A brief beginning




Hey folks...
I had started playing this guy but he wasn't quite what I wanted so I scrapped him. Still, his origin was all right. Let me know what you think...

For centuries I have been imprisoned in the dark. No sound but my own. No light but what I make. I have no hunger… no thirst. I only long to be free once more.
Then I hear it. Distant at first. Almost like how I remember thunder sounding from years past. Gradually the sound increases in pitch and intensity. These are not peels of lightning… these are explosions.
Suddenly, the ground around me is ripped apart. Curse the maker, my ‘prison’ remains intact. I do sense a curious sensation… almost as if my entire prison was moving.
Now I hear signs of life. Women and children screaming. A great war is taking place inches from my damned-able prison and yet I can do nothing. I beat the walls in futility.
‘I can save you!’ I yell as loud as I can. No-one hears me… my isolation is complete.
I listen to the war and I weep for the fallen. Though I know not their names I feel their pain. If only I could be free.
The sounds change… the war is over. Or is it? I still sense the evil presence, but it is distant. Waiting. For what, I wonder.
Now I am moved. I can sense light beyond my walls. I hear a boys voice. He speaks of heros who protect the city and the monsters who attack it. His mother consoles him. He is safe now… he has his lamp.
His lamp… my prison. I spend many nights listening to him and his mother. Their love is genuine. They talk of grand adventures and of the heros. Always about the heros.
‘Free me boy and I will be your hero,’ I plead. He still cannot hear me. I know my time will come.
I fantasize about the kind of wishes I will grant once the boys finally frees me. Will he want toys? Money for his mother? A house in the country? Perhaps he will wish for powers to be a hero himself one day?
The day of the boy’s birth arrives. He is 18 years old and a now a man is this modern age. His mother asks him to make a wish and blow out the candles… he laughes and tells her wishes don’t come true except from genii. Then they both laugh and begin joking and wrestling around… my prison falls to the floor and the boy bends to pick it up.
Suddenly there’s an explosion! Joy becomes desperation as the war is being fought again. The mother is gone and I weep for the boy and his loss.
Then, it happens. Through tears of anguish and though his body is broken the boy rubs my lamp. FREEDOM!! Freedom is finally mine.
I rush from the bottle and look around. The boys home is in ruin. THE BOY!! I look around and see his dirty hand still clutching my lamp to his chest.
‘Genii,’ he says. ‘Help those people!’
‘Little master, let me help you first,’ I ask as I gently remove him from the rubble of his home and lay him on a nearby mattress.
‘No genii. Help those people… out there!’ With that he gestures out towards the streets of his city. ‘This is my wish.’
My little master is no more. His fragile life was ended shortly after his first and last wish. Help them out there was his wish and so it is granted.
The hero’s fight off the invading aliens but still the people out there need my help. But without the power of the wish, my powers are limited. The years have not been without their toll either. My magics are weak, but they will grow in time.
Until then I will fight with the heros my little master so loved. I will fight and watch. Maybe someday I will be a hero too.



Hey, I like this.. Why did you say you scrapped him again? O_o



Eh... the initial idea was cool but I had sooo many ideas and so few slots on that one server. So I scrapped him in favor of another... but I thought the story kinda rocked.
Sad to say... it almost choked me up.