Hover and Stealth




OK, I'll ask this here because I asked over in the genral forum and my post has apparently been deleted!

If you turn on stealth and hover, you can't move. Seems odd to me. Assuming it's not a bug, what's the reason? Haven't seen any mention of it in the manual. It says movement speed is reduced, and when on the ground it is, but says nothing about being utterly immobile when hovering.



Stealth reduces your movement. Hover also reduces your movement speed.

Combined, they both reduce your movement speed to zero. When you get to about, say, 15th level and place a flight speed enhancement in Hover you should be able to move with both Hover and Stealth on.

Aethon - Scrapper, Rampart Strategos, Pinnacle
Krasnaya Zvezda - Warshade CCCP Official - Pinnacle
Gail Donovan - Defender, Justice
Volcanic Flame - Tanker, Team Volcano Captain, Freedom
Praesidium - Mastermind, Freedom



at 15 you will want to put a DO enchament on to really see any sort of movement.



lol this is funny i tried this and you seriously dont move!