Should we change the unofficial RP server?




I've played on Virtue every day since launch (was not in headstart) and I have had fun RPing everytime.

Now, most of Sunday was spent hardcore XP grabbing in Boomtown with folks who were not "solid" RPers, but they respected the three RPers in our party and even got into giving battle orders and such all IC as well.... you just have to stick it out, and make your own fun.

One thing I have found, RP makes more RP. If you can find 1 or 2 folks who are almost always on when you are, RP with them visibly and often.... go to places like near Ms. Liberty to talk, hang out near stores and trainers talking IC, and other folks who want to RP will naturally join in, and keep it going.

I think Virtue has a great community, and a solid RP future.

(for referance, I am in "Digital Justice" a Robot based Supergroup of RPers)