Paragon Prime (SG on freedom) Recruiting.




** on a post in the street **

Paragon Hero Citizen

Are you tired of soloing and protecting on your own? Ever wanted to find a band of special fellow that help poor unpowered citizen and defeat villans? Maybe Paragon Prime is for you.

What is Paragon Prime ?
Originally, it's the name of our (founders of the SG) original realm. That's right, we are not from this universe. Portal in this world is almost commun thing but where we are from, portals are prototype. Years ago, three heros cross the edge of one of thise prototype portals chasing evil beings. They were lock in the 'portal process' by a malfunction when in a glimps thye appear in Paragon City. At first, they thought they were back home, but not. They found themselves in the middle of a war. This was the Rikti war. They fought their way from streets to streets. After the war, they seek a means to return home but unfortunatly, no one know the coordonates to return them home. They decided to stay here, form a supergroup named after they homewold and since that, Paragon Prime help the City fight villans.

Paragon Prime is a heavy roleplaying SG on Freedom. It is very new and the real roleplay has not yet started. When the core member get to 10, the real thing will begin. Already, we have 5 members, a website and forum coming soon. Want to join ? Contact Moon Crescent online.



Tribal Steel zips past the sign and pulls himself into reverse to check it out. "hmmm its 'bout time!" as he read the sign. He flys off ready to fight the scum of the city.

(OOC) send me a tell when im on. Tribal Steel is my mains name. ill try to get ou tof my old SG if i enjoy the roleplaying



" May hope be with you Ghost Strike" said the elder council before Vorian Treides was transported to Paragon City.

In a blink of an eye Ghost Strike was ported from one dimension to another. The city looked the same but so much brighter. He pulled down his hood shielding his pure white eyes from the sun. As he began to feel for his surroundings he notice a sign of a group trying to recruit heroes.

" This may be a great place to start looking for heroes to help me."

Ghost Strike took down the contact name and pulled out his sword that was crimson red from the blood of his victims and the he was off to find some more.

ooc - hey contact me ingame I would love to join yall ranks



OOC: Im gonna for sure join your group with my tanker though, his name is Cyffer. give me a tell.

The man turned giant named Cyffer was tossed into the pole that the sing was posted to. After pounding the large troll warrior that threw him he dusted himslef off. "Hey what do we got 'ere?... sounds fun i'll have to look around for these fellas." With that he speed off his brown and green hair streaked through the air.

OOC: hes lvl 9 or so. So ill be around kings fow and atlas and all them places. Look for me.



LEADER CHANGE CONTACT Tesseract-Kid now !!



Hey Folks...
This is Tesseract-Kid... As the leader of our little (but growing) membership, I would like to organize a time and place to meet. This way, all interested parties can come and join the membership and perhaps we can do some patrols after the meeting.
To jumpstart this, I am going to say that a meeting will be held tomorrow, Wednesday 9/14, at 8pm Eastern, behind the giant coin at city hall in Kings Row. I'm choosing this spot as it is fairly easy for all parties to get to but not commonly used as a meeting spot. Hope to see you there,



I'll try my hardest to make it. Hope to see everyone there.
(havent seen one person on scince i joined)



need a low level scraper that loves RPing?



i'll try and make it if i cant then send a tell to Sir Sphinx



ok im going to join for shure so sand me a tell



My new scrapper will be there.
Kid, ill send u a tell.
At least, ill try.

BTW, the url is for paragon Prime