Roleplayers on Infinity sound off!




Just started playing on Infinity and I'm looking for people to actually ROLE play with. I'm still low level, but maybe I can Sidekick of you have a higher-level character? If I have interest I'll post my character background... Thanks!



I have a few characters on infinity. Usually on in the early, early evenings and a goodly portion of the weekend days. I'll hang out by the Galaxy Girl when they aren't out and about and maybe I'll catch some role-play instead of xp-play. Crematorium is just one of my C's.



Solid- I'll look out for you. Anyone else? Seems like some servers might have more RP'rs then XP'rs.



Greetings, sorry, I don't tend to check here- I roleplay in game, not in the forum.

Anyway, my supergroup roleplays on Infinity. The group is called the Survivors.

I'm not sure what kind of levels you're looking for, so I suppose I'll list my assorted alts, as I'm also one of those people who has alt-itis.

Hamadryad, 13 earth/kinetics controller (leader of the Survivors)
The Satin Osprey, 6 scrapper
Dark Balance, 6 empathy/dark defender
Distant Star, 7 electric blaster
and last and at the moment least, Lady Magma, 3 fire tanker.

If you are looking for a roleplaying supergroup, I know there are several on our server. Mine is supposed to be a group of people deliberately recruited as having few ties to be trained into an elite Rikti fighting force. Other officers to look for if you're interested are Sillicoid and Limit.




Check for Halorin. I roleplay quite a bit, and am usually on during the evening. Halorin's a 16 Force Field / Energy Blast Defender who heads The Prelude to Justice.



I just hit level 8, so it sounds like I'd fit into the Survivors, if you're looking for a Blaster. What do I do to petition you to join?



Basically drop me a line (email or tell) in game, and we'll chat about how you might fit in the team. Both my officers are also allowed to invite people, so you can look for Limit (main alt is Arizian) and/or Silicoid (main is Continual Flame, but the character isn't responsible enough to be an officer!)

We're eagerly looking for new people, and unfortunately it's one of those viscious circles - without a good number of people, you don't meet the folks to recruit them... *sigh*



So email Hamadryad or Arizian in-game? Just making sure I have the character names right. I'm J'oule, like it says in the sig.

I'm travelling to Chicago for a few days but I'll try to drop online tonight to at least email you. Thanks!



Email Hamadryad. If you want to try to get in touch in game with someone online, you can contact any of: Hamadryad/Distant Star/Dark Balance (me), Limit/Arizian or Silicoid/Continual Flame.

And we have some characters in their high teens or higher, but we also have alts in lower ranges that we have no problem playing, or at least I don't.



Never got to play before I left, but I'm back now. I'll drop you guys an email tonight or tomorrow... Thanks, again!