Season's Greetings! Free Test Server Respec!




Eight months ago Paragon City opened its gates to a whole new generation of Heroes. You arrived eager for adventure and excitement. You came in all shapes, sizes, colors and abilities-forming a community of dedicated super-powered crime-fighters that's second to none. It's been an amazing, thrilling ride so far, with even greater things waiting in the wings for Paragon City and its heroes in the coming New Year.

We at NCsoft and Cryptic Studios want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support, your constructive feedback and your joyful participation in taking on villains in the world's greatest MMOG city. We could not do this without you! And as a token of our appreciation we want to bestow some holiday cheer by offering a free respec to all heroes currently existing on (or newly transferred to) The Training Room Test Server as of 12 noon CST, Tuesday, December 21st. Sorry, but those creating or transferring characters to The Training Room after noon CST will not be able to take advantage of this opportunity. Don't have a hero on the test server? Here’s how to copy a character to the Training Room.

Happy Holidays!