Mysterious Energy Field Strands Heroes!




((Dunno if this is happening on other servers, but currently, for at least the past twenty minutes, heroes have been unable to go into door missions or even go into the Paragon Dance Party. Game just crashes. This is my take on it, while I try and pass the time .))

Mysterious Energy Field Strands Heroes!
by Michael Targen
Professor and Freelance Writer

At approximately 1:30 AM, Eastern Standard Time on September 28th, an anomaly was discovered by Paragon City scientists, and only moments later, by the city's heroes.

From Independence Port to Talos Island, and even in the vehemently popular Paragon Dance Party, heroes found themselves stranded. Though capable of running about throughout any district they chose, any attempts to go to other areas of the city were futile, through the trams or even the simple freeways. Heroes were simply turned away by a mysterious energy field, that many found difficult to explain.

Worse yet, little contact has been had with an entire city district, which most citizens would only remember as "Kings Row." Despite the city's most powerful teleportational devices and heroes, not one hero, civilian, or even object has been transported from Kings Row. No legitimate communication has gotten through. Rebecca Prinnings, powerful psychic and known citywide as The Greaser, has been able to reach a close friend, which she claims is only possible because of their close bond. Though no words were exchanged, Greaser has felt that the hero known only as The Ninja Hunter is in some intense state of apathy, rather like a detention field so far-reaching into even emotions as to render an otherwise steel-willed hero into a careless guy holding a katana. The Greaser requests she not be contacted by any wishing to reach a loved one, as she works for the city and her father, looking for answers.

I myself am a scientist specializing in gravitational physics and extradimensional dynamics, so it is difficult for me to put this in laymen's terms. The source of this disturbance is unknown, but some entity (or entities) are displacing some sort of temporal reverse displacement. In otherwords, they are mirroring reality in several locations, with the side effect that flying from Independence Port to Brickstown, one would be surprised to find that after exiting the tunnel, they remained mysteriously in Independence Port still. This mirroring is so remarkably powerful that civilians and heroes have been forced outside of buildings and homes by the sheer essence of the disturbance. If you come across someone lying asleep on the pavement, please wake them. They may have been removed from their dwelling in their sleep and do not realize where they are. Contact the nearest hospital or empath if the victim goes into shock.

Tony Kord, Defense Systems Entepreneur was one of the first to discover the origins behind this mysterious phenomenon, due to the fact that he was one of the first to encounter it, as well. "At first, me and all the boys in the lab thought another invasion was imminent. The Rikti invasion is of course unforgettable, but last week's invasion by the 'Rularuu' beings took out several of our labs. One portal, unfortunate for the Rularuu, opened inside one of our test environments, directly over a hydrokinetic electro-spool that we had been testing," he said with a smile, "They may have come prepared for this fine city's heroes, but those creatures didn't come prepared for being dropped into several million volts." Mr. Kord claims that the portal collapsing into the electro-spool caused a gravitational "twitch", he calls it. Since this event, this "twitch", now lovingly referred to by the lab technicians as "Tex", has been a sort of barometer for dimensional activity, including high energy readings in our own dimension, the results of which Kord has shamelessly pored over in these past crucial hours, ever since the first "energy bend" that forewarned this disaster by less than a minute. Portal Corp is scheduled to purchase Tex in less than two days, but since it remains, for now, in Kord's hands, it also remains a handy research device.

Several agencies of all origins are hard at work trying to solve this dilemma, which local fisherman Robert Perigee classifies as
"God sneezed and forgot to cover his nose."

National officials have recognized this as a public emergency, and have already begun sending emergency funds and establishing emergency organizations.

The intentions of this veritable cordoning, or "corraling" of the city's population remains a mystery.

If someone you love has disappeared, or was last known to reside in or have been to Kings Row, please contact the Relief-Before-Grief Hotline at 1-800-555-UH-OH.

((It's getting a good bit late. Inform me of any errors, or tell me what you thought, please Goodnight, all! And let me apologize for the length of some of my sentences. I rather believe they could fight to the death several of Douglas Adams' smaller sentences. ))



Survival bump.

No comments, guys? At least proofread me!

This is totally unencouraging for me working on character background stories.




Survival bump.

No comments, guys? At least proofread me!

This is totally unencouraging for me working on character background stories.


[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I liked the post. I'm not sure what was "shameless" about Tony Stark ... er ... Kord poring over his data. All in all, a good role-play post. Maybe you'd have got more response posting it in the "just for fun" forum. I found your post by accident on a mass search for something unrelated.

So, what is "survival bump"?



Actually, I liked the post. I'm not sure what was "shameless" about Tony Stark ... er ... Kord poring over his data. All in all, a good role-play post. Maybe you'd have got more response posting it in the "just for fun" forum. I found your post by accident on a mass search for something unrelated.

So, what is "survival bump"?

[/ QUOTE ]

Shameless because the device is, in all ways but legal, no longer his but rather Portal Corp's. Frowned upon, I suppose. Thanks for the comment, and you're probably right about thread placement.

Survival bump is a special kind of bump to prevent this thread from being deleted, now that the boards get cleaned of inactive threads every 14 days.