69 -
What are your in-game Globals?:
What are your PvP characters?:
emp/dark def. (pvp ready)
dark/pain corr. (need to respec)
ill/emp controller (need to respec)
spines/regen scrapper (need to respec)
psi/nrg blaster (need to respec)
Which of these characters are on Freedom?:
all of them
Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?:
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:
Do you have a mic and ventrillo?:
yes and yes
What is your general day/time availability?:
Sunday - Thursday after 6:30pm central
Friday and Saturday availability varies
Briefly describe your PvP experience:
I like pvp... sometimes it likes me, sometimes it doesn't.
List a few character names of PvP toons you play:
Tempting Fate
Alluring Fate
Daffodil Dreams
Imma Sad Panda -
glad that you had a fun bachelor party -- I saw the new pics on faces, soo now I know where they came from. >.< lol
PS -- why am I not catering your wedding? my company does destination weddings. =( sadd.
hehe juust picking (kinda =P)... congrats again to you and your wife-to-be. <3 -
Quote:get the raza mouse. that thing is amazing.Ever since I discovered how stupid easy it is is to play on a desktop and how stupidly retarded it is to play on a laptop, i've binded stuff to a nice gaming mouse.
Basically, I have two side buttons and the middle button.
Side button 1 - Heal 1 (Cauterize / Heal Other) / Wormhole / Sleet
Side button 2 - Forge / AP
Mid Button - Thaw / CM / EM
Everything else you can click on without much issue. I do keep all my patches binded (Sleet, Freezing Rain, Oil Slick Arrow, Ice Slick (yeah downie regins git raek stfu)) because it is awfully annoying to go all the way to the corner of the screen only to have to go to the middle again when you can save yourself the mouse trip and bind that shiz. -
It's amazing how I post one thing and Bad Barrier & Co. jump all over it...
If you're that intrigued with me, then why don't you just start a new thread about it -- I'd rather that then y'all being jackass's all over someone's roster thread.
Anyways, sorry to RAEP about welcoming and wishing y'all luck in the ladder... if I had known that it was going to start dragging in the crap it did, I wouldn't have.
PS -- hii tyriel, I'm glad that you found a team. =) -
nice.. welcome to the ladder -- gl / hf =)
5 - 2 EP Wins
1 - 0 EP Wins
1 - 0 EP Wins
gg's =) -
D8 Team:
1 @the Bobster
3. @Shocking Blow
3. @Evo2, Evolution X
4. @Burst Effects
5. @Grey Walker
6. @MaSs DEsTrUcTi0n -- conflicting time schedule, lives somewhere in Europe.
7. @Lila -- conflicting time schedule, lives in France
8. @Xoeei2 -- heard from one time
9. @jlite -- heard from one time
D6 Team:
1. @AresSupreme @AresSupreme2 --Captain
2. @Fairy Heal
3. @Divine, @Divvy, @Divine' -- Captain
4. @ScooterTwo @Scooter Two
5. @Monster Lobster
6. @Maximilliean
7. @tempty
8. @MadMhog'
9. @Necrocinder, @Mortilance
10. @Negative-Ritual
11. @Pwn University, @Pwn University.
Not with the team anymore:
@Project X01 and Project X02 -- new job, conflicting time schedule, quit
@Soul Touch -- Banned
@Jeminiks -- quit the game
@Mariama @Tenno -- no contact with them as of now
@TwigDeath -- no contact with them as of now
@Luna Vera -- no contact with them as of now
@White Star -- no contact with them as of now
@Suprememan -- no contact with them as of now
@Extreme Coldness -- no contact with them as of now
@ms Psycho Witch -- no contact with them as of now
@Mr. Sinatra -- no contact with them as of now
@Frozen Slurs -- no contact with them as of now
@Eagle Clan-- quit the league
@Xionian @Gnoe Wae -- quit the league
@Sorah -- quit the league
@Madame Pistacio @Schatzie -- quit the league
@Pwn University, @Pwn University. -- finally reactivated his account
@Extreme Coldness
@Mr. Sinatra -
PS -- if this happens:
if those are EST.... then I can never make 8:45.. I will always be 15-30 minutes late.
Saturdays are bad for me considering it is wedding season -- sometimes I can make it, sometimes I cannot.
this Saturday I cannot.
I won't be on until Sunday evening around 8pm CST at the earliest more than likely. -
it's all good scooter -- RL > Game =P
we are taking a break due to the double xp weekend.... there might be practice tonight but that's still in the air soo as of now idk.
but no worries, we will see you around next week, hf =) -
D8 Team:
1. @The Eagle Clan -- fearless leader
2. @the Bobster
3. @Shocking Blow
4. @Evo2, Evolution X
5. @Burst Effects
6. @Grey Walker
7. @MaSs DEsTrUcTi0n -- conflicting time schedule, lives somewhere in Europe.
8. @Lila -- conflicting time schedule, lives in France
9. @Xoeei2 -- heard from one time
10. @jlite -- heard from one time
D6 Team:
1. @Divine @Divvy @Divine' -- captain
2. @Fairy Heal
3. @Xionian @Gnoe Wae
4. @AresSupreme @AresSupreme2
5. @ScooterTwo @Scooter Two
6. @Monster Lobster
7. @Maximilliean
8. @tempty
9. @Mr. Sinatra
10. @Sorah
11. @Extreme Coldness
12. @MadMhog'
13. @Necrocinder, @Mortilance
14. @Negative-Ritual
Not with the team anymore:
@Project X01 and Project X02 -- new job, conflicting time schedule =(
@Soul Touch -- Banned
@Madame Pistacio @Schatzie -- quit the league
@Jeminiks -- quit the game
@Mariama @Tenno -- no contact with them as of now
@TwigDeath -- no contact with them as of now
@Luna Vera -- no contact with them as of now
@White Star -- no contact with them as of now
@Suprememan -- no contact with them as of now
@Pwn University @Pwn University.-- no contact with them as of now
@ms Psycho Witch -- no contact with them as of now
@Frozen Slurs -- no contact with them as of now
@Negative-Ritual -- finally able to contact them, had the incorrect global -
done =)
sry -- I know black was hard to read but it makes it easier to edit on my end >.< -
D8 Team:
1. @The Eagle Clan -- fearless leader
2. @the Bobster
3. @Shocking Blow
4. @Evo2, Evolution X
5. @Burst Effects
6. @Grey Walker
7. @MaSs DEsTrUcTi0n -- conflicting time schedule, lives somewhere in Europe.
8. @Lila -- conflicting time schedule, lives in France
9. @Xoeei2 -- heard from one time
10. @jlite -- heard from one time
D6 Team:
1. @Divine @Divvy @Divine' -- captain
2. @Fairy Heal
3. @Xionian @Gnoe Wae
4. @AresSupreme @AresSupreme2
5. @ScooterTwo @Scooter Two
6. @Monster Lobster
7. @Maximilliean
8. @tempty
9. @Mr. Sinatra
10. @Sorah
11. @Extreme Coldness
12. @MadMhog'
13. @Necrocinder, @Mortilance
Not with the team anymore:
@Project X01 and Project X02 -- new job, conflicting time schedule =(
@Soul Touch -- Banned
@Madame Pistacio @Schatzie -- quit the league
@Jeminiks -- quit the game
@Mariama @Tenno -- no contact with them as of now
@TwigDeath -- no contact with them as of now
@Luna Vera -- no contact with them as of now
@White Star -- no contact with them as of now
@Suprememan -- no contact with them as of now
@Negative Ritual -- no contact with them as of now
@Pwn University @Pwn University.-- no contact with them as of now
@ms Psycho Witch -- no contact with them as of now
@Frozen Slurs -- no contact with them as of now
Added (2nd round draft picks):
@Extreme Coldness
@Necrocinder, @Mortilance
Removed (haven’t had any contact with them):
@Mariama @Tenno
@Luna Vera
@White Star
@Negative Ritual
@Pwn University @Pwn University.
@ms Psycho Witch
@Frozen Slurs -
=/ hope that you are feeling better scooter... the draft was tonight at 9EST.
we have a match tomorrow at 9EST -- hopefully we will see you there. =) -
lol wow this thread has blown up...
FYI - the only reason why I update the roster is because I am asked to.. I clear everything with the team before I do.
No, I haven't read all of the rules, don't really care to considering I'm not a captain or a co-captain, I just post what I am asked to b/c they know that I have the list of globals/players on my computer so it is convenient. =)
Anyways -- I have added in everyone that was removed, I left notes next to the ones that we have never been able to contact. We send out global msges about every 2 days informing our team members of practices / matches. We are not leaving them out, I would love if everyone on our roster actually cared and wanted to show up and play... but they, themselves, are choosing not to.
D8 Team:
1. @The Eagle Clan -- fearless leader
2. @the Bobster
3. @Shocking Blow
4. @Evo2, Evolution X
5. @Burst Effects
6. @Grey Walker
7. @MaSs DEsTrUcTi0n -- conflicting time schedule, lives somewhere in Europe.
8. @Lila -- conflicting time schedule, lives in France
9. @Xoeei2 -- heard from one time
10. @jlite -- heard from one time
11. @ms Psycho Witch -- no contact with them as of now
12. @Frozen Slurs -- no contact with them as of now
D6 Team:
1. @Divine @Divvy @Divine' -- captain
2. @Fairy Heal
3. @Xionian @Gnoe Wae
4. @AresSupreme @AresSupreme2
5. @ScooterTwo @Scooter Two
6. @Monster Lobster
7. @Maximilliean
8. @tempty
9. @Mr. Sinatra
10. @Mariama @Tenno -- no contact with them as of now
11. @TwigDeath -- no contact with them as of now
12. @Luna Vera -- no contact with them as of now
13. @White Star -- no contact with them as of now
14. @Suprememan -- no contact with them as of now
15. @Negative Ritual -- no contact with them as of now
16. @Pwn University @Pwn University.-- no contact with them as of now
Not with the team anymore:
@Project X01 and Project X02 -- new job, conflicting time schedule =(
@Soul Touch -- Banned
@Madame Pistacio @Schatzie -- quit the league
@Jeminiks -- quit the game -
on sunday we used 3 of our d6 players to fill in for the d8 team...
we aren't too concerned about our D8 team -- basically at this point we are throwing in random toons of ours to field it so that we don't get DQ'd.