Animation Series




My brother & I are making an animated series of our characters from City of Heroes. Anyone else good with sprites (2-D images) that would like to help us, or add a character, please do so. Anyone who wants to add their character, please know that we at the time are only two people.

Give me a PrintScrn image of your character & their powers. (Including Power Pools.) If you want to give them some personality for me then do so.

See ya later!






How come no one's pitching into this thread? Sounds like a good idea!

If I can make a 2d sprite I will try to make one of the sexiest cop I know but no promises.



that sounds like a great idea, I'd love to help but I can't. I'm pretty much computer illiterate. I know how to take screenies of my character, and even which file they're located in. but I have absolutly no talent when it comes to writing code or using any of the real power of my computer. in game name is Air Strike, protector server



U don't need to know about computers....I just take the screenshot, draw it, scan it, & sprite it! So it's easy. Also, once I get some more ppl I'll taker ure offer on sprite help.



I am at work, but I will add my picture in a day or two. Any particular format you prefer?

Jen 8)



Any small format that shows good quality...doesn't really matter. I just print it out, draw the character, including all the powers & power pools, then I scan it & pixelize it!



Wow helpful!



Well I'm overseas right now and don't have access to my computer with CoH on it. I'll be glad to send you a screenshot (If that's what you need), my archetype and a personality definition for him. If there's anything else you need just msg me in game or throw a pvt msg at me.

Staph - Virtue