Comic Book Replacement Update 8/31




It’s time for a comic book re-issue update again!

By this time, all Issue #2 replacements should have been received--and now we’re ready to get those Issue #3 replacements out. If you are eligible for Issue #3, and have contacted Customer Support about not receiving a copy, you should have gotten a reply regarding your addition to the list. Those eligible for a replacement copy will be sent a confirmation email with information on when the comic book will be sent out.

Please keep in mind that the new deadline for notifying Customer Support about replacement copies for Issue #3 will be Friday, September 3rd. Any requests made after September 3rd will not be granted.

If you are eligible to receive the current month’s issue, have a valid address on your PlayNC account, and are still having problems receiving your comic book, please wait until after the 20th of each month before contacting Customer Support. This new period will allow enough time for all eligible customers to receive their issues.

To contact Customer Support, please go to and use the Ask a Question tab or email Thank you for your patience! Happy comic reading!