Beginings of a hero: An Origin by Scimitar




(OOC Note: This is my first RP thingy. I would greatly appreicate any Hints/Tips/Comments on my work. Feel free to PM me and put "Origin" in the title, Thank you.)

Part I:
Andrei Suttoni went running down the street, his brown hair flying back behind him. He was persued by a group of hellions. He was unfortunate enough to be all alone in a emoty street when the hellions had came. Then he saw something and instantly his heart sank. He was in a dead-end he realised. The hellion at the head of the group walked forward with a gun in hand and then a man flew down from the sky, a hero! He scared away all the hellions then flew Andrei home. Ever since then, Andrei had wanted to be, a hero!



(PS: I know that post was short, but i really am new at this, I will have a part 2 up soon)



(PPS: OH <bleep> <&$%#^@> <BLEEP> <8383926>!!!! I CAN"T EDIT MY OTHER THING! CRAP!)