Salvage Rarity guide




This guide lists all salvage and how often it drops on a scale of Common / Uncommon / Rare. (C/U/R) Note that rarer salvage does not start dropping until higher level. The higher a foe cons, the better the chance of rare salvage.

This guide makes no attempt to predict what enemies you are fighting, it's simply an estimate of drop probability. You may have never seen Snake Venom if you don't fight many Snakes, it's still common. EChips are not "more than common", it's just that there are many groups that drop them - if half the time you fight mobs that drop EChips you shouldn't be surprised if you have a lot of them.

S marks Special salvage. You get one of these whenever you complete a PvP mission or a Strike Force. Those are the only sources of Special salvage. These items do not contribute to building components, they contribute directly to certain crafted items.

Common salvage is usable primarily for components from the Basic worktables, Uncommon salvage for Advanced components, and Rare for Expert. In the cases where salvage is usable higher than usual, it is marked with a +. If it's usable lower than usual, it is marked with a -. This shows where a U+ may be more valuable than a U since it may complete an Expert component, but don't overvalue it since it still drops with Uncommon frequency. On the other hand, you may see a U- in a Basic component formula, you may not want to use it up when other formulas use all Common parts.

Where did this come from? It was analyzed from some logic about component formulas and a lot of observation. It may need a little adjusting. Comments are, of course, welcome.

Aberrant Tech : S
Aeon Tech : S
Alien Tech : S
Amulet : C +
Ancestral Weapon : R
Ancient Weapon : U
Arachnoid Blood : C +
Arachnoid Venom : R
Arachnos Gun : C
Arcane Powder : C +
Armor Shard : C +
Astrology Book : S
Bio Sample : C
Black Box : C
Black Market Super Gear : C
Blaster Tech : R
Blood Sample : C +
Body Armor Fragment : C +
Bone Fragment : C +
Bracer : C +
Broken Crey Pistol : U -
Broken Crey Rifle : U
Broken Mask : R
Broken Rikti Weapon : U
Carapace : U + -
Ceramic Compound : C +
Charm : C
CIA Files : R
Claw : U -
Clockwork Fragment : C
Clockwork Plate : U
Coins : C
Communication Device : R -
Coral Shard : U
Coralax Hybrid Blood : C
Cortex Device : R -
Crey Tech : R -
Crystal Codex Fragments : S
Crystal Skull : C
Cybernetic Charger : U + -
Cybernetic Implant : C
Dangerous Chemicals : U +
Data Files : U +
Demon Heart : S
Demonlogica : U
Devouring Culture : C +
DNA Mutation : C
Dread Tramalian : C +
Echip : C +
Ectoplasm : R
Ectoplasmic Residue : C
Elemental Manual : U -
Energy Source : C +
Etherium : U
Exotic Alloy : R -
Exotic Compound : U
Falak Amulet : R
Fetish : U
Fir Bolg Hand : U -
Fir Bolg Straw : C +
Fish Scale : U
Freakshow Cybernetics : R -
Ghost Trinket : C +
Glittershrooms : C
Golden Skin : C
Graphite Composite : U +
Hamidon Lichen : U + -
Hamidon Spore : R
Headset : U
Hex : C
Hydra DNA Sample : U +
Innovative Code : R
Lens : U + -
Lev Disk : C
Luddite Pouch : C
Magma : C
Meat Cleaver : U
Mercury Circuits : U + -
Military Intelligence : R -
Mutated Sample : U +
Nanites : R
Nano Fluid : S
Necklace of Teeth : U
Nemesis Weapon : R
Neo Organics : R
Nictus Ammo : U -
Nictus Memento : C +
Nictus Tech : R
Orichalcum : C +
Paragon Police Files : C
Phantom Tears : U
Portal Tech : R
Potion : R -
Powered Armor Circuitry : R
Pumice : C
Pumpkin Bomb : U
Redcap Pouch : U
Rikti Armor Fragment : C
Rikti Communications Device : R -
Rikti Control Unit : R
Rikti Data Pad : S
Rikti Plasma Rifle : R
Ring : R -
Rylehs Rain : R
Saber : C
Scent of Brimstone : S
Scrolls : U +
Shivan Ectoplasm : C +
Sigil : C
Sky Raider Anti Grav Unit : U
Sky Raider Device : C
Sky Raider Weapon : U
Slag Culture : U -
Snake Fang : C
Snake Venom : C
Spark : C
Spells of Power : S
Spider Eye : U + -
Spielmans Signet : U
Spirit Guide : R
Stable Protonium : R -
Static Charge : C
Steam Powered Engine : U +
Steam Tech Implant : U +
Superadine Extract : C
Synthetic Drug : U
Synthetic Organs : U
Talisman : U
Tattoo : C
Thorn Fragment : R
Titanium : U -
Tools of the Trade : U -
Treatise : C
Trick Arrows : C
Tsoo Ink : U +
Tuatha Furs : U
Unstable Rad Pistol : S
Ur-Metal : R -
Vacuum Circuits : C
Verminous Victuals : U
Weapon of Mu : S
Witchs Hat : C +



Nice. I've been interested in this sort of thing, mainly because I have a ton of salvage and nothing to do with it. Here's the list ordered.

I'd also be very curious to see the list include info on what origin the stuff is.

Amulet : C +
Arachnoid Blood : C +
Arcane Powder : C +
Armor Shard : C +
Blood Sample : C +
Body Armor Fragment : C +
Bone Fragment : C +
Bracer : C +
Ceramic Compound : C +
Devouring Culture : C +
Dread Tramalian : C +
Echip : C +
Energy Source : C +
Fir Bolg Straw : C +
Ghost Trinket : C +
Nictus Memento : C +
Orichalcum : C +
Shivan Ectoplasm : C +
Witchs Hat : C +
Arachnos Gun : C
Bio Sample : C
Black Box : C
Black Market Super Gear : C
Charm : C
Clockwork Fragment : C
Coins : C
Coralax Hybrid Blood : C
Crystal Skull : C
Cybernetic Implant : C
DNA Mutation : C
Ectoplasmic Residue : C
Glittershrooms : C
Golden Skin : C
Hex : C
Lev Disk : C
Luddite Pouch : C
Magma : C
Paragon Police Files : C
Pumice : C
Rikti Armor Fragment : C
Saber : C
Sigil : C
Sky Raider Device : C
Snake Fang : C
Snake Venom : C
Spark : C
Static Charge : C
Superadine Extract : C
Tattoo : C
Treatise : C
Trick Arrows : C
Vacuum Circuits : C
Dangerous Chemicals : U +
Data Files : U +
Graphite Composite : U +
Hydra DNA Sample : U +
Mutated Sample : U +
Scrolls : U +
Steam Powered Engine : U +
Steam Tech Implant : U +
Tsoo Ink : U +
Carapace : U + -
Cybernetic Charger : U + -
Hamidon Lichen : U + -
Lens : U + -
Mercury Circuits : U + -
Spider Eye : U + -
Ancient Weapon : U
Broken Crey Rifle : U
Broken Rikti Weapon : U
Clockwork Plate : U
Coral Shard : U
Demonlogica : U
Etherium : U
Exotic Compound : U
Fetish : U
Fish Scale : U
Headset : U
Meat Cleaver : U
Necklace of Teeth : U
Phantom Tears : U
Pumpkin Bomb : U
Redcap Pouch : U
Sky Raider Anti Grav Unit : U
Sky Raider Weapon : U
Spielmans Signet : U
Synthetic Drug : U
Synthetic Organs : U
Talisman : U
Tuatha Furs : U
Verminous Victuals : U
Broken Crey Pistol : U -
Claw : U -
Elemental Manual : U -
Fir Bolg Hand : U -
Nictus Ammo : U -
Slag Culture : U -
Titanium : U -
Tools of the Trade : U -
Stable Protonium : R -
Cortex Device : R -
Crey Tech : R -
Military Intelligence : R -
Communication Device : R -
Exotic Alloy : R -
Freakshow Cybernetics : R -
Ring : R -
Ur-Metal : R -
Rikti Communications Device : R -
Potion : R -
Rylehs Rain : R -
Hamidon Spore : R
Spirit Guide : R
Ancestral Weapon : R
Arachnoid Venom : R
Blaster Tech : R
Broken Mask : R
CIA Files : R
Ectoplasm : R
Falak Amulet : R
Innovative Code : R
Nanites : R
Nemesis Weapon : R
Neo Organics : R
Nictus Tech : R
Portal Tech : R
Powered Armor Circuitry : R
Rikti Control Unit : R
Rikti Plasma Rifle : R
Thorn Fragment : R
Aberrant Tech : S
Aeon Tech : S
Alien Tech : S
Astrology Book : S
Crystal Codex Fragments : S
Demon Heart : S
Nano Fluid : S
Rikti Data Pad : S
Scent of Brimstone : S
Spells of Power : S
Unstable Rad Pistol : S
Weapon of Mu : S

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



A few small updates (I'll wrap this into a whole new guide sometime soon.)

Arch-Villains now give a piece of Special Salvage to each person who defeats them. (as of a recent patch.)

There are 2 kinds of Special Salvage. Aeon Tech / Crystal Codex Fragments and Rikti Data Pad / Astrology Book are Non-Weapon Special Salvage. These are used in 6 formulas (a capacitor and two auxilliary control items for each origin), and each formulas only uses 1 piece of Special Salvage at a time. The other ones are Weapon Special Salvage, and the weapon formulas use 10 pieces at a time.
The non-weapon salvage drops less frequently than the weapon salvage, which seems perfectly balanced given the non-weapon's limited usage.



I've created a Google Spreadsheet with additional information, you can view the file at:

If you would like to edit the spreadsheet, please place a note in the Discussions tab with either A) your suggested fix or B) an email so I can add you to the Collaborator list.