People Cyber in CofH?!




So I was on this weekend, just dancing, and this guy comes up to me (I'm a guy playing a scantily clad female char, like many other guys out there) and starts talkin dirty, won't go away. He told me he's an RP'er and his char is interested only in cyber. What's up with this, have any of you guys seen this before?



Yes, it's called idiocy. Frequently occurs in humans.



Well as a female playing female characters I have to say: Thank goodness for the ignore option - keeps the creeps at bay well enough. Their toons look pretty stupid just standing there for about 5 mins until they realize I'm not responding and they leave.

Can't wait for City of Villians to be released so I can pummel the 'rude dudes' on my list



What's up with this, have any of you guys seen this before?

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Well, I have to say that it's only a matter of time before this sort of thing happens. I mean there are even supergroups that are focus on that sort of thing... you know who you are.

Most of these creeps are just looking for a quick excuse to touch themselves, so throw a curve ball at them. Threaten then with the sting of your riding crop or demand that they must seek your permission before they can touch you.

The thought of a strong, dominating women is usually enough for them to back off REAL quick.

Ignoring them is one thing, having them fear you so that they will never hassle you again, is something else.



The thought of a strong, dominating women is usually enough for them to back off REAL quick.

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The hell you say!
This problem can easily be solved with five simple words: "I weigh four hundred pounds."



The hell you say!

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Well, that line has worked for me twice successfully, so far. The first time... I never saw a character run across Atlas Park so fast in all my life... and he didn't have the super speed power.

This problem can easily be solved with five simple words: "I weigh four hundred pounds."

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I suppose that could work well too. I just hope your not speaking from experience here.



Wouldn't know. No one's ever tried to cyber me.
Err, that is, those filthy perverts! A pox on them!



Wouldn't know. No one's ever tried to cyber me.

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That's surprising. I mean with you hanging around Big Lou all the time, and how he keeps boasting of his prowess with the laaadies, I though you would have scored as his wingman by now.



I've only seen Big Lou in person once.