Taking submissions for origins and stories




I am now taking submissions for Super Hero origins stories.

If you want to write up a back story for your hero and have it featured on my site, send me an email at webmaster@digitalfiend.com and include any small .jpg pics you want included in your write up. Keep the pictures small and compact please.

Here is the way to format the Origin Story:
Hero Name:
Real Name:
Origin Type:
Server you are on:

The real name and the story of course are up to your imagination. The other info of course you get from the in game character generation.
Watch for some origins coming soon!



thanks for the submission Emission!

It is now posted, nice story



still taking these if you want your character featured on my site send me pics and stories! Keep em sorta short though



thanks for all the submissions!

I added three more today, The Soviet, Cannonball and Ifrit.

Keep em coming!