Blue Wraith




Kinda wordy, but here's my kick at a bio:

Server: Justice
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Controller
Primary Power: Illusion
Secondary Power: Radiation
Power Pools: Hover
Coolest Power to date: Superior Invisibility

Character Bio: Blue Wraith

Following the Rikti Invasion against the City of Heroes, grieving Professor xSpeed sought relief from the pain. His son was supposed to be safe, hidden during the invasion along with other non-combatants, only to have their location exposed to the Rikti by the Clockworks. RJ xSpeed had been taken from him so young that Professor xSpeed decided to use his knowledge of a new substance, Dark Matter, to revive his slain son. RJ was to start college at the same university his father was tenured, only to be robbed of his breath by the hated Rikti, and no one was going to deny RJ his future!

By combining Dark Matter with conventional Heavy Water, Professor xSpeed bombarded RJ's life-less body with a horrific dose of radiation. The results were catastrophic, taking the life of Professor xSpeed and destroying his lab in the process. However, unknown to Professor xSpeed was that the experiment had, in fact, succeeded. The child that had once been stolen from him was again reborn, with terrible consequences.

Blue Wraith had been forged from the spirit of RJ, drawn back from the beyond as an apparition; likenesses of him as seen before death, but forever altered. Made blue from the Heavy Water, RJ was denied the powers to control the liquid like similar water wraiths. The Spirits of the Underworld, however, forced radiation powers upon RJ for being contaminated by Dark Matter. Further denied to RJ were the tangible dark powers from which all shadow wraiths are derived. Illusion would be the only primary powers granted to him.

Blue Wraith is now consigned to fighting the forces of evil. He seeks out any that would threaten the waters of the after-life, marshaled as a guardian to the spiritual gates focused around the City of Heroes. But he will never forget the treachery of the Clockworks or the Rikti and vows to revenge the death of his father and destroy them both!

(ps. I know, my origins should be Science, but I tried that in Beta and liked Technology better!)