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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    usually check this thread atleast once a day, don't post on it though, never got anything to say.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i can never think of anything of relevant
    but i am always reading
  2. I remeber when Composure was a lil level 1 on Victory, ... that char is older that all the EU servers, so its about time you got 50 eh!?
    grats to you
  3. I'll come, i cant get there until 7:30 so i'll miss the debrief...anyway i assume we will all fire up the Vanguard and then one shot the huge blob with our crey pistols
  4. Hooray... I got level 50 at last night, let the bells ring in the streets. Now i can make a Kheldian chap. how nice
  5. I'll be there with my blaster, its my 1st hami raid since he got brought over from the US

    ... are you going to try and hold him, or take him down from outside the goo bubble ?
  6. thats where you are! i thought you might have fallen behind the fridge, i tried to fish you out with a big stick, but to no avail, but you wernt there anyways...
  7. nope, its only on the test server right now, i hope its live soon, sounds cool
  8. hooray my forum account works..i can post....look at me post

    yay ...i'm posting

    but about nothing ...bahh #

    ..i remeber now...who's going to the Comic Expo this weekend. looks like it will be quite good, Maybe we'll meet