale factor for mouse look.
mouse_invert - Invert meaning of mouseY for mouselook.
autorun - Toggles autorun.
who get info on <player>
whoall - Print who's on this map.
ignore - Ignore User
unignore - Unignore User
ignorelist - Displays a list of ignored users
newspaper - Open up the newspaper.
emaildelete - Delete message <message num>
emailsend - Send message <player names> <subject> <body>
stuck - Try to get unstuck.
afk - Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message)
kiosk - Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk. (Assuming you're close enough.)
nojumprepeat - Disable jump auto-repeat
sgraid_windo - Set your supergroup raid window <daybits> <hour>
gignore - Adds a player to your global chat ignore list
Syntax: gignore <HANDLE>
gunignore - Removes a player from your global chat ignore list
Syntax: gunignore <HANDLE>
gfriend - Add a player to your global friends list.
gunfriend- Remove a player from your global friends list.
chan_invite - Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel
Syntax: chan_invite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME>
ginvite - Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel
Syntax: ginvite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME>
chan_invite_sg - Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command.
You must specify the minimum rank to invite:
0-invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders)
1 - invite captains and leaders only 2 - invite leaders only
Syntax: chan_invite_sg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK>
ginvite_sg - Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command.
You must specify the minimum rank to invite:
0 -invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders)
1 - invite captains and leaders only 2 - invite leaders only
Syntax: ginvite_sg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK>
chan_send - Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges.
(alias is "/send")
Syntax: chan_send <CHANNEL NAME> <MESSAGE>
send Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges
respec - Go to respec screen if you have recieved a free holiday respec
getarenastats - Get your arena stats.
servertime - Print the current server time-
show_petnames - Displays the names of all your named pets
clear_petnames - Clear the names of all your named pets
release_pets - Release your current pets
tell - Send a message to only one player.
t - Send a message to only one player.
private - Send a message to only one player.
p - Send a message to only one player.
whisper - Send a message to only one player.
friendlist - Display friend list.
fl - Display friend list.
group - Send message to group channel.
g - Send message to group channel.
team - Send message to group channel.
yell - Send message to entire map.
y - Send message to entire map.
broadcast - Send message to entire map.
b - Send message to entire map.
r - Reply to last person that sent you a tell.
reply- Reply to last person that sent you a tell.
say - Send message to your area.
local - Send message to your area.
l - Send message to your area.
s - Send message to your area.
request - Send message to request channel.
req - Send message to request channel.
sell - Send message to request channel.
auction - Send message to request channel.
supergroup- Send message to super group channel.
sg - Send message to super group channel.
coalition - Send message to coalition channel.
c - Send message to coalition channel.
ac - Arena chat channel
arena - Arena chat channel
e - Emotes a text string.
me - Emotes a text string.
em - Emotes a text string.
emote - Emotes a text string.
friend - Add player to friend list.
f - Talk to friends channel.
estrange - Remove player from friend list.
unfriend - Remove player from friend list.
sidekick - Invite player to be your sidekick.
sk - Invite player to be your sidekick.
lk - Invite player to be your lackey.
lackey - Invite player to be your lackey.
unsk - No longer mentor (or be a sidekick).
unsidekick - No longer mentor (or be a sidekick).
unlk - No longer be a lackey.
unlackey - No longer be a lackey.
exemplar - Invite player to be your exemplar.
ex - Invite player to be your exemplar.
malefactor - Invite player to be your malefactor.
mal - Invite player to be your malefactor.
rsk - Invite player to be your exemplar.
unexemplar - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unex - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unrsk - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unmal - No longer be an a malefactor.
unmalefactor- No longer be an a malefactor.
invite - Invite player to join team.
i - Invite player to join team.
kick - Kick player from team.
k - Kick player from team.
leaveTeam - Leave your current team up.
lfg - Toggle looking for group status.
lfgset - Set looking for group status
buffs - Toggle team buff display.
makeleader - Change the team leader.
ml - Change the team leader.
sginvite - Invite player to join supergroup.
sgi - Invite player to join supergroup.
sgkick - Kick player from supergroup.
sgk - Kick player from supergroup.
sgleave - Leave your current supergroup.
sgstats - Display supergroup info in chat window.
promote - Promote supergroup member one rank.
demote - Demote supergroup member one rank.
nameLeader - Renames the 'Leader' supergroup rank.
nameOverlord - Renames the 'Overlord' supergroup rank.
nameCommander - Renames the 'Commander' supergroup rank.
nameRingleader - Renames the 'Ringleader' supergroup rank.
nameCaptain - Renames the 'Captain' supergroup rank.
nameTaskmaster - Renames the 'TaskMaster' supergroup rank.
nameLieutenant - Renames the 'Lieutenant' supergroup rank.
nameEnforcer - Renames the 'Enforcer' supergroup rank.
nameMember - Renames the 'Member' supergroup rank.
nameFlunky - Renames the 'Flunky' supergroup rank.
sgSetMOTD - Sets supergroup MOTD.
sgSetMotto - Sets supergroup motto.
sgSetDescription - Sets supergroup description.
sgSetDemoteTimeout - Sets supergroup demote timeout.
sgmode - Toggle supergroup mode.
sgmodeset - Setsupergroup mode.
coalition_invite - Invite player's supergroup to join coalition.
ci - Invite player's supergroup to join coalition.
coalition_cancel - Cancel coalition with a supergroup.
coalition_sg_mintalkrank- Set the minimum rank of members of your Supergroup who can use coalition chat.
coalition_mintalkrank - Set the minimum rank of members of a coalition Supergroup who your Supergroup can hear.
coalition_nosend - Stop your Supergroup from sending coalition chat to an ally Supergroup.
trade - Invite player to trade.
costume_change - Change current costume.
cc - Change current costume.
hide - Hide from other users.
unhide - Stop hiding from other users.
search - Find a player.
sea - Find a player.
findmember - Find a player.
get_comment - Get search comment.
comment - Set search comment.
arenainvite - Invite player to join your arena event.
ai - Invite player to join your arena event.
sgraid_invite - Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid.
raid_invite - Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid.
sorry I don't know how to make it look pretty
So has anyone ever gotten SG Stats to work? I type it - no errors - just get nada.
The target_mypet command isn't working for me. What is the syntaxt for this. I would like to cycle through my henchmen as a MM using a command like target_mypet_next, but it ain't working.
I think this is all of them I just wanted a nice place to see them all
fullscreen- Sets video mode to fullscreen.
maximize- Maximizes the window.
disable2D- Disables 2D sprite drawing.
screen Sets X and Y screen dimensions. Should be constrained to 640x480,1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, etc
quit- Quits game.
cmdlist- Prints out all commands available.
bind- Binds a key to a command - 'bind k ++forward' will set k to toggle running forward.
unbind Unbinds a bound key (sets it to default). If the default action is not desired, use: /bind <keyname> "nop"
bind_load_file- Reads a list of keybinds from a file.
bind_load- Reads a list of keybinds from <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
bind_save- Saves all keybinds to <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
bind_save_file- Saves all keybinds to specified file.
netgraph- Displays network connection information.
maxfps - Limits max frames per second.
maxInactiveFps- Limits max frames per second while the game is not in the foreground.
showfps- Show current framerate (1 = on, 0 = off).
camdist- Sets the distance in feet that the third person camera pulls back behind the player.
camreset- Camreset is bound to the PageDown key (default) to reset the camera behind the player.
demostop- Stop demo record/play
texAniso- Sets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures
fsaa- Sets the amount of full screen antialiasing
vis_scale- Controls world detail 1.0=default
shaderDetail- Changes the shader detail level
useHDR- Use HDR lighting effects (Bloom/tonemapping) if available
useDOF- Use Depth of Field effects if available
useFP- Use a floating point render target for HDR lighting effects if available
useWater- Use fancy water effects if available
noSunFlare- Disables sun flare for performance debugging
renderScaleX- Changes the horizontal scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
renderScaleY- Changes the vertical scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
renderScale- Changes the scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
renderSize- Changes the size at which the 3D world is rendered
useRenderScale- Enables/disables render scaling feature
renderScaleFilter- Changes method of filtering used in renderscaling
bloomWeight- Sets bloom scale, valid values 0.0 - 2.0
bloomScale- Sets bloom blur size, valid values of 2 or 4
dofWeight- Sets DOF scale, valid values 0.0 - 2.0
compatibleCursors- Enables useage of basic Windows mouse cursors instead of graphical cursors (command line option)
shadowvol- Controls whether or not shadow volumes are drawn.
ss- Controls whether or not simple shadows are drawn.
follow- set follow mode, 1 = follow selected target, 0 = stop following
stopinactivedisplay- Stops rendering when the game is not the foreground application.
mouse_look- Command key for mouselook
info- Opens the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
info_tab- Opens the specified tab of the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
info_self- Opens the info window for yourself.
info_self_tab- Opens the specified tab of the info window for yourself.
toggle_enemy- Cycles through targetable enemies.
toggle_enemy_prev- Cycles through targetable enemies (in reverse).
target_enemy_near- Targets the nearest enemy.
target_enemy_far- Targets the farthest enemy.
target_enemy_next- Cycles through visible targetable enemies in near to far order.
target_enemy_prev- Cycles through visible targetable enemies in far to near order.
target_friend_near- Targets the nearest friend.
target_friend_far- Targets the farthest friend.
target_friend_next - Cycles through visible targetable friends in near to far order.
target_friend_prev- Cycles through visible targetable friends in far to near order.
target_custom_near- Targets the nearest match.
enemy - Hostile enemies
friend - Friendlies (including pets)
defeated - 0 HP targets
alive - Living targets
mypet - Inlcude only your pets
notmypet - Exclude your pets
base - Include only passive base items
notbase - Exlude passive base items
teammate - Include only teammates
notteammate - Exclude teammates
target_custom_far- Targets the farthest match.
enemy - Hostile enemies
friend - Friendlies (including pets)
defeated - 0 HP targets
alive - Living targets
mypet - Inlcude only your pets
notmypet - Exclude your pets
base - Include only passive base items
notbase - Exlude passive base items
teammate - Include only teammates
notteammate - Exclude teammates
target_custom_next- Cycles through matching targets in near to far order.
enemy - Hostile enemies
friend - Friendlies (including pets)
defeated - 0 HP targets
alive - Living targets
mypet - Inlcude only your pets
notmypet - Exclude your pets
base - Include only passive base items
notbase - Exlude passive base items
teammate - Include only teammates
notteammate - Exclude teammates
target_custom_prev- Cycles through matching targets in far to near order.
enemy - Hostile enemies
friend - Friendlies (including pets)
defeated - 0 HP targets
alive - Living targets
mypet - Inlcude only your pets
notmypet - Exclude your pets
base - Include only passive base items
notbase - Exlude passive base items
teammate - Include only teammates
notteammate - Exclude teammates
unselect- unselects currently selected thing
profiler_record- Record client profiler information to specified file.
profiler_stop- Stop recording profiler information.
reloadgfx- unloads all textures (causing them to be reloaded dynamically)
texwordeditor- edit the text layout for translatable textures
whereami - Tells the name of the shard/map you are on.
loc- Get current position.
getpos- Get current position.
autoreply - Start a reply for client.
cursorcache- enable cursor cache for smoother cursor changes
ctm_toggle- click-to-move toggle
clicktomove- enables click-to-move
ctm- enables click-to-move
beginchat - Starts chat-entry mode with given string.
startchat- Starts chat-entry mode.
slashchat - Starts chat-entry mode with slash.
say- Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
s - Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
chat_set- Sets the channel to the given string.
chat_cycle- Cycles through the default chat channels.
hideprimarychat- Hide/unhide primary chat window text messages.
tabtoggle- Make the previously active chat tab the new active tab. Used to flip between two tabs.
tabnext- Cycle forward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
tabprev- Cycle backward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
tabglobalnext- Cycle forward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
tabglobalprev - Cycle backward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
tabselect- Select the given chat tab. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
change_handle- Change your global user name, if allowed
Syntax: change_handle <HANDLE>
chan_create - Create a new chat channel
Syntax: chan_create <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_join- Join an existing chat channel
Syntax: chan_join <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_leave- Leave a chat channel
Syntax: chan_leave <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_invite_team- Invite your entire team or taskforce to a chat channel
Syntax: chan_invite_team <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_invite_gf - Invite your entire global friends list to a chat channel
Syntax: chan_invite_gf <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_user_mode - Sets user permissions for specified user on channel.
You must have operator status to set permissions.
Syntax: chan_user_mode <CHANNEL NAME> <PLAYER_NAME> <OPTIONS...>
Valid Options:
-join kicks user from channel
+send / -send gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel
+operator / -operator gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel
chan_mode- Changes default access rights for new user who joins the channel. If you set -join, no one can join.
Syntax: chan_mode <CHANNEL NAME> <OPTIONS...>Valid Options:
-join kicks user from channel
+send / -send gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel
+operator / -operator gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel
chan_members- List all members of channel
Syntax: chan_members <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_motd - Set the channel's Message Of The Day, which is sent to everyone that joins the channel
Syntax: chan_motd <CHANNEL NAME> <MESSAGE>
chan_desc- Set the channel's description
Syntax: chan_desc <CHANNEL NAME> <DESCRIPTION>
watching- List all channels that you belong to.
gfriends- Display all members of your global friends list.
ghide- Make yourself invisible to your global friends.
gunhide- Make yourself visible to your global friends.
gignoring- Lists the players on your global chat ignore list
myhandle - Display your chat handle.
quickchat - Pops up the quickchat menu.
window_resetall - Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults.
window_toggle- Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: toggle)
toggle- Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: window_toggle)
window_show- Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: show)
show - Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: window_show)
window_hide- Forces the given window to be hidden. (Synonym: hide)
window_color- Changes the window colors.
windowcolor - Changes the window colors.
chat - Toggles the chat window.
tray - Toggles the tray window
target - Toggles the target window.
nav - Toggles the navigation window.
map - Toggles the map window.
menu - Toggles the menu.
chatoptions - Toggles chat options for specified window (0-4)
petoptions - Displays pet option context menu.
powers - Toggles the power inventory.
alttray- Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
alt2tray - Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
alttraysticky- Toggle the secondary tray.
tray_sticky - Set the sticky-state of the specified tray.
Syntax: tray_sticky <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <0 for non sticky, sticky otherwise>
tray_sticky_alt2 - Toggle the sticky-state of the alt2 tray.
next_tray- Go to next tray.
prev_tray - Go to previous tray.
next_tray_alt - Go to next secondary tray.
prev_tray_alt - Go to previous secondary tray.
next_tray_alt2 - Go to next tertiary tray.
prev_tray_alt2 - Go to previous tertiary tray.
next_trays_tray - Go to next trays tray slot.
prev_trays_tray - Go to previous trays tray slot.
goto_tray - Go to specified tray number.
goto_tray_alt- Go to specified tray number.
goto_tray_alt2- Go to specified tray number.
goto_trays_tray- Go to specified tray number in the specified tray-.
Syntax: goto_trays_tray <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <TRAY NUM between 1 and 10>
team_select- Select Team member.
pet_select- Select Pet.
pet_select_name - Select Pet.
powexec_name - Executes a power with the given name.
powexec_slot- Executes the given power slot from the current tray.
powexec_toggleon- Toggles a given power on. If its already on, does nothing.
powexec_toggleoff - Toggles a given power off. If its already off, does nothing.
powexec_altslot - Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray.
powexec_alt2slot - Executes the given power slot from the second alternate tray.
powexec_tray - Executes a power in the given tray and slot.
powexec_abort- Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power.
powexec_unqueue - Cancels the queued power.
powexec_auto - Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already).
inspirationSlot - Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
inspexec_slot - Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
inspexec_tray - Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column.
inspexec_name - Activate an inspiration by name.
macro - Add a macro to first empty slot.
macro <name> <command
macroslot- Add a macro to provided slot.
macro <slot> <name> <command>
manage - Go to the enhancement management screen
screenshot- Save a .jpg format screenshot.
screenshottitle- Save a .jpg format screenshot with the given title.
screenshottga - Save a .tga format screenshot.
screenshotui - Enables or disables the ui for screenshots (1=ui on, 0=ui off)
copychat - Copy the entire chat history from specified chat Tab into the clipboard.
bug - Report a bug. Enter a short description of any length.
release - Activate medicom unit fot emergency medical transport.
petition - add user petition (stuck, cheated, etc) to the database
cc - Change costume.
costume_change - Change costume.
window_scale - Change a single window scale.
logchat - Toggle chat logging
assist - Change your current target to selected allies target
dialog_yes - Answer OK, Yes, or Accept to current dialog
dialog_no - Answer OK, No, or Cancel to current dialog
dialog_answer- Answer dialog with button matching provided text
e3screenshot - Enables special e3 2004 screenshot mode
localtime - Prints local time (on your computer)
autoperf - Automatically change world detail for performance.
petcom - Set the stance or action of current pet.
Syntax: petcom_name "<pet name>" <stance, action, or both>
petcom_name - Set the stance or action of a specific pet.
Syntax: petcom_name "<pet name>" <stance, action, or both>
petcom_pow - Set the stance or action of a all pets cast by power.
Syntax: petcom_name "<power name>" <stance, action, or both>
petcom_all - Set the stance or action of a specific pet.
Syntax: petcom_name <stance, action, or both>
petsay - Make your current pet say something or emote.
petsay_name - Make the named pet say something or emote.
petsay_pow - Make all pets created by given power say something or emote.
petsay_all - Make the named pet say something or emote.
petrename - Rename your current pet.
petrename_name - Rename the named pet.
lightmapLODscale - Set lightmap LOD scale
camturn - Turn camera to match player
playerturn - Turn player to match camera
face - Turn player to face target
windowcloseextra - Leave fullscreen, close dialogs, and close non-essential windows
gamereturn - Leave fullscreen, close dialogs, and close non-essential windows
clearchat - Clear all chat buffers
keybind_reset - Reset keybinds.
unbind_all - Reset keybinds.
canlook - Whether the player can use the mouse to look around.
camrotate - Camrotate is bound to the PageUp key to allow controlled camera rotation around the player.
This command should not be invoked through the console.
forward_mouse - Move forward. Enable autorun after 2 seconds.
forward - Move forward.
backward- Move backwards.
left - Strafe left.
right - Strafe right.
up - Jump or fly up.
down - Move down (if flying).
speed_turn - Set the number of degrees for rotateleft/right
turnleft - Rotate left a fixed number of degrees.
turnright- Rotate right a fixed number of degrees.
zoomin - Zoom camera in.
zoomout - Zoom camera out.
lookup - Pitch camera up.
lookdown - Pitch camera down.
third - Toggles between first and third person camera.
first - Toggles between first and third person camera.
mouse_speed- Scale factor for mouse look.
mouse_invert - Invert meaning of mouseY for mouselook.
autorun - Toggles autorun.
who get info on <player>
whoall - Print who's on this map.
ignore - Ignore User
unignore - Unignore User
ignorelist - Displays a list of ignored users
newspaper - Open up the newspaper.
emaildelete - Delete message <message num>
emailsend - Send message <player names> <subject> <body>
stuck - Try to get unstuck.
afk - Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message)
kiosk - Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk. (Assuming you're close enough.)
nojumprepeat - Disable jump auto-repeat
sgraid_windo - Set your supergroup raid window <daybits> <hour>
gignore - Adds a player to your global chat ignore list
Syntax: gignore <HANDLE>
gunignore - Removes a player from your global chat ignore list
Syntax: gunignore <HANDLE>
gfriend - Add a player to your global friends list.
gunfriend- Remove a player from your global friends list.
chan_invite - Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel
Syntax: chan_invite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME>
ginvite - Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel
Syntax: ginvite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME>
chan_invite_sg - Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command.
You must specify the minimum rank to invite:
0-invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders)
1 - invite captains and leaders only 2 - invite leaders only
Syntax: chan_invite_sg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK>
ginvite_sg - Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command.
You must specify the minimum rank to invite:
0 -invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders)
1 - invite captains and leaders only 2 - invite leaders only
Syntax: ginvite_sg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK>
chan_send - Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges.
(alias is "/send")
Syntax: chan_send <CHANNEL NAME> <MESSAGE>
send Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges
respec - Go to respec screen if you have recieved a free holiday respec
getarenastats - Get your arena stats.
servertime - Print the current server time-
show_petnames - Displays the names of all your named pets
clear_petnames - Clear the names of all your named pets
release_pets - Release your current pets
tell - Send a message to only one player.
t - Send a message to only one player.
private - Send a message to only one player.
p - Send a message to only one player.
whisper - Send a message to only one player.
friendlist - Display friend list.
fl - Display friend list.
group - Send message to group channel.
g - Send message to group channel.
team - Send message to group channel.
yell - Send message to entire map.
y - Send message to entire map.
broadcast - Send message to entire map.
b - Send message to entire map.
r - Reply to last person that sent you a tell.
reply- Reply to last person that sent you a tell.
say - Send message to your area.
local - Send message to your area.
l - Send message to your area.
s - Send message to your area.
request - Send message to request channel.
req - Send message to request channel.
sell - Send message to request channel.
auction - Send message to request channel.
supergroup- Send message to super group channel.
sg - Send message to super group channel.
coalition - Send message to coalition channel.
c - Send message to coalition channel.
ac - Arena chat channel
arena - Arena chat channel
e - Emotes a text string.
me - Emotes a text string.
em - Emotes a text string.
emote - Emotes a text string.
friend - Add player to friend list.
f - Talk to friends channel.
estrange - Remove player from friend list.
unfriend - Remove player from friend list.
sidekick - Invite player to be your sidekick.
sk - Invite player to be your sidekick.
lk - Invite player to be your lackey.
lackey - Invite player to be your lackey.
unsk - No longer mentor (or be a sidekick).
unsidekick - No longer mentor (or be a sidekick).
unlk - No longer be a lackey.
unlackey - No longer be a lackey.
exemplar - Invite player to be your exemplar.
ex - Invite player to be your exemplar.
malefactor - Invite player to be your malefactor.
mal - Invite player to be your malefactor.
rsk - Invite player to be your exemplar.
unexemplar - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unex - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unrsk - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unmal - No longer be an a malefactor.
unmalefactor- No longer be an a malefactor.
invite - Invite player to join team.
i - Invite player to join team.
kick - Kick player from team.
k - Kick player from team.
leaveTeam - Leave your current team up.
lfg - Toggle looking for group status.
lfgset - Set looking for group status
buffs - Toggle team buff display.
makeleader - Change the team leader.
ml - Change the team leader.
sginvite - Invite player to join supergroup.
sgi - Invite player to join supergroup.
sgkick - Kick player from supergroup.
sgk - Kick player from supergroup.
sgleave - Leave your current supergroup.
sgstats - Display supergroup info in chat window.
promote - Promote supergroup member one rank.
demote - Demote supergroup member one rank.
nameLeader - Renames the 'Leader' supergroup rank.
nameOverlord - Renames the 'Overlord' supergroup rank.
nameCommander - Renames the 'Commander' supergroup rank.
nameRingleader - Renames the 'Ringleader' supergroup rank.
nameCaptain - Renames the 'Captain' supergroup rank.
nameTaskmaster - Renames the 'TaskMaster' supergroup rank.
nameLieutenant - Renames the 'Lieutenant' supergroup rank.
nameEnforcer - Renames the 'Enforcer' supergroup rank.
nameMember - Renames the 'Member' supergroup rank.
nameFlunky - Renames the 'Flunky' supergroup rank.
sgSetMOTD - Sets supergroup MOTD.
sgSetMotto - Sets supergroup motto.
sgSetDescription - Sets supergroup description.
sgSetDemoteTimeout - Sets supergroup demote timeout.
sgmode - Toggle supergroup mode.
sgmodeset - Setsupergroup mode.
coalition_invite - Invite player's supergroup to join coalition.
ci - Invite player's supergroup to join coalition.
coalition_cancel - Cancel coalition with a supergroup.
coalition_sg_mintalkrank- Set the minimum rank of members of your Supergroup who can use coalition chat.
coalition_mintalkrank - Set the minimum rank of members of a coalition Supergroup who your Supergroup can hear.
coalition_nosend - Stop your Supergroup from sending coalition chat to an ally Supergroup.
trade - Invite player to trade.
costume_change - Change current costume.
cc - Change current costume.
hide - Hide from other users.
unhide - Stop hiding from other users.
search - Find a player.
sea - Find a player.
findmember - Find a player.
get_comment - Get search comment.
comment - Set search comment.
arenainvite - Invite player to join your arena event.
ai - Invite player to join your arena event.
sgraid_invite - Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid.
raid_invite - Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid.
sorry I don't know how to make it look pretty