Virtue Players: A Open RP Topic.




Contact turned from his spot beside Lobe to face Sly and Deth. Sly was begin to look a bit haggared and frazzled, and Deth, although apparently unconcious, had a strained look on her face. Although ill prepared to deal with angelic extra-dimensional angel-women and gilded cages, Sly's request was more up his alley.

"Alright Sly," he walked back towards the two, ignoring the booming voice for the moment. He had a feeling there wasn't much he could do about that situation anyway.

Contact removed his glasses and stuffed them into the pocket of his flack jacket. He looked briefly at Sly, his eyes the same pale blue as his uniform and then reached a hand out for Deth's forehead.

"A lot of 'traffic' has gone through here recently, so getting in should be easy," he muttered half to himself, "Lobe, if things go south I may need a ride, I hope you don't mind," he spoke up a bit so the big man could hear him.

Letting his mind go, Contact did his best to ignore his surroundings and focus completly on Deth. The collection of hero's minds and their associated mental mess was enough to give him a headache if he lingered on it for to long. Deth wasn't much better however, as a three-colored haze obscured her mind.

Working his way through the shifting layers quickly, he was able to make contact. His perceptions shifted wholey into Deth's mental landscape.

Blue, purple and red shifted all around him in what appeared to be a cavernous, echoing room. His footsteps rang out clearly as he crossed the space to where Deth and her prisoner were.

"My appologies for intruding without your permission," his voice rang out across the silence and he seemed to ignore the prisoner for the moment, although mentally he was already preparing to strike at him if needed. "Sly suggested that you might be getting lonley though, and could use a second party mucking around in here to keep you company," he grined easily, trying to bring a bit of stability and remind her of the connection to the outside world.

"How are you holding up?"



A cross frown came over the girl's face and her wings seemed to sulk some. With a slouching sunter she walked over to Sly and gave him a firm full fisted rap on the top of the head.

"It's me, it's Ivory. This is my guilded cage, it was built for me." she said crossly, looking almost childish.

Sly blinked in disbelief for a moment. The woman stared him in the eye like one my stare at a cat and then looked down at Contact, obviously trying to lend his own brand of help ot her. After a deep sigh, she stepped a bit back from Sly and placed a hand on her left hip, her right motioned in the air.

"Listen, this is what I look like ok? In a timeline I get to choose what I look like, in here I don't: you see me as I was birthed thousands of years ago. Now just follow me, I'll get us out of here." she said in an irritated tone.

Ivory had meant it, he never desired to show this part of him. Being a man left so little to be expected of you and it made things much easier. The expressions on the faces around him led him to believe they didn't quite understand the change in form.

"I'm a demon, I'm sorry, I really don't have much choice in the matter." she explained and let her wings open a tad as if showing them off as proof. "If that's all clear, can we get moving?"

Sly opened his mouth as though to say something but the woman who identified herself as Ivory inturrupted him.

"Ok, when you're a demon there are certain expectations people expect you to live up to, I understand that. I'm not going to tinker with your mind or play games with you though. I actually can't even take incorporeal form here." She shook her head a bit, holding her temple. "Listen, Deth is in a battle and, to be frank, even with Contact's help, she's likely to be losing. I have no idea how some other demon made its way into her head and I don't really know what to think of it but I went over this. Gideon's prison... I think... was meant to bring out a person's other half. MY prison was built to chain a person's soul and essence to the ground and avoiding it is a bit more difficult then concentrating on how you want to look." She growled to herself a bit, "It may be a prison but it's MY prison and I don't like uninvited guests."

Ivory walked over to Deth and gently placed an arm under hers. She placed her palm on one of her breasts and waited a moment.

"She'll be fine while we travel, she wont enjoy it but the bonds of my prison are in place on all of us and there is little lasting harm they can cause her. Contact will do doubt keep her much more confident then my words will." She then turned to Helsing with a questioning gaze. "Who is this Barkansis and why should we fear it so greatly? If it was absent in Gideon's prison it had only the moment we were in Paragon to invade her, the bonds of this place make it impossible for any being to invade that of another."

Helsing looked as though he was about to answer when Ivory once again inturupted.

"This is enough. Gideon she allowed to share her body. This demon, this fool of a demon to invade her and then feel the right to enter my prison without consent, it will be brought before us to explain itself."

Ivory spoke clearly in a toung older then the timelines themselves, the heroes 'felt' the words fall over them and they could feel their spiritual power. The meaning of Ivory's words were somehow clear to everyone.

"As the omen of terror and death I summon you to my audience for I am [ ] crown princess of the spectral realms."

Deth began to shake violently, a silent scream escaped her gaping mouth before she once again fell limp. A tall figure in black suit and tie with a single horn protruding from his forehead stood before the heroes, its head lowered rom the eyes of Ivory.

Ivory, disgusted, turned and began walking down the hallway, motioning for the others to follow.

"I hate walking." she said.



Sly finally thought he was beginning to understand... well... ok... he was STILL completely lost... but at least he knew no foul entity would be appearing to curse his ever-lasting soul and shun his sprit to eternal hell... OR try and sell him life insurance...

Besides... he needed that outburst. It made him feel better.

Contact also had lent a hand to help Deth, which Sly was more than grateful for... he only hoped there would be enough time to get wherever... the new Ivory... was taking them...

"Lobe, you'd better help Contact, think he's concentrating a bit too much helping Deth here to follow us."

As Lobe picked up the meditating CEO, Sly lifted Deth completely to his arms and followed the true form of Ivory...

...walking by the single horned demon Sly stepped on it's foot... probably on purpose.

"Oh! I'm sorry, my bad!" was what escaped his lips though... then he continued on.



So the angelic person in front of them was not only Ivory, but also a demon. "Yep," Nevur thought to himself, "you can NEVER trust people who look like angels." Sighing wearily he began walking after the others.



The revelation by Ivory has a predictable result on Lobe. He scrunches his face up in concentration and then looks at her in confusion and asks, "Does that mean you like boys?" He watches her fly to Deth and Sly, waiting for an answer. Then, upon the completion of Ivory's ultimatum to the stowaway in Deth's head, Lobe's attention is kidnapped by the emergence of the demon. Absently, he picks up Contact's limp form and drapes him carefully over his shoulder while staring at the single horned entity that just finished emerging from Deth. The connection between her sudden increase in pain and its appearance actually doesn't slip past Lobe's teflon perception and his eyes start to go bloodshot as the implications of it sink in. Contact's body starts to jostle as Lobe's shoulders and arms begin shaking, moving towards ever violent tremors........



Deth continued to watch Gideon, unaware he was attempting to discover her secrets more.

Unconscienciously, she heard the name Barkansis. The purpleness around Gideon wavered, ' Helsssing? Helsssing is here. I want him. I want to kill him. Helsssing! The purple started to vibrate and fury was building up.

Deth shook, trying to regain control, 'You cannot have him. It must wait. Gideon will destroy everything if we do not hold him. You can get at him later, but not yet. I need you here now, Barkansis. You are helping me. We will deal with Helsing and pay him back for hurting you. But that must wait.'

She felt Barkansis calm, 'I know you will keep your word, Deth'

At this time, Contact arrived, 'Pardon my intrusion Lady,' or something like that.

Deth looked up startled, but a weak smile, 'Welcome, Contact -san'

From the outside, 'As the omen of terror and death I summon you to my audience for I am [ ] crown princess of the spectral realms'

'No!,' screamed Deth. Her body began convulsing violently.

Barknasis smiled 'Helsssing, I am on my way'. Gideon started laughing...and could not stop....'It was so easy'

The purple entity, Barknasis, was ripped from the sphere. Inwardly, Deth screamed louder as if in pain worse than childbirth.

Looking weakly to Contact, 'I need the Nothing. I need Barknasis. You must bring him back. He must not be destroyed. He will try to kill Helsing. If the Nothing dies, I will not be able to hold Gideon. Already, the Infinity is weakening. We can hold it here for now but I need you to bring him back. Please, if you value existence, go.'


Barknasis was smiling wickedly as they all walked passed. 'Ivory you fool. I know you as well. I have a debt with you. But first Helsssing is mine.' The creature started to move towards Helsing. He raised his hand to strike.

From Deth's mouth came a voice, strangely it was Contact's 'Hold Barknasis, I cannot explain now but we need him back in here. Whatever happens, do NOT kill him. He must be returned to Deth's body or the very Universe is at stake.'



Contact sighed and slipped out of Deth's mind. This was very far out of his league he thought as he jerked back to conciousness on Lobe's giant shoulder.

"I'm back Lobe, thank you," he gave him a pat on the back and slipped back onto his feet turning to face this Barkansis, whatever the hell that was.

Contact stood infront of the demonic creature and looked it up and down. It looked commically typical, rather like the guy who lost out for the part in Devil's Advocate.

"Alright, Barka-whatever," he took a couple steps towards it, already annoyed. "You're going back in, one way or another. She apparently needs you, for whatever reason."

"So... shoo, before I start pushing."



So this "Barkish" demon was MEANT to be in Deth? THAT was what was constantly warring inside her? It and something else?

As Contact awoke and walked over to the demon, Sly look down at Deth's almost sleeping face. There was so much about her he didn't know...

But then, once Lobe had released Contact, Sly realized Lobe was not handling the pain Deth was in very well... and he was looking at the demon while the Demon looked ready to attack Helsing, while Helsing looked ready to fight to the death right back... and now Contact was demanding the demon to return to Deth...

Sly figured he could only handle one thing at a time, so he carried Deth over to Lobe.

"Easy big guy... she's hurting, yes, but I got her. You and me won't let anything happen to her, right? I need you to think about how we need to help her... if you beat up that bad demon over there you would only be hurting Deth's friend, not helping her. Deth needs that guy back inside her... unharmed... ok?"

Sly wished his teleporting skills could reach beyond this "prison," then perhaps he could appease the ready to rage giant with some OJ... but alas, he couldn't pull ANYTHING to him from here...

He hoped Lobe could control his fierce rage that was triggered when his friends were in trouble... heh, not like I could... I exploded myself back there... he did think... he looked at Ivory walking ahead to see if they were holding her up with this new problem... he wanted to get OUT if here... only if to just get that Gideon thing out of Deth's head...



Emerging from the hallway to a grand junction, the heroes were faced with four more hallways carefully spaced so their openings were all identicle. The mirrored columns and the reflections rom the precious metals and gems made it seem easy to get lost.

Ivory had quickened her pace, partly becuase she was uneasy with her familiar surroundings, partly because she didn't want to see a physical conflict between this Barkansis and Lobe. Her finger shot to the hallway closest to their left.

"At the very end of that hallway are nine thousand doors on a rotating gear, one accessable at a time. Only one does not lead back into the prison. I've marked the exit door and you'll know it when you see it. There should be a large golden cog to the left of where the doors slide into place, Lobe should be able to turn it and force the doors to rotate."

The physical incarnation of Barkansis lifted his head finally and spoke in a strange, fearful langauge. "Miss, what of me? I'd like to go with them too."

Ivory spun to stare at the figure and her eyes seemed to blaze. It was beginning to become apparent to the others that the prison was having an effect deeper then physical form on Ivory.

A wicked smile crossed her face and she sneered, "I'll make you a deal. If one of my friends here will speak for you and stand up for your defense, you will go with them to the door. If they refuse, you will come with me and stand before the Triads of our world. It is forbidden to inhabit an unwilling vessal in our timeline and I will leave your fate to their adherance of law."

Contact came to.

"You're going back in, one way or another. She apparently needs you, for whatever reason"

Ivory stood glaring at the group, Barkansis revealed his face: a dark tan of white, asian features sat below a mop of black hair from whitch the horn protruded. His expression was as though he had just stood defiant to a god, if the group knew Ivory's true story in full they would understand that he had.

"Go with them, then. My terms stand for when we no longer need you." The figure began to melt into a thick black smoke, a trail began to feed itself into Deth's eyes and mouth. "Pray you prevail and survive to tell the tail for your impending justice is far less harsh then what Gideon will do to you when you fail."



Lobe takes Deth's limp form into his arms and nods fiercely at Sly. "Lobe keep her safe." He then looks at the horned demon as it turns back into black smoke and re-enters his charge. "Lobe very unhappy about this though, yup I am." He looks down at the swirling, multi-hued smoke that envelops Deth and the first sign of intelligence settles on his face. It's not the advanced intelligence of his friends though, but that of the wolf; a very large and irate wolf that has been forced to protect the pack. "Mr. Gideon, Mr. Barkansis. If you harm Lady Deth anymore, Lobe - will - get - Even!" The absolute sincerity in Lobe's slow, thick voice coupled with the message's permanent intent, showed that there was even a limit to what Lobe was willing to put up with. He then looked back up to Ivory and stated in a manner of one sure in his own abilities, "Lobe can turn the crank, but someone else will have to count because I can only count to 10." Lobe grinned shyly, not able to maintain his previous level of intensity for long.



As Barkansis reentered Deth, it seemed that she sighed with relief.

Inside Deth was on one knee concentrating, willing the blue field to hold together. She was shaking with the force that it took to contain the sphere. Barkansis came in, he chuckled. 'Helsssing does not look good. He will be easy.' Looking down at Deth in a condescending tone, ' Ah, is poor Dethie having a tough time of it?'

'GET.....BACK.....INTO.....THE.....SPHERE.....NOW! '

'And if I don't?'

'No, Helsssing and I will send you back to Ivory'

'Ok, Ok, but you will keep your promise, about Helsssing? I can have him after this is done?'

'Yes, I won't stop you.'

The form melted into smoke and joined the sphere. Visibly, the sphere and Deth both strengthened. Outwardly, she sighed and the strain lessened a bit.

Gideon stood with his back still to Deth. He did not care that Barkingsenselessly had returned. He was a twerp and a traitor that would be dealt with.


He had completed the picking of the lock on the diary.
'4/28 Met an interesting character...strangely sure of himself....seems like an idiot....
4/29 Saved his butt from some Zombies....blah blah
4/30 Again had to rescue him....from the traitorous Thorns
5/1 Well, he managed not to need my help today. Another friend of his saved him. Watching my back...he seems shifty.
5/2 To my chagrin, he saved me today. Now I may have to get along with him....nah....
5/3 He was in trouble again...helped him out...slapped him for snide remarks.
5/3.02 Added another slap to his tally...owe him 3 now...
5/3.03 2 more...very sarcastic he is....needs a spanking...probably he would like it....
5/4 I don't like him...
5/5 I really don't like him...
5/6 Up to 6 slaps....I still don't like him...
5/7 Ok I like him, but not that much...10 slaps...
5/8 What is it about him...he will not understand what I am...
5/9 Damn him...Damn Sly Fox....for making me like him

Gideon chuckled. So...this Sly Fox is important to her. He searched her memories and found a description of him. He assumed the form. He tossed the diary aside and spoke to her, 'I think I have found your weakness, Deth Aszicen. I will be out of here soon'

She wearily looked up...she started shaking. The tremors became more violent. A strange sound was coming from her. Gideon looked at her, fury coming through his eyes.

She was laughing. She was rolling on the floor, laughing at Gideon. He who had destroyed worlds. He who was feared in other dimensions. She was laughing at him. He would not stand it. He moved to the sphere and punched at it, repeatedly. However, it was like granite. The colors more solid.

She was panting. Everytime she looked up, she got the giggles. She could not help it. How could she? He looked like a bobble headed version of Sly Fox in a chicken suit. Just like she first pictured him.

The dropped diary disappeared and she slipped it behind her, into her pants.

Outside, Sly Fox felt her shaking. He thought it was her pain and then inexplicably, she giggled. Once she guffawed. He thought, ' Has she gone in sane? We have to hurry '

If he had been looking, he would have seen the aura around her lessen in the red hues and deepen back to the purple and blue for a short time. But eventually, the colors evened out again.



Nevur waited for this 'magic door' to arrive. The giant gear ground it's way around, clicking each time a door went by. It seemed forever until they found the right one. For most of this trip, Nevur had been not much more than a bystander. Hoping he could help out a little more he stepped closer to the door with the others.

He heard the new Ivory say something about a slight tremor in reality when the door was opened, but didn't really understand what he meant. Sly Fox stepped up first to open the door, obviously worried about Deth's condition. As the door creaked open, however, Nevur was suddenly hit in the face by some invisible force.

He could feel the very air warping around him, but as he looked at the other heroes they appeared unaffected. "Imaginary people have no luck at all," he thought as he felt himself being sucked out of reality.

As he vanished, something Carly said repeated over and over in his mind. "...wish Lyle was here, wish Lyle was here..." There was a brief moment of darkness and he thought he felt someone pass him, going the opposite direction. Then in a flash he was sitting on a city street.

"I'm back in Paragon," he said, confused. "What happened?" Carly wasn't sure, but she said it was like the reality beyond the door didn't believe in him enough, so it kicked him out and replaced him with someone else.

"But who?" Nevur started to ask, but stopped. He remembered the last thoughts going through his and Carly's head at the last moment and laughed slightly. "Lyle's going to hate this," he smiled.

Back in Ivory's prison, the space where Nevur used to be suddenly exploded outward, dropping someone else onto the floor. He muttered a string of curses as he picked himself up. He wore a dirty green uniform with baggy brown pants. His belt was lined with pouches as were the two straps that looped each shoulder.

The rifle he held was the standard M-20 multi-purpose assault rifle. A weapon modified with Rikti technology for the military. His hair was long as was his beard, they were both the same muddy gray. He was clearly a much older man, his face was wrinkled and creased, seeming to have the same color and texture as old leather. Deep scars could be seen outlining the eyepatch that covered his right eye.

Standing, he slung the rifle over his shoulder, glaring at the group in front of him.
"Who the hell just did that."



OOC - Sorry bout switching guys so suddenly, but I wasn't able to do much with Nevur, so I thought I'd try one of my other guys. Don't worry, I won't switch again so suddenly, just wanted to get someone who could react better to the situation.

P.S. Lyle is a mean old man. Forgive any insults or profanity he might spew. I came up with his appearance first and this is just how I imagined him talking.



When the large man offered to take Deth, Sly reluctantly gave up carrying her to Lobe. He knew the giant would take care of her, and he had to speed this group up before Deth suffered permanent damage from whatever was going on inside her soul.

He only took Deth off Lobe's hand breifly to let him turn the large crank to reach the door they needed. As he waited and he let the others count for Lobe, Deth's physical display of what Sly interpreted as pain, but then turned to laughter, had him fearing for her sanity... When Lobe was finished and the door arrived, Sly parted with her once again... he needed this to end, FAST.

Rushing to the door ahead of the others, Sly quickly pushed it open. Suddenly there was a loud bang behind him like a champagne cork! He whirled around to find an old man in Nevur's place...?

Standing, [the old coot] slung the rifle over his shoulder, glaring at the group in front of him.
"Who the hell just did that."

"Ummm... think that might have been my fault... Nevur?" Sly said, rasing his hand...

"But, sorry to rush! Come on people! Lobe, stay close to me Deth is not leaving my sight!"

With that, Sly rushed through the door... regardless of what lay beyond...



The slick looking man fired off a hasty reply, calling him 'Nevur'. "Hmph," Lyle thought to himself, "shoulda known that tin man and his little girl were mixed up in this." The others seemed to be rushing towards the opened door. Lyle walked forward, glancing up at the angelic woman standing nearby.

She regarded him with a blank stare and Lyle got the feeling she was questioning whether or not he belonged here. Stopping at the doorway he turned, looking directly at the woman. Then he nonchalantly spit once on the shiny floor and walked through the doorway.



Ivory, for a moment, flinched as the old man came crashing in.

"No they are unaware. This will still work." she thought to herself. But her hands wanted to tremble.

"Through that door is a path into the spectral realms. This is our destination." she said with uncertainty in her voice. "We need only step through and Gideon may take his leave of us. Deth, only you need follow." she said and motioned with her hand to Deth, who had been barely able to walk this whole time.

When Deth slowly passed through the door, Ivory stepped in front of the others trying to follow, a look of intensity came over her and the entire room boomed behind her.

"Run, run as fast as you can the way we came."

Ivory stepped through the door and slammed it shut behind her. The game was now about to be played.

On the other side of the door, Deth had stepped into a stone labyrinth, circling around her were thousands of passages. The room was dank and cold, and the floors uneven.

"Where..." Deth trailed before Ivory stepped in behind her.

"Forgive me, this is going to hurt a great deal, it may help to place some clothing into your mouth." she said quickly.

Without further warning, Ivory evaporated into a cloud of thick white smoke which forced itself inside of Deth. The pain was excrutiating, the very walls of her soul felt as though they could burst. When the pain subsided, she was alone. She didnt hear the voices, she couldn't see the people inside of her. The place was silent around her and very dark.

She finally came to her feet, stepping in a circle to see the unimagineable maze before her. Before she could take a step though, the pain resumed ten fold. If one's soul was being torn at, it would surely pale in comparison. Memories other then her own fell like sand over her mind, the images became indistinguishable from her own memories.

The tall black and red figure of Gideon, his dogish head and ram horns, suddenlt appeared before Deth. It had a predatory glow in its eyes. Beside him stood Barkansis, no longer wearing his suit he was a much more impressive being now, in his right hand he held by the neck the struggling figure of Ivory, gasping for air. Gideon turned his attention and pounced on the two.

"Run, I will guide you, simply keep your eyes open." she heard.

Inside there stood Ivory encircled in Blue and Purple mists, there was a terrfying grin painted to her face. Deth took her chance while no attention was drawn to her and did just that, she ran. Streangth filled her body, her legs, carrying her at an amazing speed. She soared through the maze faster then water could fall. Left, right, forward, left. Ivory kept giving the directions until she came to a door with a simple lever next to it. Instinctively she pulled it and the door disappeared, another sliding mechanically into place.

"Go through, quickly"

Deth burst through the door which slammed behind her. The other heroes stared, confused, at her. No sooner had Ivory entered behind her and shut the door, just for her to burst through once again.

"It's not over, you... have to get..." Ivory looked much weaker in her mind. She fell over exhausted and the mists seemed to consumer her.

The heroes jumped as a loud, solid sound came from the door as though someone were trying to break it down.



The woman calling herself Ivory suddenly pushed in front of Lyle before he entered the door, insisting that the heroes remained here. Only this 'Deth' person was supposed to go through. This suited Lyle just fine. From the crazy look of the place he was pretty sure this was some sort of 'magical' problem.

"Let the hocus pocus stuff to the magicians," he muttered, lighting a cigar. He and the others stood, waiting for awhile until Deth burst back through the door, followed shortly by Ivory, looking a little worse for the wear.

A loud boom made him jump. The door shook as though a tremendous weight was pounding against the other side. Lyle didn't like this. There wasn't much room in this part of the palace and he wasn't much good at close quarters combat. Especially not with stinkin' magics.

Reaching into a pouch on the back of his belt he nodded to the slick looking man. "Hey, Fox was it?" The man nodded. "You're a 'porter right?" He recognized some of the signs. Again the man nodded, "Alas," he said smoothly, despite the pounding on the door, "I can't reach the outside from in here."

"Can you 'port stuff in here," Lyle asked, motioning to their surroundings.
"I believe so," Fox said.
"In that case," Lyle smiled around his cigar, "I got a special delivery for ya." He popped the pins on the two grenades he had retrieved from the pouch and tossed them to Fox.

Not missing a beat, the teleporter spuinted slightly and the grenades vanished in a flash. A few seconds later a much louder boom was heard from the other side of the door. Lyle laughed quietly to himself.

He was dealing with magic here and it was more than likely that the grenades had done nothing, but he had felt rather annoyed at being plopped into the middle of this without warning and the idea of those two grenades suddenly popping into existence right in front of whatever was behind the door just made him smile.



When Sly was forced to abort his entry into the door, he was a bit surprised. Then when Ivory shoved him and the old man back to let Deth... and ONLY DETH AND IVORY in Fox was furious! But before he could try and get Lobe to break the door down, Deth came tumbling right out again.

Sly headed towards her, but after the boom on the other side of the door the old man... who he supposed was not Nevur after all... asked him to teleport some grenades behind the door. At this point, Fox didn't care if they were only an annoyance to what he was SURE was Gideon back there... an annoyance was the least he wanted to do... but ANYTHING would suffice.

After the muffled explosion, he grinned at the old man briefly, then scooped up Deth in his arms and ran back the way they had come like the wind.

"Well!!! What are you all waiting for!!??" Sly shouted over his shoulder as he ran.

He looked down at Deth's face and flashed his pearly whites when he saw her eyes were open. "See..." he said, breathing hard as he sprinted, "I am... good... at... running... and sometimes... comes in... handy"



Deth was pushed through the door. The door was shut behind her. She looked around. She was empty. At that moment, Ivory came through the door and said something about running. Deth looked at her with hate in her eyes. At this moment, Sly picked her up and started running. She struggled from his arms. Limping back to glare deep into the eyes of Ivory.

'A Diety? Are you not Omnisicent? Perhaps in your travels you may have heard of the Triad of Lor'thn'tri'nt's or the Trinity of Existence. The Triad of Infinity, Nothing and the Essential Vessal. 10 years ago I took on the role of the Essential. This trinity is necessary to the existence of 333 dimensions. The Nothing accepted its role 5 years ago. The Infinity has always been. We represent different factions and many times we disagree on actions. However, our continued union is necessary and we must come together again or the realms we protect will perish. You will have killed more lives that Martigass the Consumer. I will not let that happen.

Deth looked around and her eyes landed on Lobe. She knew now what his role would be. Turning to Sly Fox, he walked up to him and opened the front of her suit. She pulls out a medallion. The medallion is composed of 3 triangular jewels. A sapphire, amethyst, and diamond. They all fit together perfectly as one. However, they seemed to separating slowly.

'Fox, watch this closely. When the jewels come together again, I will be one with three again. If you have any feelings for me, you will call the names of the trinity 3 times turning the medallion counter clockwise 3 complete revolutions each time. At that moment, the door will need to be opened. Will you do this for me, my bobblehead?'

She smiled slightly at his confusion as she patted his cheek. Not waiting for his nod, she turns walking over to Lobe, a motherly look in her eyes.

'My dear Lobe, when Sly Fox says go, I need you to run through that door as fast as you can and hit the bad man with all your might. The one in red and black. I need you to pretend he is a ball and you are trying to see how far you can throw it. Do not fight him. Only hit him with all you have and then get back through the door. Can you do that for me? It will help me out alot.'

She reached up and kisses him on the forehead.

' For luck.'

She turns to the others, 'Help them if you can. I am only going to be able to run in there and out. I cannot fight. I do not have my powers that I had before. At all costs, you must not let Gideon back through. If that means leaving me in there, then do it. If I can get the trinity together, then I may survive. Without it, I and others will cease to exist.'

She looks pointedly at Ivory.

'Why do the All powerful never think of the consequences?'

She turns to the door, the pounding has temporarily stopped. Pausing, she turns and walks up to Ivory. She slaps her hard.

'Male, Female, or Diety does not give you the right to touch my breast'

She runs to the door opens it wide enough for her to slip through and pulls it tightly shut before anything on the other side can get through.

The diamond on the medallion begins to blink as does the sapphire. In a moment, an outraged scream is heard and and the pounding resumes with a force that makes the previous attempt to be a polite knock. A dent shows in the door. The diamond and sapphire have come together and are blinking in unison. The amethyst is blinking faintly and seems to be moving away. The flashing on the jewels is faster but they do not come closer together. The dent grows bigger and encompasses more of the door. Soon the jewels are flashing in unison but still separated. The amethyst stops blinking for a moment and then all three come together, flashing 3 times and stopping, repeating.



Damn these hard directions! And what's with the bobble head? Sly thought as he stared after Deth... huh... 'if I have feelings for her...' what's that supposed to mean...? she's the one with feelings for me. I can smell it on her. She practically just undressed in front of me... not that I was LOOKING... I, on the other hand, am never tied down... yeah... that's right

But Sly forgot about playing mind games with himself when he finally noticed the three jewels come together and begin to blink...

"oh ****... ok... I got this... Uhhhh... ok, turn it three times completely around..." Sly did this and as he turned it counter clockwise the first time he shouted out "Infinity!"

When he began the second turn he shouted out "...!" because he at first forgot what the other one was, but it hit him in a burst of insight as he exclaimed "Nothing!"

Finally, on the last turn he was utterly stumped... so he turned it Slllloooooowwwlly as he thought Do I call out Deth Aszicen...? Or Essential...? Well it's not her EVERY time, right? Oh... this better be right "Essential!" He exclaimed finally...

He did this two more times, and after the 9th turn and the last shout of 'essential,' he shouted "GO Lobe! Show that Gideon what you do to people who hurt your friends! ONE PUNCH!"

Sly, however, was right behind Lobe... he wasn't going to just leave her inside, no matter what she said or how many slaps it got him afterwards.



(Hey, I was wondering, is it still possible for anyone to join in on this rp? From what I have seen, it looks like you're in one of those situations that it would be hard/impossible to join in )



(Hey, I was wondering, is it still possible for anyone to join in on this rp? From what I have seen, it looks like you're in one of those situations that it would be hard/impossible to join in )

[/ QUOTE ]
Go for it. I just completely switched characters in the middle of the story. Just come up with some way that your hero ends up there. He went through the portal with them, but had stayed hidden till now for some reason, his last mission trapped him in the dimension behind the door and he escapes when the heroes open it. Something like that.

Lyle sat lazily on the crank that turned the giant gear.
"You never think of the consequences," he said, as Deth walked by him on her way to the door.
"What?" she asked, turning to look at him.
"What you said to ol' white eyes over there," Lyle continued, "you should never stop to think of the consequences. If you stop to think you'll wind up a smear on someone else's boot."

Deth pointed out that the number of deaths this would cause was a pretty big consequence to over-look. Lyle leaned forward, taking another drag on his cigar.
"Then don't discuss it," he said, his eye narrowing at her, "FIX it."
Deth glared at the old man, her expression saying that, if she wanted, she could strip the flesh from his bones in seconds. Turning away sharply, she continued towards the door.

Lyle watched her go. He probably shouldn't have said anything, but she had annoyed him. From what he'd seen this Ivory had been doing her best to help and he felt that Deth had been overly harsh.

From what he could tell, Deth seemed to be another one of these newer "dark" heroes. Drawing their powers from some nefarious realm, with deep dark secrets, and other s#!t like that. Lyle had little patience for these heroes. To him, someone who was "mysterious" meant someone who could get him killed. He liked to know all about those he worked with so he'd know how they might react to certain situations.

Mysterious heroes could surprise him by doing something totally different from what they should because of some "spiritual" mumbo-jumbo. Deth was probably hating him right now, but that was okay. He'd rather have people dislike him than to try and coddle him because of his age. If people disliked him they'd have no qaulms about asking him to do something dangerous. And doing the stuff that others wouldn't was the story of Thomas Lyle's life.



"One Punch!" Sly Fox instructed Lobe.

Lobe looked back at Sly, "They should have listened to Lobe." The voice was sad but full of determination. Turning back to face the doorway, he began to run. The ground vibrated with each step and, as the door opened revealing the suprised Gideon, Lobe stopped, blocking entry.

To everyones chagrin he didn't punch the demon as instructed. Instead, he asked, "Can you punch me please?"

Gideon, suprised anew, and very, very angry, didn't stop to think about this strange request but took the opportunity that presented itself. "Foolish mortal!" he said disdainfully as he slugged Lobe in the gut with force enough to shatter granite. To his utter amazement Lobe did not budge. Not only didn't he budge but it was apparent to those in the room behind him that his muscles bulged, threatening to burst the 6XL T-shirt that was Lobe's uniform. Then, almost impossible not to see, was the flash of blue light that came from Lobe's head, just above his right ear.

With the flash of light came the cracking of the floor beneath Lobe's feet. Too late, Gideon realized the folly in ignoring Lobe's simple sounding but very sincere warning. The very air was bruised by the passing of Lobe's right arm and fist as it cocked back. Then, surreally, Lobe spoke, "Boxing Cross!" he shouted and let loose his fist. The sound of paper tearing reached those around him as his fist rent the air on its way to Gideon's chest.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This universal rule of physics was demonstrated upon the impact as Gideon, very rapidly, dissapeared from sight. The sickening sound of a body meeting something solid went to prove that the environment through the door was not featureless. A large snap, not of bone, also proved that the environment was now one feature less.

Lobe sat heavily on the floor before the door. His endurance greatly spent. "Phew! I thought I was going to have to push myself." He twisted around to look at the stunned faces staring back at him, "Uh Oh! Did Lobe do something wrong? I'm sorry if I did. Please don't be mad." Lobe looked to be on the verge of tears.



Lyle tasted something ashen and realized he had bitten through the end of his cigar. Spitting the damp pieces onto the floor, he turned to answer Lobe's question.

"Wrong? Kid, that was the first constructive act I've seen since I got here. 'Bout dam time someone hit something."



Deth was running back to the door, actually limping fast. She heard a thundercrack and saw something flying towards her. She ducked and heard 'aaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh' fly past her.

Good Lobe.

She made it to the door. Seeing Lobe sitting by the door, she closed it and it seemed to seal. She went to Lobe, looking him in the eye and stroking his cheek, ' Very good job, I am proud of you. '

She looked to Ivory walking up to her, 'I apologize for berating you. I was a bit harsh. I am guessing you can understand my concerns and may be the only one that can. I am sorry that I spoke harshly. However, I do not take back the slap.'

Turning to SLy Fox, 'So you can count,' she gave him a rare slight smile.

'As I was indisposed, I do not think I should attempt to lead us out of here. I fear that Ivory is right that Gideon may be a bit disgruntled now and not like his new quarters. Someone, please lead on. I have some thinking to do.'

She looked over at Helsing, she shook her head sadly.