Looking for writers!




I don't post much on these boards, though I do play and really enjoy City Of Heroes.

I'd say about 5 years ago, I - as well as a group of internet friends - formed a little club of our own (we also have an incarnation of that group's name on the Victory server) on the DC message boards. Well, eventually, it turned into a sort of round-robin storytelling, but we each had our own 'character', who's name just happened to be our user name. Eventually, we got our own message board system (we were more or less ousted from DC), and continued the story. Well, another message board system later, and we've still got that story going. The members of the group have changed over those years, but the story still continues.

But, at our first message board system, we continued the story in a specific forum, labeling it the 'roleplaying forum'. Well, over a few months, some new 'rp's' popped up. Each person had their own character, and progressed the story forward.

Then, I came up with something I wanted to do, but not on my own. The idea was similar to rp's, but each person would write their own story, in a serialized format, similar to a comic (because, well, the setting was going to be a superhero one), with a time table set by each writer. I've tried 3 or 4 times now to get the thing going, because it's something I want to, a universe I want to write in. But it's failed so far because I couldn't get enough people together.

I'm not looking to take attention away from this forum and the characters being portrayed here. I'm also not going to be using Paragon City (for obvious reasons). I've read stories here that I think are really good, so I know there's alot of talent here. And what I'd like to do is give people the opportunity write stories involving characters of their own creation, in a shared world.

If I get enough interested people together, I'm going to set up a message board system of my own for this project, and, possibly, a website where I could feature character bios, maps, city bios, etc.

If you're interested, private message me.

Thanks for your time in reading this.



How much of a commitment would be required? Are there any guidelines you could offer at the moment?



Anyone else interested?



It's easy, start a website based off of CoH as an EU. Notify the development team of what you are doing then run it like an old school e-wrestling fed. If you're not fimilar with them I could help you out. I've actually been planning on doing something similiar myself, but doing stuff this way gives you and you writers an unlimited amount of freedom towards writing and that's what any true writer wants.



So, let me get this straight - you give us a universe (if I can call it that), with other characters and we write our own character in it? I might be interested, but you never did say how much dedication would be required, size of text, style and all the other really formal parameters. I'd like more information on what this will invole (more than just the idea), because it seems very intriguing.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



So, let me get this straight - you give us a universe (if I can call it that), with other characters and we write our own character in it? I might be interested, but you never did say how much dedication would be required, size of text, style and all the other really formal parameters. I'd like more information on what this will invole (more than just the idea), because it seems very intriguing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, more than, say, a small handful of paragraphs on a regular basis (be it, daily, weekly, hourly, etc) of story. As for dedication, I'd say as long as you stay interested and inspired (and preferably to the end of any story you may be writing). I'd like to do it on a message board to begin with, and also on a site wehen I can get one. With the message board set up, I plan on having forums for just the stories, a forum for discussion of those stories, and hodge of other forums.

As for guidelines involving story content, I have few, but I don't see them as a big deal. Well, one I do, and that guideline is that I don't want to see any pro-racism views or other things of that nature. I'd like to limit encounters with aliens from other planets, as I'd like to keep that stuff to a minimum. One thing I don't like seeing alot of in comics is the countless encounters Earth has with alien races on regular basis, occasionally being 'invaded' in an attempt to conquer Earth. (I am by no means knocking the Cryptic guys for the Rikti thing; from what I've seen of backstory, there were no alien encounters before or since the Invasion.) 1) I'd like to keep the number of existing alien races as small as possible and 2) I have plans.

I have iconic type characters in place, such as the Superman/Captain America/Statesman type, the guy in the shadows, gods on Earth playing at the role of superhero, etc.

I've been working on this world on-and-off with a few friends long before I heard about City Of Heroes. So that's about 3 years. (I'm stating this so that when I give up further details when the project gets going, people don't think I'm intentionally using elements of CoH.)



I'm actually interested in this, but depending on the level of work you want to put into it depends on what you will get out of it. I have a great idea on how it could work and work well for you to have an ongoing story and I'd be happy to share ideas if you want. Send me a PM wiht contact information and we might be able to converese via AIM.



Well, what worries me mostly is the amount of work and the commitment required. Anything else, such as story limitations and characters I can work around. If the work isn't TOO much, and if you can accept long describtions of places, characters and events, then definately, I'm in. Still, some more concrete inormation would be nice.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'm curious about it, but I doubt I'm alone in wondering what roles our characters would play in the world if you've already assigned iconographic characters. Personally, I'd be a lot more interested if there were room for well-written storlylines/characters to BECOME the icons of the world rather than well-fleshed-out bit players.

Just my 2 influence.



Well, by 'iconic', I meant heroes that have been around for a few decades, in-story.

But I'd definitely allow well-written stories where a character joins those ranks.

But the Superman/Captain America role I'd like to keep filled with my character.

Would your characters affect the world around them? Hell yeah. But it'd be up to your fellow creators to what extent he/she affects it.

Let's say your character saves some stranger from being killed. Another writer could go and say that that was his/her character's love interest that was saved, and then have their character feel they owe a debt to your character. I'd like to see interactivity of that kind in this superhero world of mine. I mean, outside of mini-series, we hardly ever see interaction of that kind among heroes in the major comic companies. Just look at Marvel with their whole mutant thing. It's supposed to be the same world as Spidey, Cap, Thor, and the rest of them, but the X-books seem to exist their own little world, where mutants are hated, yet the mutant issue isn't touched upon in any Marvel book that doesn't have an 'X' in the title.



Ick... reviewing my last post, I think it's presents a different answer than what I intended...

Yes, you can have your character become an icon in the world.



OK, it appears I'll have to agree to a trial, if you'll accept that. You give me the specifics of what I'm supposed to be doing and I'll write you a short (read: several pages) of story and you'll tell me what you think and how much of that you'll expect from me and at what intervals. Is that acceptable?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.