Plight of Preatoria:part one(a fanfic by me)





As the teal blue sun sets over a distant horizon, a lone figure clad in red,white,and blue looks out over his kingdom. Something is not right,but he can't...there.It is too quiet. The air normally filled with delightful screams of agony is now empty of all sound. The figure strides over to a phone and dials it with a gloved hand. Manticore...their here

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chapter 1

a small being running through a darkened corridor,his boots clanking against the stainless steel floor is screaming "sir! sir! the Arachnos Phalanx are here! finally,he reaches the person he was trying to find. the mysterious figure seems a little too calm"Very good,let's show them our best. Shall we?"

a group of familiar faces appears and a woman with shocking white hair and lips and the rims of blank eyes blackened as if burnt to a crisp steps foward to the seemingly indestructible wall. "Easy",she mumbled as she stepped foward and started twirling her arms in an arcane manner. "won pu nepo!". she spoke these words as if singing a song she had memorized as a girl,and lo and behold the gates swung open. Suddenly,a man with 4 spider-like arms sprouting out of his back,and his fists glowing as red as the brightest neutron star enters the scene. "very good,and now we can take the fight to the Web of Restraint leader:statesman!"

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