City of Haikus




Devouring Earth
Talmun throws a fireball
no more stupid trees

High up in the air
why won't the freaks come down?
Wavestate on the job

Invincible Doc
Taking down purple madmen
How does he not die?

Pebble in his armor
Many rubbles on the field
Which is the real one?

Frozen Nemesis
Icy Gaze keeps them at bay
pretty ice sculptures

Where did Creole go?
An Instant army appears
Heros hard at work

Eye-blinding yellow
another healer appears
Lemonade for all!

DE wants no debt
Doc Nova will cover her butt
Watch them own the field.

((feel free to join in))



Ok i know this isn't meaningful to everyone cause these are characters i either play or know about.. so make one up for your character and post it here!



Feel stupid for admitting this, but I can't remember how haikus are it 6 syllables, then 8 syllables, then 5? *crawls under rock*



Why the hell is this in the RP section? Oh, and timelord, I think its 5,7,5



Thanks, Kilytee...and as to why... *shrugs* It's not an "official" COH content board, so why not? RP isn't the *best* fit...but where is? Ah, well...



Why the hell is this in the RP section? Oh, and timelord, I think its 5,7,5

[/ QUOTE ]

We're personifying our characters. Think of it as meta-roleplaying.

Yes, 5, 7, 5. Usually the second line mentions a natural thing or event. This can be pretty hard to do in a City of Haiku.

-Tiny Pebble



Scrapper on the prowl
Mobsters are making a deal
I must ruin their plans