Positron Task Force Mission for Newbies




I dont even bother doing that TF.



I've probably done it about 8 times across 10 characters...
Once you have the basics down, it can be a 2.5 hour gig but I've had it run over 8 hours also...

if you want it to go well (easier/faster)
1) save it for a weekend when more people are online
2) only invite lvl 14-16 characters with travel powers
3) Have a healer and/or buffer to keep your team alive
4) read any FAQs you can find some of the TFs have stealth-related shortcuts
5) have everyone fight the same bad guy (as mentioned in previous posts)... Highest lvl first.

The XP can be pretty good if you have the time to spend.


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16 is the cap for starting (and getting xp -- as mentioned above, you can RSK). If you start at 16 and level to 17 in the middle, that's fine. You still get xp.

This TF is still one of my favorites. Sure, it's harder than some of the others, but your team has an excellent chance of success with smart tactics.

Level matters. Team balance matters. Speed helps. But tactics are the key here (and to any hard CoH fight).

Fight on your ground, not your enemies'. Pull them to you, don't rush to them.

Focus fire on the same target.

Communicate -- even briefly -- before each fight. A few seconds to make sure everyone is ready costs far less time than dying.



Ran it this weekend as a duo - took around 3 hours. Had a SG mate of our mains exemp to start it.
Both started at 16 and dinged after a couple of missions

No deaths, not even close. Much better than my previous 12 hour debt fest with several restarts etc on the last character that did it.

never going to do it with more than 4 from now on.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



My group did not get any SO Enhancement Reward for completeing even though my Enhancement tray was empty. All we received was a Badge, Positron's Ally. Very uncool. Very unhappy. Was a big fan of the game. My expectation of the SO enhancement and not receiving has currently spoiled the game. Boo hoo



My group did not get any SO Enhancement Reward for completeing even though my Enhancement tray was empty. All we received was a Badge, Positron's Ally. Very uncool. Very unhappy. Was a big fan of the game. My expectation of the SO enhancement and not receiving has currently spoiled the game. Boo hoo

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Wow...this is an old thread revived. Anyway, if you didn't get a reward then you must have been 16th level or higher. And if that's the case then you weren't getting any XPs either. The first few TFs are currently bugged right now. When they introduced the auto-exemplar feature recently that allows anyone to do TFs lower-level than them, some of them were sort of bugged so that people who were the highest level permitted for the TF got exemplared to their same level as if they were above the TF. That means no XPs and no reward.

They are fixing this in Issue five, but along with that fix comes a reduction to the allowable level. For example, Positron has always been 10-16th level without exemplaring, but now it will be 10-15th level. Anyone 16 or higher will be auto-exemplared down to 15. If you start it at 15 and level to 16 during the TF then you will be immediately auto-exempared back down to 15 and stop getting XPs and rewards.

There was a post from a dev (Positron maybe?) which indicated that they may fix it so that you can get the SO reward at the end even when exemplared. We'll see.




According to CuppaJo you should recieve an SO at the end of a TF and if you don't you should /petition to get it. The SO should be awarded even if you are Exempted or AutoExempted.

It is best to /petition immediately after the TF completion, but I supposed you can do it now. The Devs will need to datamine for a bit to determine if you didn't get the SO and then you should be awarded it sometime when you log in.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



To be honest, I don't know what the big deal is about people quitting TF's. Not to say I do it at the drop of a hat (in fact, I tend to avoid TFing altogether these days except with people I know), but the fact is TF missions scale the quantity of mobs to the number of players currently in the team, just like any mission. Now, note here that the mobs levels do not scale--they stay the same (or at least about the same). But quantity is most definitely adjusted. Two people can finish a TF if they're at the higher end of the level limit (or rather one of them is and knows how the SK command works).

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Sure, two people can finish a task force if they are the right archetypes. Do you think a defender and a controller could defeat the clockwork king even if they were the max level for that TF? This is why people get upset about others leaving halfway through a TF. Usually you make a team with everything you need to finish. If you add more you are just reducing everyones xp. So when the team is just big enough and has just the right balance required to finish and one leaves, the team might be screwed.

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Actually I did defeat the clockwork king with two controllers and a defender. Not one and one as you suggested but ... not bad either.



I'd like to make a few comments on GB's posting.

Though I've never done the TF's yet ...

do not blame yourself fully as a leader of a team if things go to pot.

First off, if you make a character, you need to know your limitations. If your Controller who was the Ill couldn't hold, then that was her fault for not slotting her powers correctly.

Secondly, I do agree talking is vital. The one character I love being a leader as is Taerun. He is my scrapper but I role-play him as a Jedi, which he is. Check my bio if you're ever on the Protector server.

Anywho, I act like a Jedi would in a sense that I communicate with the team. I realize what they can and cannot do. Such as last night in an 8 man group doing missions in Hollows. Ah the good old stop Trolls in cave stuff. We had a blaster level 8 that we SKed. Kept biting the dirt alot, I think from his AoE Fireball grabbing nasty aggro.

So first, I had him assist the Tank only. I also made sure to tell him to stick close to the healer that was designated to him. And guess what. Hour later and he didn't die again.

If for some reason you get those thick-headed people who don't want to listen there isn't much you can do about it. They either aren't used to their character or they are mainly a soloer. Let them know if they can't work together .. it's gonna be a looong TF or mission.



I was leader and ended TF at 15 level. The 3 other members of my group did all level to 16 but not me. I petitioned imediately and received no reply. This happened on the Triumph Server and we did TF Aug 18th, 9pm through 2am.

The 3 other members you were so kind to help me fulfill my desire to achieve completion of the Positron TF should receive the SO reward for the hours of effort with no exp. And mind you that they were level 16 upon completion and begun at level 15. I beleive that two of my comrades will be re-activating their WOW accounts and I lost some great team mates. I hope that this wrong gets corrected because I really have enjoyed this game a lot.



I did petition then and I have petitioned multiple times since. I have never heard a response. Others that I ask say that they received help from petitioning but I have not. I am unpleasantly surprised at the lack of service that I am receiving. I guess my money and the people that I associate with that game are not valued. I believe that a business should be more responsive to its customers and I am really annoyed at this point. Lucky for the COH folks that I really like comic book stuff from my childhood days so I will likely continue to play. But it is sad that some of my associates that are more into different types of themes will probably go to a more customer friendly game. Some say that this is for little kids. Oh well. My money is as green as anyone elses and my wife will be glad if I do lose interest in City of Heroes.
Lugg Nut, Tank - Inv/SS Lvl 16
Rippington J., Scrapper - Claws/SR Lvl 15
Angel Assistant, Defender - Empathy/Psionics Lvl 17
Wonder Alice, Controller - Gravity/Storm Lvl 12
Mrs. Torch, Blaster - Fire/Devices Lvl 9
Me, unsatisfied customer



Server: Triumph



I also advise that you avoid this TF because no one in my team received any type of reward other than a badge. We all had empty slot in enhancement tray and not one received anything even after multiple petitions.



I did petition then and I have petitioned multiple times since. I have never heard a response.

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I'd check your email settings. You should get an email automatically every time you submit a petition saying that it was received, probably within minutes. You should also get monthly Newsletter emails; I think the last one was about 2 weeks ago. If you aren't getting these, then the problem is email. You may have the wrong email address in your NCSoft account. And you may be automatically discarding the emails depending on your ISP or email filters.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



You are right. They sent replies to my petitions. They went into an email account that I don't use regularly. I guess I let my frustration get the better of me and did not think to check that particular email account. I feel a little better but I think it may be too late for one of my team members. I am told "Curia, blaster" went back to WOW. I hear that it is a great game but I like the super hero thing.



This is indeed an old thread revived. As said in the second post, the very first reply, this should be common sense.. but it's too often missing.

So many fights can be won in this game by just rushing in. This is the first wake-up that not of them are like that.

I do agree talking is vital.

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This is the key, as to most hard fights in CoH. People who don't want to spend a few seconds coordinating will spend hours redoing the TF.


If for some reason you get those thick-headed people who don't want to listen there isn't much you can do about it.

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I try to head this off right at the start, by asking everyone if they are comfortable with three "rules" for the TF:

1) Everyone is here to finish, and has 5+ hours for it. It may take less, and RL emergencies do come up, but if you know you have only 2 hours, speak up now.

2) We'll discuss each fight before starting. "Discussion" will usually take about five seconds: "ready?" "mm first, then lum?" It's the most useful five seconds we'll spend.

3) We'll focus kill left to right unless otherwise stated - kill the baddie on the left first, then the next one, etc.

I've had some players say #$#%@ this right at the start, and I'm happy to lose them then, rather than halfway through. Most players are happy to have the above stated clearly -- I know I am when I join another TF.



I want my SG team to try to do this TF in 4 hours. I'll describe our line-up. Do you think our chances are good?

All characters are 10-11 level. Nearly all have temporary flight/superjump jetpacks, so we can move faster than those at this level normally can. At least three of us have Assemble the Team (group recall) too.

The players aren't newbies; we've been playing this group together since first level. We generally wait until everyone's ready before starting a fight, but we have a habit of aggroing another nearby group of targets.

Blaster AR/Energy
Defender Sonic/Trick Arrow
Scrapper Dual Blade/Will?
Tanker Dual Blade/Will?
Tanker Dual Blade/Will?

One or more of these chars may join the team:
Defender Empathy/Trick Arrow
Tanker WarMace/?

I await your comments.



I want my SG team to try to do this TF in 4 hours. I'll describe our line-up. Do you think our chances are good?

All characters are 10-11 level. Nearly all have temporary flight/superjump jetpacks, so we can move faster than those at this level normally can. At least three of us have Assemble the Team (group recall) too.

The players aren't newbies; we've been playing this group together since first level. We generally wait until everyone's ready before starting a fight, but we have a habit of aggroing another nearby group of targets.

Blaster AR/Energy
Defender Sonic/Trick Arrow
Scrapper Dual Blade/Will?
Tanker Dual Blade/Will?
Tanker Dual Blade/Will?

One or more of these chars may join the team:
Defender Empathy/Trick Arrow
Tanker WarMace/?

I await your comments.

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If I recall, the TF spawns at the max level for the TF. That is, if the TF cap is level 15, expect to be fighting 15's. You would be fighting +4 or +5's, best of luck with that.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



I want my SG team to try to do this TF in 4 hours. I'll describe our line-up. Do you think our chances are good?

All characters are 10-11 level. Nearly all have temporary flight/superjump jetpacks, so we can move faster than those at this level normally can. At least three of us have Assemble the Team (group recall) too.

The players aren't newbies; we've been playing this group together since first level. We generally wait until everyone's ready before starting a fight, but we have a habit of aggroing another nearby group of targets.

Blaster AR/Energy
Defender Sonic/Trick Arrow
Scrapper Dual Blade/Will?
Tanker Dual Blade/Will?
Tanker Dual Blade/Will?

One or more of these chars may join the team:
Defender Empathy/Trick Arrow
Tanker WarMace/?

I await your comments.

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If I recall, the TF spawns at the max level for the TF. That is, if the TF cap is level 15, expect to be fighting 15's. You would be fighting +4 or +5's, best of luck with that.

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This is correct. You will be fighting level 15 and 16 foes. I think your chance of success against them with a level 10-11 team is slim to nil. This TF is best attempted with a level 13-15 team.



This task force is best done with three (four max) players, one of whom can "ghost" the non-defeat all missions. Ghosting involves having Invisibility or its equivalent (usually Super Speed + a Stealth IO or Concealment), plus recall friend to bring the rest of the team. Ghosting allows you to go straight to the Boss room, glowie, captive, etc. and bypass a lot of unnecessary fights. While you don't get xp for bypassed foes, this TF takes a long time if you try to fight everything, and besides, you stop getting xp after you hit level 16 anyway.

I suggest the team be comprised of:
1. tank or scrapper
2. defender
3. blaster or scrapper
4. (optional) any squishie

Having a tank is helpful to absorb the nasty vahzilok barf alpha strike. If you can get away with a scrapper, this works too, with the added bonus of greater DPS. Scrappers and blasters need to be all about damage delivery to get through the defeat all maps.

The best "ghost" is typically the defender, as the tanker, scrapper, and blaster have probably used all of their power choices on attacks and defenses at this level. A good Positron TF ghost build will have recall friend, stealth, and either hasten + superspeed or invisibility. The defender also needs to have all of his key defensive powers taken and slotted. This also means the defender will not have much in the way of offense.

Roughly 5-6 of the Positron missions are ghostable, saving huge amounts of time. Having a smaller team also helps in the sense that there are fewer bad guys even on defeat all missions.