The Lost Saiyan Prince




This is the Bio for my new Natural Blaster on Justice server. Mawne


The Lost Saiyan Prince: Mawne

The marriage of Trunks and Pan marked an end to the rivalry of the houses of Goku and Vegeta. Thier firstborn son, Mawne, became the undisputed prince of the saiyan race. The happiness of the newly joined family was short lived however, as Mawne vanished without a trace at the age of five. Niether the dragonballs nor the great Kais could locate the missing boy. Unnoticed by the family as they frantically searched for the missing prince, a great evil is slowly consuming the universe. It was this evil being, knowing how powerful the boy could become, that locked him away in an unknown dimension.

Growing up in Paragon city has not been easy for Mawne. His foster parents never understood his wild stories about his real family. Stories of amazing powers and unbelievable beings. They passed it off as a childs imagination and left him to it. Regardless, they loved him as thier own son, and he came to feel the same about them. AS the boy grew older, even he began to doubt his memories. By the time he reached his teens, those memories became the faintest glimmer, only appearing in an occasional dream.

Mawne was nearing manhood when the aliens invaded Paragon city. He was at school when the attacks began, and not permitted to leave until authorities deemed it safe. When he finally returned to his nieborhood, he found it completely leveled. His own home reduced to a pile of burnt rubble. Gangs had taken advantage of the confusion caused by the invasion, pillaging and burning entire sections of the city. Stumbling through the wreckage, he found his foster parents bodies in the rubble.

Ashes and soot billowed into the air as he fell to his knees. His tears collected the grime as they rolled down his face. The torrent of emotions threatened to consume him as his entire body trembled. Blood dripped from his fists as his fingernails cut into his palms. An eternity of pain passed in his mind as he struggled to control his emotions. He grit his teeth and growled. He had to maintain his sanity. He couldnt let go. He had to focus. Pain and anger combined as he slamned his fist into the ground with a scream of rage. The foundation of his house shattered, the damn burst. A wave of energy blasted outward from his body, blasting away all the ash, pushing it in an ever increasing dome around him until it reached the edges of his nieborhood. His mind was completely clear as the golden fire enveloped him. It pulsated through his viens, through his soul. As he rose to his feet, the very air about him crackled and sparked. The sleeper had awakened, the lost saiyan prince was reborn.



Please note the begining is purposely somewhat vague as I just wanted to hook my char in without butchering the DBZ universe

[/ QUOTE ]




you're right, that didnt make much sense, I had that there because originally I had two made up names for the parents...but then threw in Trunks and Pan as I wrote it. Still not sure if I should use made up names or not..



Throw out the entire idea of a Saiyan character. Make your own character, modeled off of the Saiyans. This way, you can be original and many would take to your story.



ok, fair enough. So something like this ? but I'll have to add more detail..because the descreption kinda counts on you thinking super saiyan.


Growing up in Paragon city has not been easy for Mawne. His foster parents never understood his wild stories about his real family. Stories of amazing powers and unbelievable beings. They passed it off as a childs imagination and left him to it. Regardless, they loved him as thier own son, and he came to feel the same about them. AS the boy grew older, even he began to doubt his memories. By the time he reached his teens, those memories became the faintest glimmer, only appearing in an occasional dream.

Mawne was nearing manhood when the aliens invaded Paragon city. He was at school when the attacks began, and not permitted to leave until authorities deemed it safe. When he finally returned to his nieborhood, he found it completely leveled. His own home reduced to a pile of burnt rubble. Gangs had taken advantage of the confusion caused by the invasion, pillaging and burning entire sections of the city. Stumbling through the wreckage, he found his foster parents bodies in the rubble.

Ashes and soot billowed into the air as he fell to his knees. His tears collected the grime as they rolled down his face. The torrent of emotions threatened to consume him as his entire body trembled. Blood dripped from his fists as his fingernails cut into his palms. An eternity of pain passed in his mind as he struggled to control his emotions. He grit his teeth and growled. He had to maintain his sanity. He couldnt let go. He had to focus. Pain and anger combined as he slamned his fist into the ground with a scream of rage. The foundation of his house shattered, the damn burst. A wave of energy blasted outward from his body, blasting away all the ash, pushing it in an ever increasing dome around him until it reached the edges of his nieborhood. His mind was completely clear as the golden fire enveloped him. It pulsated through his viens, through his soul. As he rose to his feet, the very air about him crackled and sparked. The sleeper had awakened.



Did the sleeper do a monkey dance?



Only if there is a full moon






Yes, much better and more appropriate =)