Agro Chart 1.0 [I6]
My Agro chart:
Agro occurs the instant the player does one of the following actions listed below. The higher the rank of the action (1 being the highest), the stronger the agro it generates. Only an action of equal or higher rank can pull agro from another. However remember that agro lessens over time, so that a rank 1 action will eventually degenerate into a rank 4 (lowest rank). This means that you must actively keep the agro at a higher rank, or else anyone else will be able to take it from you. Also remember that adding Taunt enhancements does not increase the rank of that action, only the time before it begins to degenerate.
Level 1 Actions (All actions in this level seem to have the same strength, so they go by what happens last. This means that whoever used a level 1 action last has the agro):
Any Fear based Power*
Level 2 Actions (In this level, perceived damage is king. The more the perceived damage of the action, the stronger the action is in this level. So to take away agro from another level 2 action, your level 2 action must have a higher perceived damage. In most cases perceived damage is actual damage.):
Damaging Attacks
Taunt/Damaging Auras****
Level 3 Actions (strength is based on the strength of the missed attack):
Missed Attacks
Level 4 Actions (This level represents the fact that if a mob can perceive you, they will attack:
Line of Sight
Enemy Perception
*Fear is a tricky status effect, it seems to build up in strength to the point where it is even more effective than Taunt. (Ever try taunting a feared mob that is running away) It doesn't seem to generate agro so much as remove the feared mob's ability to generate agro, so that you have to wait out the fear's duration. This only applies to those mobs that are feared into running away, not those that stay shaking in their boots (those that stay seem to retain their agro ability, but have how often they can attack reduced).
**Gauntlet is a taunt in that for a small (very small, almost unnoticeable) amount of time the agro generated is fixed on the person using Gauntlet. However, this time is soo small that for most practical purposes this is not noticed and overcome by any level 2 power (2 Taunt SOs produce some slight effects). Gauntlets main advantage is that it increases the perceived damage taken from the tanker's attack (only tanker secondary attacks have gauntlet). This means that while the attack only did X damage, for purposes of agro generated it did X+Gauntlet (Gauntlet increases in proportion to the level of the tanker).
***Debuffs seem to have a set perceived damage rating that is based on the strength of the debuff. The stronger the debuff, the more damaging the attack must be to take away the agro.
****It appears that most auras are based on the amount of damage they deal with a few exceptions. Tanker auras generate more perceived damage than non-tanker auras, and debuff auras generate less perceived damage thank damaging ones. (That is why Invincibility is one of the weakest taunt auras, tests show that chilling embrace takes agro away from Invincibility more often than not but this could just be the mobs ping-ponging from one aura to the other as they fire.)
I was the player that started up that discussion in the Tanker forum and I just wanted to thank you for making it clear. It has not only increased my interest in tanking, but has made me a better player on my other toons as well.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.
Thanks alot for compiling this.
The only thing I can think to add is the "I'm a Quantum/Void and you're a Kheldian" effect.
A Void will attack a Kheldian even if other characters are attacking the void in question and the Kheldian is not.
Not sure it's common enough to list, though.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
Just a heads up, that a full explaination of how taunt works has been written by Circeus that basically validates many of the points presented here. This thread is a good summary, of the specifics that are listed there:
So you want to know about taunt? .. (Circeus I7)
A Guide to the Actions that Generate Agro 1.0 [I6]
This was written in response to some tanker questions that arose in the forums. I have tried to compile the methods used to maintain agro, and the relative strengths of each. This is to give others ideas of the best way to handle and maintain the agro in team settings. (Note that while this has been tested a much as possible, there may still be errors in the exact nature of how aggression is treated in CoH.)
The overall summary of this guide is: Taunt is still the best way to maintain and get agro (even with the 5 limit).
What I have done is try to classify the actions that a player can take to gain and maintain aggression from the enemy.