Statesman has contacted the Paragon City Council in regards to unusual activities occurring on the Test Server. In order to investigate these concerns, the PCC Event for this week will be held at 4pm Pacific Time/6pm Central Time on Tuesday, October 26th. We ask all available heroes to attend. Please enter the Training Room server, create a new character (or use one whose level is between 1 and 4), skip the tutorial and enter Atlas Park. Directions on how to gain access to the Training Room Test Server can be found HERE.
Further instructions will be given by the PCC at that time.
Greetings, Heroes.
Statesman has contacted the Paragon City Council in regards to unusual activities occurring on the Test Server. In order to investigate these concerns, the PCC Event for this week will be held at 4pm Pacific Time/6pm Central Time on Tuesday, October 26th. We ask all available heroes to attend. Please enter the Training Room server, create a new character (or use one whose level is between 1 and 4), skip the tutorial and enter Atlas Park. Directions on how to gain access to the Training Room Test Server can be found HERE.
Further instructions will be given by the PCC at that time.