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    Got a question bout the Axe though...since it works against undead does that mean it works against the ghost of scrapyard? It should since he is a ghost.

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    From what I've heard, he is considered True Undead.
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    I got my 51 month Vet Reward today (no clue why it moved up 15 days, but it did). I can personally confirm that you also get a free costume token with it.

    Also, the reward is slightly bugged. Unlike other Vet Reward costume pieces, these do not unlock at character creation.

    Edit: And there are actually 5 helms, not 4: Wolf Spider, Wolf Spider Red, Mystic Helm, Crab Spider, and Fortunata (which only females can wear).

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    Thank you for that, that answers one of my questions
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    Personally, I see all Vet Rewards as small bonuses for having played this long. Therefore, I look forward to some, and not so much to others. I have no complaints about them, the Devs never needed to give them to me, and they don't effect any of my characters so much that if they were suddenly gone I'd be lost.

    On that note, I'm also glad I didnt spend $200 on amazon.com on the preorder CoV, and tho I may never even use the helms, it's great to have the option. For the temp powers, oh well, another range attack for me. No complaints there either.

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    Don't confuse the preorder w/ the collector's edition - they are completely different things w/ different bonuses. The colelctor's edition had the arachnos cape, the special chest emblem, the badge, and I think yet a different arachnos helm. It's only the preorder helms that being given as vet rewards...

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    Oh, I've seen this. Crazy. Someone is selling the PREORDER discs for 200 and it only comes from one store too, no choice and no proof it hasn't had it's code used. It's awesome the dev's are doing this, it gives everyone a chance to get these nice things, those of us who already had one have our wish of getting the others granted, and new people, hopefully, are less likly to get scammed by people selling then stuff at insanely bloated prices. BRAVO. I only wish I was closer to the helmets than 3 years, I really wanted the Mu helmet but didn't know better.
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    Hopefully, the helmets will be male and female.

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    No.. Only the Widow helm is available for females.

    Also, I'm a little disappointed the vet rewards are starting to be recycled. I'm surprised they didn't let you choose one of 2 other temp powers given out - like the holy shotgun or the bow & arrow from Croatoa...

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    Actually, my female corrupter can use the Red wolf spider helmet. It's my understanding that, do to the lack of female helmets, they made all the male helmets available to females.

    With that being said, two questions:

    1. Will both Wolf spider helmets be open with the VR. There is a red one and black, and since they can't be colored it'd be great to have both of those options.

    2. Could one of them be moved to the 45 month VR, honestly...there's nothing special there. Why is it randomly empty?
  5. same issue here with my entire household.
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    I'm guessing the numbers behind the Psi/Mind powers will be tweaked downward to balance this set.

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    Fixed that for you.

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    Um, doesn't Psychic Blast already have Psychic Scream as part of the set? Why would it need it in Mental Manipulation as well?
  7. These are awesome, I can't wait to try them. That being said I can't help but be a tiny bit dissappointed that Scrappers aren't getting a slightly changed version of Ninjitsu, that would have been nice with Katana or MA, however the fire matching powers was a great choice. Also, should the defender's "Cold Domination" have a name change too, like the Dominator's new secondary? Sounds a bit too...EVIL!...to me :P

    I see great things coming from all this, WOOT!
  8. I'm really happy to hear this, not only will there be lots of new content, but every little thing might be fixed or spruced up. I can't wait to see all that this change brings.