Rper's on justice?




unfortunatly i was unaware that virtue was the unoficial rp server when i started the game, and i started my char on justice. Im now level 9, and dont feel like starting over, i hear theres few rpers opn virtue anyways. i just wanted to know if there is any other rpers on justice, if so please tell me, and we can team up, or start an sg.



Having just arrived In Paragon City, Star_Justice takes a look around. Getting himself orientied, and after a mild recovery in the Hospital after the invasion he returns back to action. I hope they got my apartment finished, he wonders, as He once agains hears a cry for Help comming from a near by alley.
"Time to weigh in for Justice!" he crys as he races to the aid of.....

Hello there are a few of us, Look for Star_Justice, I'm always looking to do a 2 in 1 team-up, I'm a 6th level Science Tanker.

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



All of my characters are on Justice, and I love to role play. I am currently only 6th level, but part time grouping might be a good lession for me.



If you catch the WarWolf's scent on Justice he shall run with your pack. He only asks that you turn your head after defeating any 5th Col. He treats them..differently.

(On Virtue he's actually KnightWolf too..no space. But I've got more friends on Justice so made a clone. WW's only 6th also right now, If you're on he may track you down)



not many but its something, ill send you all tells ingame. thanks for the replys.



on another note, would you all be interested in joining a sg if i start one?



Look for any member of the Sg "The Guardians" we all rp. If you want a direct contact message one of the following :

Sky Ranger
Crime Buster
Silver Sabre

Those are my three primary characters.



I am with you on the 5th Col guys, those guys should be hunted down with a pack of Wolves. I will add you to my friends list if you don't mind?



One of the biggest things that attracted me to CoH is the possibilities for Role-Playing. I am also on Justice.

Armaiti, Exemplar of Devotion has sworn her life to Hunting those who would manipulate the arcane for subjugate and manipulate the masses.



What level is your Sorcerer, it would be good to have a few more team playing RPer's around.



Hi I also have a Lvl 6 character on Justice and i am very interested in rp, my character is Atomic Marvel, please message me ingame and we can team up. I would love to join a SG when I am lvl 10 too.



WarWolf ran with Atomic Marvel yesterday... a very classic combination of completely opposite personalities dedicated to a singular cause, good fun! I've placed everyone who gave their character names on my friends list and look forward to running with you sometime!



Indeed running with Warwolf was alot of fun, I look forward to the next time that The Atomic Marvel and Warwolf are out fighting crime together.



Please add me to your list of RPers on Justice. I've only been playing for a few days now and have been soloing mostly, but I hope to find some RPers to group with and eventually form a supergroup with. I'm a level 6 blaster.



Sorry I had to bail on you in the park the other day, RL can really get in the way. I am on a 5th column mission and could really use some help if you have time this week. I ask because I know you share my disdain for these goose stepping goons. We should start a Wolf Pack and hunt down this group to their highest levels.



I am sorry I didn't get back to you sooner in game time. I was in perez park with a bunch of fast hunters and we were in one mess after another. It was fun but very wild, I am game for a group as long as it mission is noble and its methods are organazed... training to fight as a group would be good.



If anyone is looking for an RPing charrie on Justice /Friend Miss Tigress I would love to play! I roll with the majority. if they are not playin in charrie then nither am I, But i love when they do RP so just give me a tell!



I am Rhodan the Destroyer. My only goal is to bring pain to those who would harm the innocent of Paragon City. if there are others who share my feelings I would be honored to hunt by their side. I am not always around as paragon city is not my only territory to protect. But when I am here in the dimesion of Justice I am always willing to lend my tank like ability to endure damage and dish it out to any hero who could benefit from it. I have trained myself to what I have heard others refer to as twelth level. And am quickly on my way to acquiring more training and more levels. Aparently levels are important here in Paragon City. Contact me.