Scrubbs - mini bio + art




Alice Yates was once a plastic surgeon (fixing the damage left by muggings and flying debris for citizens and superheros alike) living and working in Galaxy City.
She studied iaido (a martial art based on the concepts of bushido and practiced with a sword) in order to improve her concentration and self-control.
Recently, she realized her superhuman abilities and has ventured forth to use her mutation powered talents to protect the city...

Scrubbs at the hospital: link
Scrubbs in action: link

Artwork (by myself)
Scrubbs about to attack: link
Thoughtful Scrubbs: link
Headshots: link

Comments and crits on the art and character design welcome, I'd say.



I like your style of artwork, I'd like to be able to do something like that one day. I'm trying to develop my drawing skills as well (especially the cartoony/comic bookish style), but I have a looong way to go (I never thought of myself as someone who'd be good at art, so I never pursued it, but I realized that it's never too late to try).
Cool screenie of 'Scrubbs' in action too, that katana makes for quite a scalpel,lol. Can't say I'd want her operating on me, that's for sure. And I'll bet that's what the mooks say as well when they see her heading their way.