Origin: Wisp Outlaw




I had no childhood. Thing is, there really is never such thing as a 'wisp childhood.' But I never explain that to humans.

It's that totally adorable maternal instinct thing. I can't get enough of it! I even learned to act that way myself.

But if I told the whole story, I just wouldn't get pampered the same way. Which I kind of like.

For starters, we're not born, we're hatched. No, we're not lizards. A closer analog to ordinary earth life would be salt water invertebrates. Newly hatched, I floated around the shard absorbing from the free energy streams in larval stage; I'm sure I must have eaten a number of my siblings for substance, too. When I started being able to make speech noises, I started to need adult energy, and like all my kind, I drifted off to find one of the clusters where adults feed.

These clusters are controlled by the Soldiers of Rularuu; my society is anything but lawless, even though most humans think evil *is* lawlessness. But we have a kind of caste system. As a Wisp larva on the cusp of maturity, you have a simple choice: obey or starve.

When I began to mature, I starved a lot. There're always willful larvae that starve to death young. I survived because I realized a simple thing: I could really make my elders pay for my obedience.

Interacting with humans was forbidden. Most young wisps know humans will kill us if they see us. The rule isn't really for their safety. But since it was a rule I could break, I broke it.

Humans born in this world of course don't always kill us. The first human I met was from this world. Her name was Emilia Janworth, a researcher and explorer. She wore elaborate and concealing bodily adornments like most humans-- and her's were really rugged. Her colorful eyes and long black hair were hypnotizing. I learned about the human maternal instinct from her. She made me ache for her in ways that were as bad as starvation. I wanted to be as like her as I could. She was the one who gave me the name "Lucy."

One day, while at my station in the shard, we were attacked by the Circle of Thorns, including those who specialize in controlling the energies and forms of life itself. Several wisps were captured, but I escaped. I knew humans didn't eat our kind. I guessed they must want something else.

So I snuck away and found some. They were hard to communicate with. But I made them explain to me what they wanted from those they captured. Information to use against us. And I knew how to get it. We made an agreement.

Pretty soon I was able to tell them what they wanted to know-- the location of a strange device our local Overlord was guarding. I described it to them, told them about the arrangements of its guards.

The reward was, they used their magic to change me. I wanted to be human, and to have control over my own life energy so I could get energy the way humans did, and escape Rularuu society.

When they changed me, I thought I looked totally human. I went along on the raid on the device. But we were defeated, and trying to escape, I fell into the device. I ended up here, in your world.

When I got here, I was pretty upset!

I found out that, to humans, I still look pretty weird. I also found out that, because of the way humans reproduce, most females give all their real attention to males. I'm sure that seems totally normal to humans.

I think it's stupid.

Anyway, since I got here, I've been experimenting with the power to control life energy I was given. I've grown to a size only some overlords achieve. And I can do tricky things to my enemies' life energy, too.

As it turns out, I do get a lot of attention from humans just because I look strange to them. And most people expect me to be either a villainess or a heroine.

The difference, as far as I can see, is that villains get more attention from males and rebels. Heroes get more attention from females and those who conform to human rules and caste.

It was a really hard choice, but I decided to become a heroine.

And it's not so bad. I've already met a lot of really nice people!

(Wisp Outlaw, L14 Rad/Psi Magic, Freedom)

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters