The History of Annatar




The term "demons" was not always understood to have the absolutely negative connotation that it does today. Homer used the terms "demons" and "gods" more or less interchangeably. Other opinions suggest that demons were intermediaries between men and gods, and that demons had once been men. Plutarch speaks of "human souls as commencing, first heroes, then demons, and afterward as advancing to a more sublime degree."

Annatar is a Demon, but is Annatar a Hero.

Demon possession, that is, a human who has become inhabited or "taken over" by a demon and who cannot, consequently, exercise his own will There is little doubt that most of what was described in older times as "demon possession" would today be diagnosed as some sort of mental illness, and treated accordingly. Nevertheless, a few cases of possession do seem to crop up from time to time, and the Roman Catholic Church does continue (sparingly) to perform exorcisms. Annatar, once a man, dubbed by the police that found him as "Demon Doe", was subjected first to this clinical approach; he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and to remain institutionalized. After many failed attempts to rehabilitate Annatar, a more radical approach was undertaken at the Talos Medical Center for the Clinically Insane... exorcism. This resulted in a complete transformation of Annatar; he became violent and overwhelmingly strong. Large horns reared from his scull as he screamed "Who will claim you me the end!" It should be noted these were the first words he had spoken in months, and the most coherent in years considering his normal mumbled ramblings that were presumed to be an ancient tongue. One doctor had claimed that perhaps the unknown man known only as "Demon Doe" battling the demon had failed and that the Demon had taken complete control. The priest performing the exorcism suggested that the struggle ended in a draw and the two were joined.

Annatar Escapes and Battles Evil

Some historians of times past believed that there were cycles during which demonic activity increased, and used this theory to explain various occurrences, much in the same way as today's economic historians might explain historical events in terms of trade, productivity and other factors. These older historians saw a rise in demonic activity accompanying such occurrences as the destruction of Jerusalem, the fall of Rome and the French Revolution, and would in all likelihood also have viewed the demonic theory at work in relation to the rise of Nazism and World War II. Annatar arrived just in time to see the Rikti invasion... and he battled relentlessly in defense of Paragon. It was at this time that officials labeled Annatar a hero and lifted the warrant for his arrest.

It was then believed there was more man then demon to Annatar and that man known as "Demon Doe" would one day prevail. It is also believed that there is a huge moral conflict within Annatar; many suggest he is obsessed with redemption and his own entrance to Heaven.

Annatar particularly dislikes other demons and constantly acts as a shock troop against the Circle of Thorns. He can often be found fighting in Founders Falls against the mighty Behemoth - the demon of animal strength. Annatar also relentlessly hunts Astaroth (one of the Chief Devils, sometimes spelled as Ashtaroth). There are also rumors that Annatar has a twin the product of the internal battle that leaned the other way more demon then man, he has yet to find the creature but Annatar believes this may be the key to resurrecting his humanity.

Let's just be happy that this demon is on our sideĀ… for now.