New PvP Snippet from




Speaking as a tanker, I of course know that I will be next to useless in PvP. All this talk about how good tankers will be is just talk.



These are just random thoughts on PVP and AT's:

Teleport Foe & PVP: It will probably give you the same 2 second delay that Teleport does where you just kinda hover there and do nothing, but in this case you can be attacked and pounded on of a few seconds.

Tanker & Taunt with PVP: Think of other Players as Archvillians. You can taunt them but it doesn't last as long as it does on Minion or LT's. Taunt will probably change your target to the Tanker if it's successful and give you a ACC debuff if you target another player while the Taunt is in effect. This would make the Tanker one of the few targets you can hit reliably.

Blasters Ruling PVP: Ain't gonna happen. Yeah they can deal damage, but there are too many other AT builds that can hurt them. I just see a whole new breed of Flying Tankers that Blasters will fear like a plague. Or Kinetic Defenders with Siphon Speed, Siphon Power, and Transference turning Blasters into speed bumps. Or Perma-Hastened Regen Scrappers taking it to the chin but by the time the Blasters next power cycles up they've healed all the damage from the last attack. There is so much diversity in the AT's that it's going to be hard for one AT to 'rule' over the others. There will be better builds than others, but that is just the way it is. Some players are smarter and better at building toons than others. Deal with it.



I just have to make my opinion known, I see alot of people here ranting about how PvP is gonna make Tanks worthless, Blasters gods and the only Scrapper worth anything is one with Ranged...Just wanna say i think this is a bunch of piled up dog doodoo....What i think WILL happen, is poeple will start realizing that there are other worthwhile builds in the game besides Fitness, Travel and Concealment...I forsee some NEVER used abilities becomming quite effective indeed, for instance, Air Superiority, the Toughness line ( Does ANYONE have this skill set??? ), and those nifty Group Travel powers! Anyways, I just wanted to point out that there are quite a few more options than PvP ending up something where only the Blasters can participate and everyone else better have Phase Shift...



Flying issues can be resolved with two changes.

1. Range effects accuracy and damage

2. Flight hurts accuracy greatly.. Hover hurts it alot.

These changes would help curb the mile high blaster problem



I just have to make my opinion known, I see alot of people here ranting about how PvP is gonna make Tanks worthless, Blasters gods and the only Scrapper worth anything is one with Ranged...Just wanna say i think this is a bunch of piled up dog doodoo....What i think WILL happen, is poeple will start realizing that there are other worthwhile builds in the game besides Fitness, Travel and Concealment...I forsee some NEVER used abilities becomming quite effective indeed, for instance, Air Superiority, the Toughness line ( Does ANYONE have this skill set??? ), and those nifty Group Travel powers! Anyways, I just wanted to point out that there are quite a few more options than PvP ending up something where only the Blasters can participate and everyone else better have Phase Shift...

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Sadly, most often, PvP creates even more rabidly-followed templates. You haven't seen "flavor of the month" builds until you see what PvP can do.



Sadly, most often, PvP creates even more rabidly-followed templates. You haven't seen "flavor of the month" builds until you see what PvP can do.

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Single character FOTM is nothing.

You'll be seeing full 8 man FOTM squads being powerlevelled together before long.