Virtue Players: A Open RP Topic.





You really should be careful attacking other people's characters and assuming the results, unless they are negative towards yourself.



((ooc Not to mention I thoguht it was pretty clear that Jack sped away at super speed. I would appreciate if you went back and actually read those "guidelines" I posted, they're pretty common sense but you as a PERSON not a character don't seem to understand.))

It seemed pretty obvious to everyone that if Kyle didn't want to be with the heroes and their recent venture that he would have left long ago never to return, unmissed at that. What mission he claimed to be on when he was inturrupted must have been of little importance (or perhaps he was incapable of the task) as he found it more important to follow the heroes and complain about the results of that decision.

((ooc Nobody forced you to come, every change of environment set before you has been one allowing players to choose their direction.))

A massive rip in space and time opened and swallowed the universe, rewinding time by only a matter of seconds.

"An ape? Listen budy, I don't ***** around with the kind of people that insult me, I ***** them up." Kyle spat at Jack who was merely a dust gone with the wind by the time he could muster the words.

Lobe seemed to be steaming from the amount of cursing being done, despite his repeated requests that it stop.



OOC everyone makes mistakes Meff... I don't disagree but you're bein' a bit harsh

Now back to IC!



Lobe had sat oblivious to the goings on around him while he ate. After thanking Deth for the pizza he had dug into it with the same look he'd given Gideon before punching him. He did grin happily at the sound of the burps. He was on his last piece of Paragon's cheesiest when Helsing tore a strip off of the contrail left by Galactic Jack. A look of intense dissapointment marred Lobe's normally happy demeanor. As his focus lurched from his meal to the verbal offender outside he stood up.

The sound of treated wood, stained and expertly crafted, snapping, brought Lobe's attention back to the room he was in. Unfortunately, he had already thrust his head and shoulders through the ceiling before it could do any good. As dust and wood chips finished raining down on those near the 13 foot hero they heard a verry audible "Oops!" come from the space above the ceiling. "I'm sorry. Lobe sorry. I didn't mean too... I forgot. Mr. Helsing was saying bad things. I'm sorry. Lobe have no money but I will get a job and pay for it." The tirade, said in Lobe's most sincere and horified voice, floated down over the group as they stared at the part of Lobe that was still visible, acting for all the world like a pillar that had been placed in the shop to support the ceiling.



Sly turned from Deth's gaze for a second when he heard the crash and looked at Lobe. His heart went out to him when he expressed such regret at his unavoidable and involuntary reaction to distress.

"Don't worry big guy, I'll pick up the tab." He said to him.

He turned back to Deth. "Now, perhaps it's time to let our large friend have his desert, my lady."



ooc I'm really sorry, I really read that one post kinda fast. I'm gonna delete that post and try to start over. I guess I'll stick with Contact being the ally I don't agree with.

I'll try to tone it down a little bit..



"Sorry bout the swearing Lobe. To make it up, let me get a dessert fit for a guy of your build," Helsing said. He was still a litle flustered that someone like Jack thought he had no manners. I don't need more people that I don't like, especially people I have to work with, he thought.

He ran out of the shop and came back with three large boxes. "Three rather large chocolate cakes, on me," he annouced. Hope this gets them off my back for being an a*s, he thought. He openned the first box put the cake on the table. "Don't worry, I brought plates and plastic forks."



Deth turned and the slap almost automatic. However, she stopped it prior to connecting. 'No, slaps show affection. He will get what he deserves.'

Looking at the contrail that raced from them, Deth glared.
'First Gods/Demons, now Aliens. Can a girl not get any respect?'

She turned to Sly Fox, 'Thank you, I appreciate it. However, I do like to deal out my own punishments.'

She looked and saw that the pizza was done.
'It was too bad that Helsing did not look in the right box.' she said, as she picked up an all meat pizza that she had eaten and served to Sly Fox. She began to clean up the room and about this time came up the crash.

'Poor Lobe. Here eat this. Let me know when you are ready to go and I can help you get out.' She handed him the chocolate. She remembered Eidolon and broke off a little piece and tossed it to 'her'.

She looked to Sly Fox, 'What am I to do your job as well?,' picking up a napkin that was on the floor.

Thinking to herself, Let's see, a thief's punishment is to have his hand cut of. An adulterer is...well..that's bad. Since that cat is inbetween, I will just teach a proper gentleman's actions. One hundred punches at a time.



Lobe grasped the plate of cake that was offered him then crouched down in order to free his upper body. The resulting shower of debris thouroughly engulfed the piece of cake, and everything else within a few feet. He then turned to Helsing and sad, "Apology accepted, yup. And thanks for the cake. Lobe loves cake!" A huge grin creased his face as he tried to blow the dust and splinters off of his desert. A pigeon craned its head through the hole in the ceiling and cooed at him, at which point he gave up on the cake and placed it in the ceiling above him, "Here ya go little fella. I bet you never had cake before. Sorry for interrupting the young ones, yup I am."



The gathered Tsoo heard their trap go off. Two of them were sent to make sure no one had escaped the blast. They walked easily down the hallway, confident that the intruder was nothing but ashes at the bottom of the elevator shaft by now.

They neared the room which held the elevator doors, entering side by side. Suddenly, one was grabbed and pulled to the side. Turning towards the attacker, the other Tsoo did not see the arms that reached out behind him, grabbing him as well.

Two faint snapping sounds came from the corners where the Tsoo had been pulled, followed by the Tsoo themselves falling to the floor, their necks at odd angles. Ivory and Lyle stepped out from opposite sides of the door. Hoisting their rifles they began walking down the hallway.



Ivory had been meaning to be gentle with the situation, even a booby trapped elevator didn't mean they could go around killing every Tsoo they saw. The two Tsoo lay unconcious heaps on the ground, not about to wake for hours. As the two men drug them by their feet to a corner of the hallway, Ivory stopped suddenly as a large shiruken blazed past his eyes opening a rather large cut into the brim of his fedora. Quickly two more were expertly blocked with ubelievably fast manipulation of his weapon, the star colliding with the wooden stalk producing subtle thunking sounds and staying firmly stuck. Two more Tsoo had followed, one was beginning to slee back down the hallway, presumably to warn the others.

"Ok, they're both men. Shoot to incapacitate, we need answers and information, not corpses."

Another shiruken knocked Ivory's fedora from his head and pinned it to the wall behind him. Ivory took a moment to look at his ruined hat and then back to Lyle.

"Of course, mistakes are prone to happen." he said, sliding a slug into the weapon's loader with a satisfying thoomp.



Lyle hated that word. He was trained to kill the enemy because the enemy was trying to kill you, he was not trained to humanely shoot people in non-vital areas.

Dropping a slug into the chamber, Lyle took aim at the Tsoo's legs. The heavy round nearly tore off the foot of the villian and he fell to the ground, screaming in pain. Stepping a little closer, Lyle put two quick bursts of automatic fire into each arm.

There. The Tsoo was bleeding quite a bit and twitching a little uncontrollably, but he was still alive. It wasn't a professional job, but then Lyle wasn't a professional. He was a soldier.



When the runner dropped to Lyle's hailfire of lead, Ivory let a slug fly from his weapon in crystal clear 128bit, multiscanned, component video, color corrected, visually enhanced slow motion. The slug lifted the second Tsoo who had begun to run straight up from the ground and flung him violently twords the end of the hall. As the man tumbled heels over head a second shot slammed into his face with frightening accuracy and power. A distinct crack and his mid air momentum was changed, sending him spinning head over heals, he landed on the carpet as though he had simply fallen backwards: a large red welt was a pulsing headache located in the center of his face.

Ivory lifted his weapon over his shoulder and strolled, noticeably fedora-less, to the Tsoo squiriming on the ground, arching his back in pain. "I liked that hat, it was a really good hat. It took me 12 years to find that hat, it's italian; have you ever purchased anything italian that wasn't expensive? They're lazy buggers too, everythign they make is limited run or one of a kind." Ivory took a slow breath to keep from getting carried away. "Listen, direct us to where the rest of you kids are meeting or my 'friend' here is going to find a new and certainly uncomfortable way to fit this," Ivory held up one of his impressive long range rounds, several inches in leangth, "into there." he pointed at the Tsoo's crotch.

Lyle cocked his weapon, sending a spent shell steaming to the ground with a loud ringing clang. The Tsoo would have jumped from his skin, were it possible, and began to cry.



The Tsoo directed them towards a hallway, indicating the door on the left. A quick rifle butt to the head made sure the man wouldn't cause any trouble for the next hour or so.

Stepping cautiously through the door, Ivory and Lyle found themselves standing on a balcony over-looking a large room with several potted trees. Below them stood a gathering of Tsoo.

Lyle hadn't had much experience with the ninja-like group, but recognized their outfits from news programs and papers. One of the group, however, did not look like a Tsoo at all. Raising his rifle, Lyle used the scope to take a closer look at the group.

"Any idea who THAT one is?" Lyle asked quietly, nodding in the direction of the one who looked out of place.



Ivory clicked his watch a few turns while Lyle asked his question. Ivory slowly faded from view until he was little more than a mirage, heat rising from the ground. When still he was nearly invisible.

"Troll." Ivory said. "He's a troll, and that crate over in the corner is marked 'Rage'." Ivory pointed at the stack of crates neatly stacked in a corner of the room. From their vantage point nobody would see them, but they woudl have to get closer to hear what was going on. "Cover me."

Ivory, barely visible even to Lyle at such close quarters made a slow leap from the balcony, floating softly to the ground. The Tsoo continued as they had been.



Lyle knelt down, resting his rifle on the railing. Switching to the sniper setting Lyle watched the group carefully through the scope for any sign of activity.

He couldn't see where Ivory was so he would have to watch for any signs of alarm from the group. Keeping in mind Ivory's desire to incapacitate instead of kill he picked out vulnerable spots on each person. The Tsoo he could bring down with couple rounds through the legs or shoulders, but the troll looked a little more sturdy.

"Incapacitate or not," Lyle muttered, "I might have to put one through his head to stop him."



Haunt frowned, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the giant standing next to him; he could tell just by the man's reaction to the accident that his prodigous size and strength had caused him problems in the past. He was relieved when Sly and Deth quickly sought to console him, and he couldn't help but wonder if the two were a couple; they seemed close, but he wasn't quite sure. He never was very good at reading people.

Eidolon grinned as the peice of chocolate was thrown to it, and snapped it up into its translucent maw. The peice of candy traveled down its still extended 'throat' before reaching Haunt's body, where it swirled around him, caught in the current of the shadow surrounding him. He snatched it up and popped the partially dissolved treat into his mouth, then turned back to the group.

Haunt watched Deth start to clean up, and quickly got up from his chair to help, trying to remember his manners. He walked out to the center of the rubble that littered the floor after Lobe's accidental feat of strength, and crouched down into a lotus position; the shadows keeping him hovering several feet above the floor. He focused his and Eidolon's mind and the shadows began to swirl around him, creating a small tornado, and collecting the dust within it. Eidolon's serpentine head then tore open a hole to the netherworld, where the miniature tornado swept the debris. Haunt shrugged at the few odd looks he got as the portal closed itself.

'If anything in there's got a problem with the mess, they can take it up with me later' he said dismissively before returing to his seat.



Sly smiled, and nodded at Haunt.

He turned to Deth.

"See, Milady? Who needs a Fox to clean up when you have in industrial strength Eidolon Vacuum!

Besides," and Sly's eyes glinted mischievously, " Even if our two new arrivals didn't help, cleaning up is women's work, after all!"

He chuckled as he awaited Deth's response, winking sideways to Haunt.



Haunt grinned behind his mask, and nodded at the winking Sly.

"Indeed..I suppose that does make you a 'she' afterall, Eidolon!" he said after making sure Sly was standing closer to Deth than he was. Eidolon's visage seemed to seethe with anger before quickly mirroring Haunt's grin. 'She' seemed to silently chuckle at the Sly Fox, as she and Haunt also awaited Deth's response.



Deth 's response was a quick as that previous cat that left.


The sonic boom of it passed and before anyone could blink, Sly Fox was on the ground. Appearing on his face was a fair imprint of her hand. So distinct, that her fingerprints could be read through the redness, which matched his outfit.

She reached down and lifted him off the floor by the neck of his outfit.

She pulled down her shades and looked him squarely in the eyes, the smokiness gone. He could tell that it was pure Deth speaking to him now.

'Woman's work? I guess this will be the last of the trash I need to take out. '

She walked over to the big trash can and dumped him in it. As she walked back passed Haunt, she kicked the stool out from underneath him and smiled slyly as he fell on his rear to the ground.

'Woman's work? I will show them Women's work. They do not know whom they have pissed....., ' she continued to mumble as she walked out the door to the shop, slamming it so hard the bell on it broke the glass of the window.

'Sly Fox will pay for that...and more'



Haunt quietly chuckled as the smack resonated through the room, he was about to check if some kids were playing baseball outside, silently stunned at the volume of the crack.

"Aww, we were just kiddi-oof!" he said, the guilt evident in his voice as his seat was swiped from under him. Eidolon focused the shadows and they picked up beneath him, allowing him to hover just after his bottom took the full thud against the floor. Eidolon grinned devilishly.

"Okay, okay, I guess I deserved that," he half thought, half spoke as Eidolon's face wavered between a devilish grin and a scolding glare.

Haunt blinked a few times at the shattered door, not expecting this great a reaction by a long shot. "Wonder where she stormed off to.." he said to no one in particular, still blankly staring at the doorway.

"So..uhm..does that.. happen often...?" Haunt asked Sly as the man nursed his face, then offered him a hand to help him out of the trash can.



"More than you... ugh... know" Sly grumbled as Haunt helped him out. "Thanks."

He frowned and winced as he touched his wounded face... and pride. But then an unbelievable smile popped onto his face. Fishing his hat out of the trash, he threw it on, slightly skewed it, and ran to the door that had just been slammed.

"Come on, I have to catch up to her!" He paused at the door, and turned for a second. Realizing Lobe was probably the only one willing to immediately follow the fuming woman.

"What? OH, the SLAP! And the trash... oh haha haha ha... come on people! Where would the fun be if she fell quivering into my arms!?"

With that Sly rushed out into the night after the woman who never ceased to amaze him, an almost eager look on his hand-printed face.



"No problem," he replied as Sly climbed out of the can.

Haunt managed to flash a weak grin at Sly's new resolve, still a bit stunned by the sudden turn and re-turning of events in the past few minutes. "So, he's either crazy about her, or just plain crazy," he mused, then turned to follow him. He was just about to suggest the group get going, and was pleased that something was finally happening, in spite of the circumstances they were happening under.

Eidolon began to pulse more rapidly around him, lifting him several feet above the ground. She then tore open a rift into the netherworld, and they were consumed by shadow.

In a small explosion of negative energy, he appeared outside the shop, taking a final look back to see if anyone would follow.

He hoped Lobe would leave the building in tact if and when he exited.

" you have...any clue...where she's headed?" he asked in between ports as he finally caught up with Sly.



"Probably... to kill... something." Sly also said in between ports. "My guess would be thorns... but Vahz would do in a pinch."

Sly closed his eyes for a second, and tried to imagine where she would go.

Suddenly they opened. "Follow ME!" He disappeared in a flash.