We Want Your Fan Art and Fiction!




Heroic Scribes Wanted!

Time to dust off your trusty word processor and spin a heroic tale of fan fiction for possible posting or publication in a future community project (including web and comic book). What we want to see is a story that chronicles your hero’s or team’s (in-game or original characters) villain-busting adventures. Be as creative as you want, but keep it at least PG-rated. Doc or .txt format preferred. 1000-1500 words max, please! Special word limit consideration (within reason) will be given for exceptional work to be posted on the website. Please send all submissions to Heroic Fiction, with the subject heading Fan Fiction Submission. The by-line can be your real name or a character name (or both).

Heroes of Art!

We aren’t leaving you artists out of the fun either, so here’s the deal. Send us your best City of Heroes-inspired artwork. Any original medium is acceptable (pen & ink, digital, oils, etc.) as long as you keep it on a family-friendly level. Do not send us nudity or other objectionable images. Let us know if you want credit under your real name or a character name. Selected artwork will appear in a future City of Heroes community project (including site gallery or comic book). Images should be in JPG format. The full image should be between 100 x 100 and 2000 x 2000 pixels and be less than 380KB in size. We may also ask for a higher resolution (300dpi) image in .tiff format – so make sure you save a high resolution version of your submission! Please send submissions to Heroic Art with the subject heading Fan Art Submission.

If you have any questions regarding these submissions, please drop a note to CoH Submissions.

We are looking forward to seeing your stories and art!