Costume change binds




Now that we can have multiple costume options, can these be switched with the use of binds? Is there a bind command to automatically select costume option #1, 2, 3 or 4?




/cc 0; /cc 1; /cc 2; /cc 3



If there was, I wish I knew it...






You can also do cool stuff like say "this is a job for..." and then change costume and activate an ability like build up or flare to have an animation go off while changing costumes. You can also make a bind key that will toggle your costumes. I posted some suggestions on how to do this in a different thread.



Cool! Thanks! Thats exactly what I was looking for



what was that again? Do you have to be at a certain level to achieve this... I would love to have multiple costume changes for one of my characters...

thanks again



<ul type="square">[*] You get the option to complete missions for tailors at level 20, 30, and 40.[*] You can accept any task for any costume slot at any point after you complete the level requirement.[*] You must have a mission slot free in order to accept the task from the tailor.[*] Once the task is complete and you revisit the tailor, you get the new costume slot.[*] The slot is filled with your original costume minus any of the changes made since the original costume creation process.[/list]



I heard there are three places you can go to pay and change you costume is this true and where are they?



You earn an extra costume slot at lvls 20, 30 and 40. I remeber 2 locations of tailors. One is in NW corner of Steel canyon. The other is On lower to middle right side of Independence port map.

Doing a mission for the tailor ulocks the costume slot once you achieve the appropriate lvl. Then you cna modify it and change it in the menu. You can modify your current costume at the tailor too. I just think its cool having a cjange of armor myself.

Cant wait for lvl 30 to get my next one!


Lvl 25 Tech Blaster-Victory Server