Arrivals (open)




ooc - Hi! Just a few rules. No killing anyone yet, no "My guy can beat up your guy (or girl)" stuff. Other than that, feel free. Premise is either your arrival to Paragon City, or your observations on the sudden influx of new heroes. Oh yeah, I'll post my origin later...I'm still working on it.

Duncan Vryce, who calls himself Shadowen, steps through the gates of Paragon City, glancing around trying to absorb as much as he can about the place. People hustle about from here to there on their own business, mostly keeping their heads down and minding their own business. Out of the corner of his eye he glimpses a man surrounded by a shimmering aura of power leap over a wall, further down the street there was a lady who seemed to be hovering about a 3 feet off the ground reading the newspaper. Shaking his head he mutters, "City of Heroes indeed." With a last look around he sets off, hoping the registry office is down this way.

A few confusing twists and turns later Duncan decides to swallow his pride and ask directions. Spying a police officer across the street he nimbly hops to the top of a bus stop booth and then over the street, landing within feet of the officer. Without much apparent surprise, or interest even, the officer glances up, taking in the gray and black body suit and dark painted eyes. "Hmmm?" says the cop, he sounded bored.

"Err, yes. I'm new here and Where's the Hero registration office?" Flustered and confused at the complete lack of effect he was having on people around here, Duncan felt like a teen again on his first day at high school. The officer seemed to notice this and smiled to himself.

"You'll get used to it. lad. Tights and flashy powers used to make us look twice, but these days it's like seein another person." The officer said, "Anyway, you'll be wanting to hop on the Yellow line and head over to Atlas Plaza, once yer off there you shouldn't have any trouble finding Ms. Liberty, she's near that big blasted Atlas statue, she'll sort ya out right quick....oh, one thing. Since yer headin that way could ya drop this Blood sample off somewhere for me on yer way?"

A few annoying hours later Duncan is standing in a long line in front of Ms. Liberty. On his way to drop off the blood sample he had run into other officers who had seen fit to hornswaggle him into other various small chores. Sighing to himself again he leans to the side and glanced up the line, trying to see what the hold up was. An incredibly small man...well, something that looked like a man, was waving it's arms gesturing wildly while trying to explain that he had come from another dimension and how dare she imply...yadda yadda yadda. Shadowen looked at his watch thinking, "it's gonna be a long day."



ooc: clarification please. Some of us are already "here" having played in the preview. Do you want us to go "back in time" and write that?



Premise is either your arrival to Paragon City, or your observations on the sudden influx of new heroes.

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ooc - That second part answers your question. Perhaps you can watch the new people arrive and feel nostalgia at coming in yourself. Who's your story!



ooc: clarification please. Some of us are already "here" having played in the preview. Do you want us to go "back in time" and write that?

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ooc: ehm...nobody expects you to write this as it's happening. You don't have to go back in time to write about how it happened, or make up how it happened. anyways, no time to post in here now, maybe later.