The day I met Nemesis Kane




The day I saw Nemesis Kane

I was walking through Talos on my way to the train.. when I heard something that sounded like a small tornado... Suddenly, I heard (and felt), a terrific explosion. I was blown back almost 15 feet. I was somewhat dazed, but otherwise ok. No serious injuries.

Then I saw a figure approaching me... he was somewhat slumped over at the waist as if exhausted.. His costume were torn and tattered.. Wow, a hero!!" I thought to myself. "This is what a hero looks like? God, he looks like he was in a train wreck!"

As this unknown hero continued closer.. There was still smoke rippling over the tattoos of flames that seemed to cover every inch of his body.

He extended his hand to me slowly.. I took it and as he pulled me to my feet, he groaned as if I weighed a thousand pounds.
"Are you ok?" I asked... He merely pointed towards the tram..
What I saw next is somewhat hard to explain, there were scraps of metal strown for at least 50 feet.. at least 30 bodies laying in a huge heap...
"OH MY GOD!! YOU did that alone??" I asked... he didn't reply, he simply fell to his knees as if meditating. After a brief moment he rose to his feet seemingly rejuvinated... As he turned to leave, I shouted, "Wait! Where are you going? Whats your name?"
He looked over his shoulder with a smirk.. "Comere Kid." He said.

"I am Nemesis Kane, and I think It is time for me to hang up my tights kiddo. I couldn't actuallly believe what I was hearing.. "But what you just did was incredible!! You are the most amazing hero I have ever seen!" And to this he simply replied, "Humph, a few weeks ago, I could have taken a group of punks twice that large out in a snap!"

"These villians are getting stronger by the day.. As for myself, my attacks and willpower have seemigly dwindled slowly in their effectiveness.. I love Paragon city, But I am not one of those Heroes that likes to be on a squad with a bunch of numbskulls that cause havoc and unorganized mayhem. Hell, they not only risk my life, but the civillians around them. I don't want to be a part of that. I "was" a solo type of guy."

Mulling this over and understanding how tough the decision he was facing must be, I could only reply.. "So... you are done? You aren't going to be our Hero any more?" He smiled a surprisingly handsome smile and said, "Kid, I will always be a hero, Just not the hero I used to be."

That is my little story of my toon.. I hope you like it, and i hope it kind of loosely shares my opinion on what is happening to the game.. I love it, but I still would love to be a SUPER hero. Anyways, Please Let me Know if you liked it.

Hero Always,
Nemesis Kane